Jupyter notebooks showing best practices for using cx_Oracle, the Python DB API for Oracle Database


Python cx_Oracle Notebooks, 2022

The repository contains Jupyter notebooks showing best practices for using cx_Oracle, the Python DB API for Oracle Database.

I am releasing them one-by-one.

The final list of notebooks will be:

  • Connecting
  • Queries
  • DML
  • CSV
  • JSON and SODA
  • PL/SQL
  • Objects

You may also be interested in the tutorial Python and Oracle Database Tutorial: Scripting for the Future. This is also found in "LiveLabs" format here, which lets you easily run it in Oracle Cloud.


An existing Oracle Database is required.

The JSON demo assumes Oracle Database and Oracle Client are 21c.

Install Python 3

See https://www.python.org/downloads/

Install Jupyter

See https://jupyter.org/install:

pip install notebook

Install cx_Oracle

See https://cx-oracle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/installation.html:

pip install cx_Oracle

Install some libraries used by the examples:

pip install numpy matplotlib

To setup the cx_Oracle sample tables

On macOS set up libclntsh by finding the library directory

import cx_Oracle

With the appropriate path from above, create a sym link:

ln -s $HOME/Downloads/instantclient_19_8/libclntsh.dylib $HOME/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/

Create the cx_Oracle sample schema

Clone/download https://github.com/oracle/python-cx_Oracle/tree/master/samples

git clone https://github.com/oracle/python-cx_Oracle.git
rm -rf python-cx_Oracle/doc python-cx_Oracle/odpi python-cx_Oracle/src python-cx_Oracle/test python-cx_Oracle/*.* python-cx_Oracle/.git*

cd python-cx_Oracle/samples

Review python-cx_Oracle/samples/README.md

Edit python-cx_Oracle/samples/sample_env.py and set desired credentials and connection string

export CX_ORACLE_SAMPLES_EDITION_USER=pythoneditions
export CX_ORACLE_SAMPLES_CONNECT_STRING=localhost/orclpdb1
export CX_ORACLE_SAMPLES_DRCP_CONNECT_STRING=localhost/orclpdb1:pooled

Install the schema

python setup_samples.py

Start Jupyter:

cd ../..
jupyter notebook

Load each notebook *.ipynb file and step through it

Before running the notebooks cells, edit the connect string(s) near the top of each notebook.

The Connection notebook has an example that connects to Oracle Cloud. The wallet setup shown in the notebook is needed for this to be runnable. Also run export CLOUD_PASSWORD="whatever" before starting that notebook.

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