Hydralit package is a wrapping and template project to combine multiple independant Streamlit applications into a multi-page application.


Hydralit hydra

The Hydralit package is a wrapping and template project to combine multiple independant (or somewhat dependant) Streamlit applications into a multi-page application.

Currently the project implements a host application HydraApp and each child application simply needs to be a class deriving from the HydraHeadApp class and implement a single, simple method, run().

When converting existing applications, you can effectively put all the existing code inside the run() method and create a wrapper class deriving from HydraHeadApp. Then you create the parent app as an instance of HydraApp, add your child apps to it (see examples app.py and secure_app.py) and with only a few lines of code everything will magically come together.

Hydralit >=1.0.3 now requires a minimum version of Streamlit >=0.86.x to fully support the recently migrated beta containers, if using Streamlit <=0.85.x please continue to use Hydralit <=1.0.2

Installing Hydralit

Hydralit can be installed from PyPI:

pip install hydralit

Latest features

  • Support for a non-secure app in a secure app (like a signup app)
  • Full integration with the Hydralit Navbar that now supports complex nav!
  • some bug fixes where app to app redirect was inconsistant
  • Banners
  • Compression behind download button
  • Hydralit Navbar

Complex and sticky nav with no Streamlit markers is as easy as a couple of parameters in the Hydralit constructor.

app = HydraApp(title='Secure Hydralit Data Explorer',favicon="🐙",hide_streamlit_markers=True,use_navbar=True, navbar_sticky=True)

Now powered by Hydralit Components.

Currently the complex collapsable menu format is not supported by Hydralit Navbar, however if you can live without it for now, you will be rewarded with an animated and responsive navbar.

Quick Example


You can try it out by running the two sample applications with their children that are located in the hydralit-example repository.

hydralit_example> pip install -r requirements.txt

hydralit_example> streamlit run secure.app

You can see this example running here


Converting existing applications

This code sample comes directly from the Streamlit example data explorer

import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

st.title('Uber pickups in NYC')

DATE_COLUMN = 'date/time'
DATA_URL = ('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/'

def load_data(nrows):
    data = pd.read_csv(DATA_URL, nrows=nrows)
    lowercase = lambda x: str(x).lower()
    data.rename(lowercase, axis='columns', inplace=True)
    data[DATE_COLUMN] = pd.to_datetime(data[DATE_COLUMN])
    return data

data_load_state = st.text('Loading data...')
data = load_data(10000)
data_load_state.text("Done! (using st.cache)")

if st.checkbox('Show raw data'):
    st.subheader('Raw data')

st.subheader('Number of pickups by hour')
hist_values = np.histogram(data[DATE_COLUMN].dt.hour, bins=24, range=(0,24))[0]

# Some number in the range 0-23
hour_to_filter = st.slider('hour', 0, 23, 17)
filtered_data = data[data[DATE_COLUMN].dt.hour == hour_to_filter]

st.subheader('Map of all pickups at %s:00' % hour_to_filter)

Let's also use a simple application to combine with the demo above.

import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from data.create_data import create_table

def app():
    st.title('Small Application with a table and chart.')

    st.write("See `apps/simple.py` to know how to use it.")

    st.markdown("### Plot")
    df = create_table()


You can easily convert these apps to be used within Hydralit by simply wrapping each in a class derived from HydraHeadApp within Hydralit and putting all the code in the run() method.

For the above Streamlit demo application, this means all that is needed is a slight modification, we create a file sample_app.py and add;

import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#add an import to Hydralit
from hydralit import HydraHeadApp

#create a wrapper class
class MySampleApp(HydraHeadApp):

#wrap all your code in this method and you should be done
    def run(self):
        #-------------------existing untouched code------------------------------------------
        st.title('Uber pickups in NYC')

        DATE_COLUMN = 'date/time'
        DATA_URL = ('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/'

        def load_data(nrows):
            data = pd.read_csv(DATA_URL, nrows=nrows)
            lowercase = lambda x: str(x).lower()
            data.rename(lowercase, axis='columns', inplace=True)
            data[DATE_COLUMN] = pd.to_datetime(data[DATE_COLUMN])
            return data

        data_load_state = st.text('Loading data...')
        data = load_data(10000)
        data_load_state.text("Done! (using st.cache)")

        if st.checkbox('Show raw data'):
            st.subheader('Raw data')

        st.subheader('Number of pickups by hour')
        hist_values = np.histogram(data[DATE_COLUMN].dt.hour, bins=24, range=(0,24))[0]

