Towards Understanding Quality Challenges of the Federated Learning: A First Look from the Lens of Robustness


FL Analysis

This repository contains the code and results for the paper "Towards Understanding Quality Challenges of the Federated Learning: A First Look from the Lens of Robustness" submitted to EMSE journal.


Main experiment

All experiments are done using python 3.8 and TensorFlow 2.4

Steps to run the experiments are as follows:

  1. The options for each configuration are set in JSON file which should be in the root directory by default. However, this can be changed using the environment variable CONFIG_PATH.

  2. The paths for the output and the processed ADNI dataset is set using the environment variables RESULTS_ROOT and ADNI_ROOT respectively. If these variables are not set the mentioned paths will use "./results" and "./adni" as default.

  3. Run the main program by python

  • Note that the results will be overwritten if same config is run for multiple time. To avoid that RESULTS_ROOT can be changed at each run.

Config details

The config file can have the following options:

    "dataset": one of the following 
    "aggregator": one of the following 
    "attack": one of the following
    "attack-fraction": a float between 0 and 1
    "non-iid-deg": a float between 0 and 1
    "num-rounds": an integer value


  1. attack field is optional. If it is not present, no attack will be applied and attack-fraction is not necessary.
  2. If dataset is set to adni, non-iid-deg field is not necessary
  3. The aggregator field is optional and if it is not present it will use the default fed-avg.
  4. All configurations used in our experiments are available in configs folder

ADNI dataset

ADNI dataset is not included in the repository due to user agreements, but information about it is available in

Once the dataset is available, data can be processed with extract_central_axial_slices_adni.ipynb

Results Visualization

Results can be visualized using the visualizer.ipynb.

  • The root folder of the results should be set in the notebook before running.
  • Visualizations will be saved in the root folder under 0images folder.
  • The visualizer expects the root sub folders to be the results of the different runs.

An example:

├── _run1
│   ├── cifar-0--fedavg--clean
│   └── cifar-0--krum--clean
├── _run2
│   ├── cifar-0--fedavg--clean
│   └── cifar-0--krum--clean
└── _run3
    ├── cifar-0--fedavg--clean
    └── cifar-0--krum--clean


All results are available in the results folder (ADNI, CIFAR, Fashion MNIST, Ensemble). Each sub folder that represents a dataset contains the details of runs, plus processed visualizations and raw csv files in a folder called 0images.

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