Software & Hardware to do multi color printing with Sharpies


3D Print Colorizer is a combination of 3D printed parts and a Cura plugin which allows anyone with an Ender 3 like 3D printer to produce multi colored models. Have a look at some results:

How it works

3D Print Colorizer uses Sharpie or Sharpie-like permanent markers to directly paint on the layers of a 3D print. After a layer is finished printing normally a pen holder, which is mounted to the print head, is used to fetch pens from a special pen rack mounted to the top part of the printer. Normal printing and painting is used alternately to produce a final colored model.

To coordinate the process a special Cura plugin is used to add the painting G-Code. After installing the plugin you need to enter some calibration values and afterwards models sliced for an Multi Extrusion printer can be printed on an Ender 3 with full color support.

YouTube link


Detailed installation instruction are given in the Wiki. Please follow each step to complete the installation and get ready for mutli color printing.

1. Hardware Setup

2. Materials needed

3. Calibration

4. Software Setup

5. Printing

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    I followed instructions and used the sample print. When I went to print it did not recognize the extruders. I use octoprint with my Ender 3 Pro. I have done several upgrades to the unit. I have the Creality 4.2.7 32bit board with direct drive extrusion. I have dual Z-axis. I have included some pictures Please help 1 2

    opened by scootr1975 6
  • Printing pen rack

    Printing pen rack

    I wanted to print the pen rack, but the first layer was only printed partwise and the next layers (until I canceled the print) the hotend scratched over the lower layers. Everything else I try to print works well. So I thought maybe anyone here could help me. Heres a picture of what was intended to be the pen rack (printed with an Ender-3) : IMG_20210919_124548

    opened by hfgd123 5
  • minor bug... M900 for linear advance on each tool.

    minor bug... M900 for linear advance on each tool.

    M900 for linear advance on each tool. should be only one tool. what I have in gcode:

    ... M900 K0.130000 T3 ;added by LinearAdvanceSettingPlugin M900 K0.130000 T0 ;added by LinearAdvanceSettingPlugin M900 K0.130000 T2 ;added by LinearAdvanceSettingPlugin M900 K0.130000 T1 ;added by LinearAdvanceSettingPlugin M900 K0.130000 T4 ;added by LinearAdvanceSettingPlugin ...

    should be:

    ... M900 K0.130000 ;added by LinearAdvanceSettingPlugin ...

    opened by jmerc77 5
  • seems to be over retracting without marker

    seems to be over retracting without marker

    when there's no marker an its extruding the retracts are longer then the detracts. may vary on the retraction during painting value. still trying to find exact cause...

    opened by jmerc77 5
  • Outer wall only colorizing

    Outer wall only colorizing

    Would there be a way to only have the PenColorizer plugin generate gcode that colors the outer edges of the models?

    I had an issue printing a dual extrusion Pikachu where because the sharpie colored in the whole tail layer the print separated.


    opened by ssilverm 3
  • HELP - Numbers of walls

    HELP - Numbers of walls


    I used defaut settings & curaprofile found into this github & a custom FFF printer profile for an Ender3.

    I don't understand why Cura generated this amount of walls. One wall per extruder ? image

    Can you please help me ? I would like to reduce to 3 walls.


    opened by kintarojs 2
  • Putting a marker away and picking up the next one.

    Putting a marker away and picking up the next one.

    To save time later on in the print, when the holder goes up to put away a marker, it picks up the next one needed. It would need to start doing it at a higher layer, otherwise it would draw on the bed.

    opened by isaacBullinger 2
  • I can't turn on Infill first

    I can't turn on Infill first

    I was thinking of how to make the quality better and I thought that it would help to turn on Infill before walls. Unfortunately, It turns out that you can't turn that on because the infill is using extruder 1 and the walls are not. If you turn the extruder settings for the infill to "not overridden" you are able to make this change. I don't know if this is possible but I was wondering if that setting would help and if there is a way that you could turn it on.

    opened by Beanman122 2
  • Prusa i3 support

    Prusa i3 support

    Hi, I wondered how complex it'll be to add support for the Prusa i3 MK3S printer, what needs to change apart from the head pen mount and the top mount? Will the calibration be able to handle the differences between the printers? I may be able to do most/all of the work, but I want to get a better understanding of the needed effort.

    opened by kohend 1
  • Feature Request

    Feature Request

    I thought this would be a nice addition. You know how you can change the colors of the materials you use in Cura and how you can assign each extruder a different color. Well I thought it would be a good idea to have a message at the beginning of the print that tells you where to put the sharpies then it says press button to continue. Once you press the button the printer heats up and starts the print.

    opened by HunterG6700 1
  • first layer z offset and filament output

    first layer z offset and filament output

    Hello I have a problem when in my first layer with the different exdurder my first layer sucks, the nozzle is too far away and changing the z offset won't help, also there is not enough filament in the first layer and its messy please help

    opened by captainsoccer 1
  • The repo's wiki seems to use spaces and periods as it's only punctuation and has some spelling errors

    The repo's wiki seems to use spaces and periods as it's only punctuation and has some spelling errors

    I'm trying to fix it by writing a wiki myself but you can't PR those, unfortunately. You can clone it on my fork with this link:

    Mind you I'm not done and my formatting isn't the best. My writing style is also a lot different from whoever wrote the current wiki.

    opened by Nathan22211 0
  • Suggestion: have a double sided holder for 12 markers

    Suggestion: have a double sided holder for 12 markers

    This should be doable on most gantry printers, as that's usually in the middle of the printer, but this will require calibration for the other side with a Y cord for both.

    opened by Nathan22211 0
  • Not fetching marker

    Not fetching marker

    I'm new to 3D printing so I apologize if I'm making a newbie mistake. I'm using the stock firmware on my Ender 3 v2. I've followed the instructions as closely as I could and I think I have everything setup correctly.

    I did the Cura setup and sliced the multicolor parrot linked in the instructions after assigning the parts to the 4 extruders.

    When I print I get the first layer or so down and the printing pauses for a few seconds without moving the head and then it continues to print. If I let it go this happens several more times. I've let it print a couple of millimeters but as it never attempted to pickup a marker I stopped it. I'm assuming that at those pauses it's supposed to go get the marker and then do the coloring.

    I've setup OctoPrint and have attempted the same print from it and I get many error messages all something like "Not queuing T0, that tool doesn't exist according to the printer profile or was reported as invalid by the firmware. Make sure your printer profile is set up correctly." Sometimes its for T1 or T2 as well.

    Should this work with the stock Creality firmware (1.0.2) or do I need to build and flash my own Marlin firmware?

    Any other suggestions for getting this to work?

    opened by GoldenSnitch42 5
  • Printer don't extrude

    Printer don't extrude

    I need Help. My Cr-10-V3 sets the Temperature at beginning to 150 and don't extrude. This behavior doesn't change in the whole print. The Printer do the right movement.

    This is the G-Code i'm using CFFFP_pikachu_dual_details.txt

    opened by valle12345 0
  • Mount for CR6-SE?

    Mount for CR6-SE?

    I've been trying and wanting to use this, wiht my CR6 SE, as I haven't gotten my Ender 3 set up properly, though I have a EZABL I could potentially make amount to work with, but I haven't figured out how to make one to work with the stock CR6-SE

    opened by RyushoYosei 0
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