This is the official pytorch implementation for the paper: Instance Similarity Learning for Unsupervised Feature Representation.

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Deep LearningISL


This is the official pytorch implementation for the paper: Instance Similarity Learning for Unsupervised Feature Representation, which is accepted to ICCV2021. The code contains training and testing several network architecture (ResNet18, ResNet50 and AlexNet) on four datasets (SVHN, CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet) using our proposed ISL method.

Quick Start


  • python 3.5+
  • pytorch 1.0.0+
  • torchvision 0.2.1 (not compatible with higher version)
  • other packages like numpy and PIL

Dataset Preparation

Please follow the instruction in this to download the ImageNet dataset. For small datasets like SVHN, you can either download them manually or set the download parameter in torchvision.dataset True to download them automatically.

After downloading them, please put them in data/, an SSD is highly recommended for training on ImageNet.

Training and Testing

Small Datasets

For training on SVHN, CIFAR10 or CIFAR100, please run:

python --data='data/' --arch='resnet18/resnet50/alexnet' --dataset='svhn/cifar10/cifar100'

The training code contains testing the weighted $k$NN on features with $k=200$ every 5 epochs. For testing an existing weight file, just run:

python --data='data/' --arch='resnet18/resnet50/alexnet' --dataset='svhn/cifar10/cifar100' --test-only=True --recompute=True --resume='weight_file'


For training on ImageNet, just run:

python --data='data/' --arch='resnet18/resnet50/alexnet'

During training, we monitor the weighted $k$NN with $k=1$ every two epochs, that's because using $k=200$ will be slow on big dataset like ImageNet.

For testing using $k$NN with $k=200$, you can run:

python --data='data/' --arch='resnet18/resnet50/alexnet' --test-only=True --recompute=True --resume='weight_file'

To reproduce the ResNet ImageNet result in our paper, you need to run the code on a 16GB memory GPU like NVIDIA Tesla V100 (AlexNet can run on a 11 GB memory GPU like RTX 2080Ti). The performance will drop slightly if trained on two GPUs as observed in our experiments. Also, you may need to switch the training stage manually because sometimes the program just fails to identify the end of training GANs and it might not be able to use the best G for neighborhood mining. The total training time lasts for around 4 days in our experiments using a single GPU and batch size equals to 256.

IVG Lab, Department of Automation, Tsinghua Univeristy
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