        # Some number in the range 0-23
        hour_to_filter = st.slider('hour', 0, 23, 17)
        filtered_data = data[data[DATE_COLUMN].dt.hour == hour_to_filter]

        st.subheader('Map of all pickups at %s:00' % hour_to_filter)
        #-------------------existing untouched code------------------------------------------

For the other small application, again we can convert this very easily by wrapping in a class derived from HydraHeadApp from Hydralit and putting all the code in the run() method, we create a file small_app.py and add;

import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from data.create_data import create_table

#add an import to Hydralit
from hydralit import HydraHeadApp

#create a wrapper class
class MySmallApp(HydraHeadApp):

#wrap all your code in this method and you should be done
    def run(self):
        #-------------------existing untouched code------------------------------------------
        st.title('Small Application with a table and chart.')

        st.markdown("### Plot")
        df = create_table()


These are is now ready to be used within a Hydralit application. We just need to create a simple host application that derives from the HydraApp class in Hydralit, add the children and we are done! we create a file host_app.py and add;

from hydralit import HydraApp
import streamlit as st
from sample_app import MySampleApp
from small_app import MySmallApp

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #this is the host application, we add children to it and that's it!
    app = HydraApp(title='Sample Hydralit App',favicon="🐙")
    #add all your application classes here
    app.add_app("Small App", icon="🏠", app=MySmallApp())
    app.add_app("Sample App",icon="🔊", app=MySampleApp())

    #run the whole lot

That's it!

This super simple example is made of 3 files.

hydralit sample project
│   host_app.py
│   small_app.py
│   sample_app.py

Run this sample

hydralit sample project> pip install hydralit

hydralit sample project> streamlit run host.app


The code for a host application that is secured with a login app is shown below, the entire example is located in the hydralit-example repository.

This example was written using the Hydralit library. Sourecode for this example is located here.",unsafe_allow_html=True) #and finally just the entire app and all the children. app.run(complex_nav) ">
from hydralit import HydraApp
import streamlit as st
import apps

if __name__ == '__main__':
    over_theme = {'txc_inactive': '#FFFFFF'}
    #this is the host application, we add children to it and that's it!
    app = HydraApp(title='Secure Hydralit Data Explorer',favicon="🐙",nav_horizontal=True,hide_streamlit_markers=True,use_navbar=True, navbar_sticky=True,navbar_theme=over_theme)
    #Home button will be in the middle of the nav list now
    app.add_app("Home", icon="🏠", app=apps.HomeApp(title='Home'),is_home=True)

    #add all your application classes here
    app.add_app("Cheat Sheet", icon="📚", app=apps.CheatApp(title="Cheat Sheet"))
    app.add_app("Sequency Denoising",icon="🔊", app=apps.WalshApp(title="Sequency Denoising"))
    app.add_app("Sequency (Secure)",icon="🔊🔒", app=apps.WalshAppSecure(title="Sequency (Secure)"))
    app.add_app("Solar Mach", icon="🛰️", app=apps.SolarMach(title="Solar Mach"))
    app.add_app("Spacy NLP", icon="⌨️", app=apps.SpacyNLP(title="Spacy NLP"))
    app.add_app("Uber Pickups", icon="🚖", app=apps.UberNYC(title="Uber Pickups"))
    app.add_app("Solar Mach", icon="🛰️", app=apps.SolarMach(title="Solar Mach"))

    #we have added a sign-up app to demonstrate the ability to run an unsecure app
    #only 1 unsecure app is allowed
    app.add_app("Signup", icon="🛰️", app=apps.SignUpApp(title='Signup'), is_unsecure=True)

    #we want to have secure access for this HydraApp, so we provide a login application
    #optional logout label, can be blank for something nicer!
    app.add_app("Login", apps.LoginApp(title='Login'),is_login=True) 

    # If the menu is cluttered, just rearrange it into sections!
    # completely optional, but if you have too many entries, you can make it nicer by using accordian menus
    complex_nav = {
        'Home': ['Home'],
        'Intro 🏆': ['Cheat Sheet',"Solar Mach"],
        'Hotstepper 🔥': ["Sequency Denoising","Sequency (Secure)"],
        'Clustering': ["Uber Pickups"],
        'NLP': ["Spacy NLP"],

    #add a custom loader for app transitions

    #if the menu is looking shit, use some sections

This example was written using the Hydralit library. Sourecode for this example is located here.

