Code for "Neural 3D Scene Reconstruction with the Manhattan-world Assumption" CVPR 2022 Oral



  • 05/10/2022 To make the comparison on ScanNet easier, we provide all quantitative and qualitative results of baselines here, including COLMAP, COLMAP*, ACMP, NeRF, UNISURF, NeuS, and VolSDF.
  • 05/10/2022 To make the following works easier to compare with our model, we provide our quantitative and qualitative results, as well as the trained models on ScanNet here.
  • 05/10/2022 We upload our processed ScanNet scene data to Onedrive.

Neural 3D Scene Reconstruction with the Manhattan-world Assumption

Project Page | Video | Paper


Neural 3D Scene Reconstruction with the Manhattan-world Assumption
Haoyu Guo*, Sida Peng*, Haotong Lin, Qianqian Wang, Guofeng Zhang, Hujun Bao, Xiaowei Zhou
CVPR 2022 (Oral Presentation)



conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate manhattan

Data preparation

Download ScanNet scene data evaluated in the paper from Onedrive / Google Drive / BaiduNetDisk (password:ap9k) and extract them into data/. Make sure that the path is consistent with config file.

Instruction to run on custom data is coming soon!



python --cfg_file configs/scannet/0050.yaml gpus 0, exp_name scannet_0050

Mesh extraction

python --type mesh_extract --output_mesh result.obj --cfg_file configs/scannet/0050.yaml gpus 0, exp_name scannet_0050


python --type evaluate --cfg_file configs/scannet/0050.yaml gpus 0, exp_name scannet_0050


If you find this code useful for your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.

  title={Neural 3D Scene Reconstruction with the Manhattan-world Assumption},
  author={Guo, Haoyu and Peng, Sida and Lin, Haotong and Wang, Qianqian and Zhang, Guofeng and Bao, Hujun and Zhou, Xiaowei},


  • Thanks to Lior Yariv for her excellent work VolSDF.
  • Thanks to Jianfei Guo for his implementation of VolSDF neurecon.
  • Thanks to Johannes Schönberger for his excellent work COLMAP.
  • Thanks to Shaohui Liu for his customized implementation of COLMAP as a submodule of NerfingMVS.
ZJU3DV is a research group of State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University. We focus on the research of 3D computer vision, SLAM and AR.
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