A toy project using OpenCV, PyMunk and Mediapipe
the source code for my LindkedIn post
It's just a toy project and I didn't write a documentation yet, Sorry!
the source code for my LindkedIn post
It's just a toy project and I didn't write a documentation yet, Sorry!
ArXiv | Get Start Neural-Texture-Extraction-Distribution The PyTorch implementation for our paper "Neural Texture Extraction and Distribution for Cont
The Most Important Thing. Our code is developed based on: LXMERT: Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations from Transformers
IVOS-W Paper Learning to Recommend Frame for Interactive Video Object Segmentation in the Wild Zhaoyun Yin, Jia Zheng, Weixin Luo, Shenhan Qian, Hanli
This is the Vowpal Wabbit fast online learning code. Why Vowpal Wabbit? Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system which pushes the frontier of machin
View Demo · Documentation · Medium article 🔍 Overview Eurybia is a Python library which aims to help in : Detecting data drift and model drift Valida
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Lux AI interface to RLlib MultiAgentsEnv For Lux AI Season 1 Kaggle competition. LuxAI repo RLlib-multiagents docs Kaggle environments repo Please let
TSDF++: A Multi-Object Formulation for Dynamic Object Tracking and Reconstruction TSDF++ is a novel multi-object TSDF formulation that can encode mult
visemenet-inference Inference Demo of "VisemeNet-tensorflow" VisemeNet is an audio-driven animator centric speech animation driving a JALI or standard
Multiplicative Filter Networks This repository contains a PyTorch MFN implementation and code to perform & reproduce experiments from the ICLR 2021 pa
AI Based Smart Exam Proctoring Package It takes image (base64) as input: Provide Output as: Detection of Mobile phone. Detection of More than 1 person
Self-Supervised Prototypical Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Classification This repository contains the reference source code and pre-trained models (
Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Learn Visual Concepts in Histopathology Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Learn Visual Concepts in Histopatholog
Note: We're moving to PyTorch Lightning! Read about the move here. From the end of February, torchbearer will no longer be actively maintained. We'll
Aircraft design optimization made fast through modern automatic differentiation. Plug-and-play analysis tools for aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, trajectory design, and much more.
Programmatically Build and Manage Training Data Announcement The Snorkel team is now focusing their efforts on Snorkel Flow, an end-to-end AI applicat
solve_sycamore This repo contains data, contraction code, and contraction order for the paper ''Solving the sampling problem of the Sycamore quantum s
Denoising Normalizing Flow Christian Horvat and Jean-Pascal Pfister 2021 We combine Normalizing Flows (NFs) and Denoising Auto Encoder (DAE) by introd
kaggle_riiid Transformer part of 12th place solution in Riiid! Answer Correctness Prediction. Please see here for more information. Execution You need
MarkerPose: Robust real-time planar target tracking for accurate stereo pose estimation This is a PyTorch and LibTorch implementation of MarkerPose: a