A toy project using OpenCV, PyMunk and Mediapipe
the source code for my LindkedIn post
It's just a toy project and I didn't write a documentation yet, Sorry!
the source code for my LindkedIn post
It's just a toy project and I didn't write a documentation yet, Sorry!
Osborne Mine, Australia - Airborne total-field magnetic anomaly This is a section of a survey acquired in 1990 by the Queensland Government, Australia
Human motion synthesis using Unity3D Prerequisite: Software: amc2bvh.exe, Unity 2017, Blender. Unity: RockVR (Video Capture), scenes, character models
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YOLOX CondInst -- YOLOX 实例分割 前言 本项目是自己学习实例分割时,复现的代码. 通过自己编程,让自己对实例分割有更进一步的了解。 若想
Treex A Pytree-based Module system for Deep Learning in JAX Intuitive: Modules are simple Python objects that respect Object-Oriented semantics and sh
Real-Time-Student-Attendence-System The Student Attendance Management System Pro
HandGestureDetection This program uses a Haar Cascade algorithm to detect the presence of your hand, and then passes it on to a self-created and self-
Neural Geometric Level of Detail: Real-time Rendering with Implicit 3D Surfaces Official code release for NGLOD. For technical details, please refer t
Paint Transformer: Feed Forward Neural Painting with Stroke Prediction [Paper] [PaddlePaddle Implementation] Homepage of paper: Paint Transformer: Fee
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