Spartan implementation of H.O.T.T.


Down The Path

I was walking down the line,
Trying to find some peace of mind.
Then I saw you,
You were takin' it slow,
And walkin' it one step at a time.

A spartan implementation of H.O.T.T.

Quick Examples

"If you're lost now,
Maybe I could help you along and sing you a song,
And move you on."

I haven't implemented parsers for whole files yet. But I can already parse and print individual terms.

Ordinary MLTT stuff:

λ (t : U) (x : t) => x
Π (t : U) (x : t) => t

Dependent pairs are annotated the type of the second component with a peculiar syntax.

λ (t : U) (x : t) => t { t' => t' } x
Π (t : U) (x : t) Σ (t' : U) => t'

fst and snd are prefixes that have the highest priority, so f fst snd p q stands for (f(fst(snd(p))))(q):

λ (T : U) (S : Π (_ : T) => U) (p : Σ (t : T) => S t) => snd p
Π (T : U) (S : Π (_ : T) => U) (p : Σ (t : T) => S t) => S fst p

ap and Id without dependency:

ap[ . y]
Id[ . A][y, y]

When we deal with n-ary ap and Id, we need to explicitly mark the LHS and RHS of the equations:

ap[z / ap[ . x] : x == x . y]
Id[z / ap[ . x] : x == x . A][y, y]

And of course this one reduces to the one above it.

Type Theory

She said
"I'm looking for a kind of shelter,
No place for me to call my own.
I've been walking all night long, but
I don't know where to call my home."

  • Start out with 0,1,∑,∏,U. (2, Nat are slightly more complicated.)
  • Get to the meat.
    • Typechecking rules for HOTT primitives, which I think should be ap, Id, sym, , .
    • Reduction rules for all those. For simple reduction rules, we should introduce 6 more primitives, which all individially behave well. But that impedes type checking.
  • Inductive types.
  • Higher inductive types.
  • Inductive families.

For inductive types (even 2), we need to make Id, ap stuck on neutral terms. So for instance Id[. A+B][inl a, inl b] would compute to Id[.A][a,b], just as the HoTT book describes. Alternatively we can just make Id compute into a case analysis. Not sure which would be easier.

We might be able to come up with syntactic restrictions on HITs to make it work.

The code files have some comments at the top where you can read a little more about my thoughts.


"The only way to find that place is
Close to where my heart is.
I know I'm gonna get there,
But I've got to keep on walking down the line."

Python has got a couple of cool features like assignment expressions and structural pattern matching. I'm trying to write python code in a semi-pure style.

Down the line

I said
"You go on walking down the line,
Wasting all your precious time.
But you're never gonna find it,
Because there is no end to the line,
There's no destination for to find."


Trebor Huang
I'm an undergrad at Tsinghua University. / I like mathematics and dependent type theory.
Trebor Huang
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