,unsafe_allow_html=True) #and finally just the entire app and all the children. app.run(complex_nav)

You can try it out by running the two sample applications with their children that are located in the hydralit-example repository.

hydralit_example> pip install -r requirements.txt

hydralit_example> streamlit run secure.app
  • No module 'streamlit.script_run_context'

    No module 'streamlit.script_run_context'

    Hi there. I am running Streamlit 1.8.1 (the latest, I think). When I try and run my Hydralit app, I get the following:

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'streamlit.script_run_context'

    This seems to be part of the sessionstate.py file.

    Can something be done to fix this on my side?

    opened by ryanblumenow 7
  • Problem with session_id

    Problem with session_id

    Hi!, i'm trying to make a multi page with hydralit and i keep gettin this error:

    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'session_id'

    I found a answer to this problem in the streamlit webb, wich was:

    ` def _get_state(hash_funcs=None): try: session = _get_session() except (AttributeError, NameError): session = sys

        if not hasattr(session, "_custom_session_state"):
            session._custom_session_state = _SessionState(session, hash_funcs)
        return session._custom_session_state


    But when i dont' really know how to do it, when i call this function in my code gives me another error:

    NameError: name '_get_session' is not defined

    opened by PacoLunaMX 6
  • hydralit 1.0.12 and streamlit 1.9.0

    hydralit 1.0.12 and streamlit 1.9.0

    Hi !

    When I try to implement hydralit 1.0.12 in my App (I use streamlit 1.9.0) the following error occurs:

    from streamlit.script_run_context import get_script_run_ctx
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'streamlit.script_run_context'

    It would be great if you could fix this. Thank you for sharing hydralit with us! :)

    opened by mckry 5
  • self.do_redirect does not change the menu option in the navbar

    self.do_redirect does not change the menu option in the navbar

    Hello @TangleSpace! I love this package!

    I hope I am not doing something wrong, but when I put the code self.do_redirect("Title of app to run") in my code on a button, the relevant app does run, but the navbar does not change to reflect this. It stays on the navbar option of the original app where the button is housed.

    Did I miss something, or do something incorrectly?

    opened by ryanblumenow 5
  • The api of streamlit.script_run_context api has changed

    The api of streamlit.script_run_context api has changed


    at streamlit‘s latest version,it use scriptrunner package:

    from streamlit.scriptrunner import get_script_run_ctx
    opened by cgx9 5
  • Import Syntax Issues With Streamlit 1.12.2

    Import Syntax Issues With Streamlit 1.12.2

    Trying to build a website using Hydralit, and encountered ModuleNotFound errors immediately upon importing the library.

    It seems like at some point Streamlit changed around their code schema; changing two lines in sessionstate.py seemed to do the trick:

    # from
    from streamlit.scriptrunner.script_run_context import get_script_run_ctx
    # to
    from streamlit.runtime.scriptrunner.script_run_context import get_script_run_ctx


    # from
    from streamlit.server.server import Server
    # to
    from streamlit.web.server import Server

    I'm pretty new to Streamlit/Hydralit, but hopefully these changes won't break anything else? Seems to be working just fine from the testing I've been doing.

    opened by code49 4
  • Update for using `st.session_state`

    Update for using `st.session_state`

    As of Streamlit 1.12, the older API used to hack in a SessionState has been entirely deprecated (with an ugly hack to retrieve the Server from the GC) in favour of the built-in st.session_state. This comes from the advice of this gist here: https://gist.github.com/tvst/036da038ab3e999a64497f42de966a92

    I'd be happy to contribute a pull request (I think it should be minor changes), though my only concern is that hydralit_components may require the old SessionState. Could any of the maintainers of either repository comment on this?

    opened by saikumarmk 3
  • Latest streamlit version not supported

    Latest streamlit version not supported

    Hi, I'm having issue using the package.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/irfan/PycharmProjects/TES-Search/multiapp.py", line 1, in <module>
        import hydralit as hy
      File "/home/irfan/environments/The-Entities-Swissknife/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hydralit/__init__.py", line 5, in <module>
        from hydralit.hydra_app import HydraApp
      File "/home/irfan/environments/The-Entities-Swissknife/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hydralit/hydra_app.py", line 4, in <module>
        from hydralit.sessionstate import SessionState
      File "/home/irfan/environments/The-Entities-Swissknife/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hydralit/sessionstate.py", line 8, in <module>
        from streamlit.script_run_context import get_script_run_ctx
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'streamlit.script_run_context'
    opened by mirfan899 3
  • How to change the default big loader?

    How to change the default big loader?

