Brandyn WhiteAndrew Miller Source Issues Docs IRC: #hadoopy @ Requirements python development headers (python-dev), build tools (build-essential) Optional cython (>=.13) (without this it falls back to the pregenerated .c files) Features - oozie support - Automated job parallelization 'auto-oozie' available in the hadoopy_flow project (maintained out of branch) - typedbytes support (very fast) - Local execution of unmodified MapReduce job with launch_local - Read/write sequence files of TypedBytes directly to HDFS from python (readtb, writetb) - Works on OS X - Allows printing to stdout and stderr in Hadoop tasks without causing problems (uses the 'pipe hopping' technique, both are available in the task's stderr) - critical path is in Cython - works on clusters without any extra installation, Python, or any Python libraries (uses Pyinstaller that is included in this source tree) - Simple HDFS access (readtb and ls) inside Python, even inside running jobs - Unit test interface - Reporting using status and counters (and print statements! no need to be scared of them in Hadoopy) - Supports design patterns in the Lin/Dyer book ( Limitations - Hadoop Local currently unsupported due to a bug in Hadoop's handling of the distributed cache in this mode. Use psuedo-distributed instead for now. ( Used in - A Case for Query by Image and Text Content: Searching Computer Help using Screenshots and Keywords (to appear in WWW'11) - Web-Scale Computer Vision using MapReduce for Multimedia Data Mining (at KDD'10) - Vitrieve: Visual Search engine - Picarus: Hadoop computer vision toolbox Ubuntu Install (others are similar) sudo apt-get install python-dev build-essential sudo python install
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