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Deep LearningLiMuSE




LiMuSE explores group communication on a multi-modal speaker extraction model and further compresses the model size with quantization strategy.


Our proposed model is a multi-steam architecture that takes multichannel mixture, target speaker’s enrolled utterance and visual sequences of detected faces as inputs, and outputs the target speaker’s mask in time domain. The encoded audio representations of mixture are then multiplied by the generated mask to obtain the target speech. Please see the figure below for detailed model structure.



We evaluate our system on two-speaker speech separation and speaker extraction problems using GRID dataset. The pretrained face embedding extraction network is trained on LRW dataset and MS-Celeb-1M dataset. And we use SMS-WSJ toolkit to obtain simulated anechoic dual-channel audio mixture. We place 2 microphones at the center of the room. The distance between microphones is 7 cm.

Getting Started


If you want to adjust configurations of the framework and the path of dataset, please modify the option/train/train.yml file.


Specify the path to train.yml file and run the training command:

python -opt ./option/train/train.yml

This project supports full-precision and quantization training at the same time. Note that you need to modify two values of QA_flag in train.yml file if you would like to switch between full-precision and quantization stage. QA_flag in training settings stands for weight quantization while the one in net_conf stands for activation quantization.

View tensorboardX

tensorboard --logdir ./tensorboard


  • Hyperparameters of LiMuSE

    Symbol Description Value
    N Number of filters in auto-encoder 128
    L Length of the filters (in audio samples) 16
    T Temperature 5
    X Number of GC-equipped TCN blocks in each repeat 6
    Ra Number of repeats in audio block 2
    Rb Number of repeats in fusion block 1
    K Number of groups -
  • Performance of LiMuSE and TasNet under various configurations. Q stands for quantization, VIS stands for visual cue and VP stands for voiceprint cue. Model size and compression ratio are also reported.

Method K SI-SDR (dB) #Params Model Size Compression Ratio
LiMuSE 32 16.72 0.36M 0.16MB 223.75
16 18.08 0.96M 0.40MB 89.50
LiMuSE (w/o Q) 32 23.77 0.36M 1.44MB 24.86
16 24.90 0.96M 3.84MB 9.32
LiMuSE (w/o Q and VP) 32 18.60 0.19M 0.76MB 47.11
16 24.20 0.52M 2.08MB 17.21
LiMuSE (w/o Q and VIS) 32 15.68 0.22M 0.88MB 40.68
16 21.91 0.55M 2.20MB 16.27
LiMuSE (w/o Q and GC) - 23.67 8.95M 35.8MB 1
TasNet (dual-channel) - 19.94 2.48M 9.92MB -
TasNet (single-channel) - 13.15 2.48M 9.92MB -


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  author={Liu, Qinghua and Huang, Yating and Hao, Yunzhe and Xu, Jiaming and Xu, Bo},
Auditory Model and Cognitive Computing Lab
Auditory Model and Cognitive Computing Laboratory @ Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Auditory Model and Cognitive Computing Lab
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