    I'm making a streamlit app based on the hydralit-example: https://github.com/TangleSpace/hydralit-example

    My app loads some data at first from database. While this is happening a rather large loading screen is present. image

    How can I tame this loader and select a more compact one?

    The structure of the code I use for the app-page: import hydralit as hy import pandas as pd import streamlit as st

    #create a wrapper class class generate_app_page(hy.HydraHeadApp): def run(self): col1, col2 = hy.columns([2,4]) msr = col1.selectbox('some nice label', get_ids_from_db())

    opened by DucoBouter 3
  • Loaders and spacing

    Loaders and spacing

    Hi there! This package is great.

    Two quick questions: I've integrated an existing app into Hydralit, but the top menu is appearing about an inch below the top of the screen. Is there a way to move it to the top?

    And, when I load a page/app I get all three loaders with the large text that is is "Loading now". Is there a way to customize which loader shows and remove/format the text?

    opened by rblumenowgs 3
  • thank you/small bug

    thank you/small bug

    howdy, this is incredible work. I want to be you.

    The loading_app in hydra_app points to a resources/failure.png file that comes with hydra-examples, but not with the module itself. It eclipses other error messages with "cant find failure.png". I think that line just needs to be wiped.

    opened by rambam613 3
  • Keyed widget values are lost when switching the pages

    Keyed widget values are lost when switching the pages

    I have a two page application where in one of them I have a few widgets like text box which is connected to a session state variable via the key. It works fine until I am in this page but if I open the other page and comeback again then the widget values and their session state values are lost. I tried this solution https://gist.github.com/okld/8ca97ba892a7c20298fd099b196a8b4d but it fails and shows the error: Error details: Values for st.button, st.download_button, st.file_uploader, and st.form cannot be set using st.session_state. Any suggestion?

    opened by Yashar78 0
  • The uploaded video file co-exists among different apps

    The uploaded video file co-exists among different apps

    The first step in all apps is to upload a video file, like

    f = st.file_uploader("upload video")

    If I upload the video in app1, and then navigate to app2, the video also shows. Is there any solutio to clear the components in app2? Thanks.

    opened by xueliang 0
  • add basic logging options to HydraApp

    add basic logging options to HydraApp

    Hey there! I have been loving using Hydralit, but ran into the issue of the app runner catching all exceptions, and wanted the ability to pass a logger through to get some more information when an error occurs.

    Hope you find the addition useful! If not, no worries :)

    opened by josh-hm 0
  • making cookie based login work.

    making cookie based login work.

    So I was trying to hold a JWT token in cookie when login button is pressed.


    import hydralit as hy
    import streamlit as st
    from hydralit_components import CookieManager
    from login import LoginApp
    cookie_manager = CookieManager()
    app = hy.HydraApp(title='test', favicon="🐙", hide_streamlit_markers=True,
                      allow_url_nav=True, sidebar_state="expanded",
    app.add_app("Login", LoginApp(cookie_manager=cookie_manager), is_login=True, logout_label="Logout")
    def mylogout_cb():
        print('I was called from Hydralit at logout!')
    def mylogin_cb():
        print('I was called from Hydralit at login!')


    class LoginApp(HydraHeadApp):
        This is an example login application to be used to secure access within a HydraApp streamlit application.
        This application implementation uses the allow_access session variable and uses the do_redirect method if the login check is successful.
        def __init__(self, cookie_manager, title='', **kwargs):
            self.title = title
            self.cookie_manager = cookie_manager
        def _check_cookie_login(self) -> dict | None:
            Check if the user is logged in.
            session_cookie = self.cookie_manager.get("user_data")
            if session_cookie:
                return {'user': 'joe', 'level': 1}
            # ToDo: Check parse jwt and check if its valid and then return the user dict
        def run(self) -> None:
            Application entry point.
            login = self._check_cookie_login()
            if login:
                self.set_access(1, login['user'], cache_access=True)
            st.markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center;'>Secure Hydralit Login</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
            c1, c2, c3, = st.columns([2, 2, 2])
            form_data = self._create_login_form(c2)
            pretty_btn = """
            div[class="row-widget stButton"] > button {
                width: 100%;
            c2.markdown(pretty_btn, unsafe_allow_html=True)
            if form_data['submitted']:
                self._do_login(form_data, c2)
        def _create_login_form(parent_container) -> Dict:
            login_form = parent_container.form(key="login_form")
            form_state = {}
            form_state['username'] = login_form.text_input('Username')
            form_state['password'] = login_form.text_input('Password', type="password")
            form_state['submitted'] = login_form.form_submit_button('Login')
            parent_container.write("sample login -> joe & joe")
            return form_state
        def _do_login(self, form_data, msg_container) -> None:
            # access_level=0 Access denied!
            access_level = self._check_login(form_data)
            if access_level > 0:
                msg_container.success(f"✔️ Login success")
                with st.spinner("🤓 now redirecting to application...."):
                    self.set_access(1, form_data['username'], cache_access=True)
                    self.cookie_manager.set("user_data", 'True')
                    # Do the kick to the home page
                self.session_state.allow_access = 0
                self.session_state.current_user = None
                msg_container.error(f"❌ Login unsuccessful, 😕 please check your username and password and try again.")
        def _check_login(self, login_data) -> int:
            if login_data['username'] == 'joe' and login_data['password'] == 'joe':
                return 1
                return 0

