A clipboard where a user can add and retrieve multiple items to and from (resp) from the clipboard cache.

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What is a multi-clipboard?

We’ve all been there: you try to copy and paste a link or address, only to realize you’ve already overwritten your clipboard with something else (note that this issue has been resolved using the updated clipboard in Windows 10 tho).

Now, a multi-clipboard is one in which you can add multiple items to the clipboard cache (i.e., you can copy multiple items to the clipboard without worring about the successive items overwriting the preceeding ones). Each item in the clipboard is associated with a key, using which you can access the item. Note, that by 'accessing the item' we mean that 'bringing the item to the top' in the clipboard cache - if item I is at the top, hitting CTRL+V will paste I on the editor/window.

Here is an implementation of multi-clipboard in Python 3, and it is only a single minimalistic script.


If you're on Linux/Mac, use python3 instead of python.

Adding to the clipboard cache

In this project's root directory, open the command line/terminal, enter:

$ python clipb.py save

Copy whatever you want from any window using CTRL+V (say, I copied this). The terminal prompts you to enter a key for the item that you just copied:

key : 'wikipedia link'

Visualizing the cache

$ python clipb.py list

Will result in

wikipedia link : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

If you have multiple items in it,

wikipedia link : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
toi headlines : https://toi.org/headlines


$ python clipb.py load
key : 'toi headlines' 

CTRL + V gives you : https://toi.org/headlines

Refreshing and Deleting


$ python clipb.py refresh 


$ python clib.py del 
key : 'movie link' 
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