MemStream: Memory-Based Anomaly Detection in Multi-Aspect Streams with Concept Drift



Implementation of

MemStream detects anomalies from a multi-aspect data stream. We output an anomaly score for each record. MemStream is a memory augmented feature extractor, allows for quick retraining, gives a theoretical bound on the memory size for effective drift handling, is robust to memory poisoning, and outperforms 11 state-of-the-art streaming anomaly detection baselines.

After an initial training of the feature extractor on a small subset of normal data, MemStream processes records in two steps: (i) It outputs anomaly scores for each record by querying the memory for K-nearest neighbours to the record encoding and calculating a discounted distance and (ii) It updates the memory, in a FIFO manner, if the anomaly score is within an update threshold β.


  1. KDDCUP99: Run python3 --dataset KDD --beta 1 --memlen 256
  2. NSL-KDD: Run python3 --dataset NSL --beta 0.1 --memlen 2048
  3. UNSW-NB 15: Run python3 --dataset UNSW --beta 0.1 --memlen 2048
  4. CICIDS-DoS: Run python3 --dataset DOS --beta 0.1 --memlen 2048
  5. SYN: Run python3 --dataset SYN --beta 1 --memlen 16
  6. Ionosphere: Run python3 --dataset ionosphere --beta 0.001 --memlen 4
  7. Cardiotocography: Run python3 --dataset cardio --beta 1 --memlen 64
  8. Statlog Landsat Satellite: Run python3 --dataset statlog --beta 0.01 --memlen 32
  9. Satimage-2: Run python3 --dataset satimage-2 --beta 10 --memlen 256
  10. Mammography: Run python3 --dataset mammography --beta 0.1 --memlen 128
  11. Pima Indians Diabetes: Run python3 --dataset pima --beta 0.001 --memlen 64
  12. Covertype: Run python3 --dataset cover --beta 0.0001 --memlen 2048

Command line options

  • --dataset: The dataset to be used for training. Choices 'NSL', 'KDD', 'UNSW', 'DOS'. (default 'NSL')
  • --beta: The threshold beta to be used. (default: 0.1)
  • --memlen: The size of the Memory Module (default: 2048)
  • --dev: Pytorch device to be used for training like "cpu", "cuda:0" etc. (default: 'cuda:0')
  • --lr: Learning rate (default: 0.01)
  • --epochs: Number of epochs (default: 5000)

Input file format

MemStream expects the input multi-aspect record stream to be stored in a contains , separated file.


Processed Datasets can be downloaded from here. Please unzip and place the files in the data folder of the repository.

  1. KDDCUP99
  2. NSL-KDD
  3. UNSW-NB 15
  5. Synthetic Dataset (Introduced in paper)
  6. Ionosphere
  7. Cardiotocography
  8. Statlog Landsat Satellite
  9. Satimage-2
  10. Mammography
  11. Pima Indians Diabetes
  12. Covertype


This code has been tested on Debian GNU/Linux 9 with a 12GB Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU, CUDA Version 10.2 and PyTorch 1.5.

Streaming Anomaly Detection


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