    The above basically checks if there is a cookie with name user_data and logs in automatically if its set. When the cookie is not found it loads the modified example from example code.

    When the username and password matches. It should set a cookie with name user_data but this fails here. But doing the same using login_callback in app.py works

    def mylogout_cb():
        print('I was called from Hydralit at logout!')
    def mylogin_cb():
        print('I was called from Hydralit at login!')
        cookie_manager.set('user_data', "Joe")

    Now whenever I reload the page I can skip the login page. But hitting the logout button sends invokes the mylogout_cb function. But cookie_manager.delete('user_data') has no effect and doesn't delete the cookie.

    But putting the same cookie_manager.delete('user_data') inside the mylogin_cb callback actually deletes the cookie on next login / on page reload.

    Am i missing something here ?. What would be the best way for me to achieve this. I tried extra_streamlit_components library and it has the same behaviour

    opened by 0-MegaMind-0 2
  • 1.0.14(Sep 22, 2022)

  • 1.0.13(Jun 22, 2022)

    • Updated to support Streamlit >=1.9
    • Added parameter to disable the app loader entirely

    Cleaned up some of the formatting of the navbar for the new versions of Streamlit, it isn't perfect and never will be since Streamlit are determined to continue to change their crap which keeps partially breaking Hydralit, I'd say deliberately since the $800M company has it's own multi-app solution which they would love to kill Hydralit off.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.12(Jan 28, 2022)

  • 1.0.11(Jan 22, 2022)

    • Fully supports all versions of Streamlit, including 1.4.0 (big thanks to oggers for some amazing support!).
    • Fixed the missing error handling bug, now all exceptions are raised to be handled however the user chooses instead of capturing and displaying an image. (big thanks to rambam613 for finding and fixing this bug, very nice!).
    • Can completely customise the Home and Logout menu entries, title and icon data from the add_app entry will be used for these items now as well as the existing.
    • Cleaned up the formatting when running in sticky and hiding Streamlit headers and footers, yes, they will come back now when using the navbar.
    • Removed the background effort for all loader animations (everyone hated this).
    • Smaller, sleeker navbar, including a much nicer non-animated mode.
    • Full offline support for Font Awesome and Bootstrap icons for navbar entries, as well as all emojis.
    • Improved performance with some refactoring of the session and transition code, apps load faster now.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Jackson Storm
I am a data scientist and analyst. Worked for 20 years as all things programming, development, design and analysis, including databases and integration.
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This scrypt for auto brightness control

God damn. This scrypt for auto brightness control. The scrypt has voice assistant. You should move this script to auto-upload folder. What do you need

0 Jul 25, 2022
A server shell for you to play with Powered by Django + Nginx + Postgres + Bootstrap + Celery.

A server shell for you to play with Powered by Django + Nginx + Postgres + Bootstrap + Celery.

Mengting Song 1 Jan 10, 2022
A 3D Slicer Extension to view data from the flywheel heirarchy

flywheel-connect A 3D Slicer Extension to view, select, and download images from a Flywheel instance to 3D Slicer and storing Slicer outputs back to F

4 Nov 05, 2022
Automatically skip sponsor segments in YouTube videos playing on Apple TV.

iSponsorBlockTV Skip sponsor segments in YouTube videos playing on an Apple TV. This project is written in asycronous python and should be pretty quic

David 64 Dec 17, 2022
A Blender addon to enable reloading linked libraries from UI.

library_reload_linked_libraries A Blender addon to enable reloading linked libraries from UI.

3 Nov 27, 2022
A simple code for processing images to local binary pattern.

This figure is gotten from this link https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-01449-0_24 LBP-Local-Binary-Pattern A simple code for process

Happy N. Monday 3 Feb 15, 2022