[CVPR 2021] 'Searching by Generating: Flexible and Efficient One-Shot NAS with Architecture Generator'

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[CVPR2021] Searching by Generating: Flexible and Efficient One-Shot NAS with Architecture Generator


This is the entire codebase for the paper Searching by Generating: Flexible and Efficient One-Shot NAS with Architecture Generator

In one-shot NAS, sub-networks need to be searched from the supernet to meet different hardware constraints. However, the search cost is high and N times of searches are needed for N different constraints. In this work, we propose a novel search strategy called architecture generator to search sub-networks by generating them, so that the search process can be much more efficient and flexible. With the trained architecture generator, given target hardware constraints as the input, N good architectures can be generated for N constraints by just one forward pass without researching and supernet retraining. Moreover, we propose a novel single-path supernet, called unified supernet, to further improve search efficiency and reduce GPU memory consumption of the architecture generator. With the architecture generator and the unified supernet, we pro- pose a flexible and efficient one-shot NAS framework, called Searching by Generating NAS (SGNAS). The search time of SGNAS for N different hardware constraints is only 5 GPU hours, which is 4N times faster than previous SOTA single-path methods. The top1-accuracy of SGNAS on ImageNet is 77.1%, which is comparable with the SOTAs.


Model Zoo

Model FLOPs (M) Param (M) Top-1 (%) Weights
SGNAS-A 373 6.0 77.1 Google drive
SGNAS-B 326 5.5 76.8 Google drive
SGNAS-C 281 4.7 76.2 Google drive


pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • [Optional] Transfer Imagenet dataset into LMDB format by utils/folder2lmdb.py
    • With LMDB format, you can speed up entire training process(30 mins per epoch with 4 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti)

Getting Started


Training Unified Supernet

  • For Imagenet training, set the config file ./config_file/imagenet_config.yml. For cifar100 training, set the config file ./config_file/config.yml.
  • Set the hyperparameter warmup_epochs in the config file to specific the epochs for training the unified supernet.
python3 search.py --cfg [CONFIG_FILE] --title [EXPERIMENT_TITLE]

Training Architecture Generator

  • For Imagenet training, set the config file ./config_file/imagenet_config.yml. For cifar100 training, set the config file ./config_file/config.yml.
  • Set the hyperparameter warmup_epochs in the config file to skip the supernet training, and set the hyperparameter search_epochs to specific the epochs for training the architecture generator.
python3 search.py --cfg [CONFIG_FILE] --title [EXPERIMENT_TITLE]

Train From Scratch


  • Set train_portion in ./config_file/config.yml to 1
python3 train_cifar.py --cfg [CONFIG_FILE] -- flops [TARGET_FLOPS] --title [EXPERIMENT_TITLE]


  • Set the target flops and correspond config file path in run_example.sh
bash ./run_example.sh



python3 validate.py [VAL_PATH] --checkpoint [CHECKPOINT_PATH] --config_path [CONFIG_FILE] --target_flops 365 --se True --activation hswish
python3 validate.py [VAL_PATH] --checkpoint [CHECKPOINT_PATH] --config_path [CONFIG_FILE] --target_flops 320 --se True --activation hswish
python3 validate.py [VAL_PATH] --checkpoint [CHECKPOINT_PATH] --config_path [CONFIG_FILE] --target_flops 275 --se True --activation hswish



author = {Sian-Yao Huang and Wei-Ta Chu},
title = {Searching by Generating: Flexible and Efficient One-Shot NAS with Architecture Generator},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
year = {2021}
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