Generating interfaces(CLI, Qt GUI, Dash web app) from a Python function.


oneFace is a Python library for automatically generating multiple interfaces(CLI, GUI, WebGUI) from a callable Python object.

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oneFace is an easy way to create interfaces in Python, just decorate your function and mark the type and range of the arguments:

from oneface import one, Arg

def bmi(name: Arg(str),
        height: Arg(float, [100, 250]) = 160,
        weight: Arg(float, [0, 300]) = 50.0):
    BMI = weight / (height / 100) ** 2
    print(f"Hi {name}. Your BMI is: {BMI}")
    return BMI

# run cli
# or run qt_gui
# or run dash web app

These code will generate the following interfaces:

CLI Qt Dash
CLI Qt Dash


  • Generate CLI, Qt GUI, Dash Web app from a python function.
  • Automatically check the type and range of input parameters and pretty print them.
  • Easy extension of parameter types and GUI widgets.

Detail usage see the documentation and pythondig.


To install oneFace with complete dependency:

$ pip install oneface[all]

Or install with just qt or dash dependency:

$ pip install oneface[qt]  # qt
$ pip install oneface[dash]  # dash
  • Wrap CLI

    Wrap CLI

    Wrap a CLI program to a GUI/Web interface app.

    Using a .yaml as config to specify the arguments:

    # open_browser_oneface.yaml
    name: open_browser
    command: python -m webbrowser {is_tab} {url} 
        type: bool
        true_content: "-t"
        false_content: ""
        type: str

    Launch the app with:

    $ python -m onface.wrap_cli run open_browser_oneface.yaml qt_gui

    It will get a GUI app.

    opened by Nanguage 1
  • A Thanks Message

    A Thanks Message

    Hello, i am Onur, i am a CTO of a community that develop Blockchain based Decentralized Application Network. This repository have a very good idea. All contributor of this project and me should develop this project and use in the other project. Let's not stop developing.

    Onur Atakan ULUSOY - CTO of Decentra Network Community

    opened by onuratakan 1
  • Implicit Arg convert from Python builtin types

    Implicit Arg convert from Python builtin types

    Allow type annotation with python builtin types, for example:

    from oneface import one, Arg
    def bmi(name: str,
            height: (float, [100, 250]) = 160,
            weight: (float, [0, 300]) = 50.0):
        BMI = weight / (height / 100) ** 2
        print(f"Hi {name}. Your BMI is: {BMI}")
        return BMI
    # run cli

    Let the annotation automatically convert to Arg when parse the parameters.

    opened by Nanguage 1
  • Integrate generated qt window to a Qt app.

    Integrate generated qt window to a Qt app.

    import sys
    from oneface.qt import qt_window
    from oneface import one
    from qtpy import QtWidgets
    app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    def add(a: int, b: int):
        return a + b
    def mul(a: int, b: int):
        return a * b
    main_window = QtWidgets.QWidget()
    main_window.setFixedSize(200, 100)
    layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(main_window)
    btn_open_add = QtWidgets.QPushButton("add")
    btn_open_mul = QtWidgets.QPushButton("mul")
    opened by Nanguage 0
  • Dash: the 'plotly' result_result_type

    Dash: the 'plotly' result_result_type

    Allow render the result with ploty. The wraped function return a plotly figure object:

    from oneface import one, Arg
    import as px
    import numpy as np
    def draw_random_points(n: Arg[int, [1, 10000]] = 100):
        x, y = np.random.random(n), np.random.random(n)
        fig = px.scatter(x=x, y=y)
        return fig
    opened by Nanguage 0
  • Flask integration of dash app

    Flask integration of dash app

    Embeding the generated dash app as a route of flask server.

    from flask import Flask
    from oneface.dash_app import flask_route
    from oneface.core import one
    server = Flask("test_dash_app")
    @flask_route(server, "/add")
    def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
        return a + b
    @flask_route(server, "/mul")
    def mul(a: int, b: int) -> int:
        return a * b"", 8088)

    Run this will launch a flask server support run multiple dash app from different route.


    opened by Nanguage 0
  • Define custom dash commpont to support complex input type.

    Define custom dash commpont to support complex input type.

    For example:

    from oneface import one, Arg
    from oneface.dash_app import App, InputItem
    from dash import dcc, html
    class Person:
        def __init__(self, name, age):
   = name
            self.age = age
    def check_person_type(val, tp):
        return (
            isinstance(val, tp) and
            isinstance(, str) and
            isinstance(val.age, int)
    Arg.register_type_check(Person, check_person_type)
    Arg.register_range_check(Person, lambda val, range: range[0] <= val.age <= range[1])
    class PersonInputItem(InputItem):
        def get_input(self):
            if self.default:
                default_val = f"Person('{}', {self.default.age})"
                default_val = ""
            return dcc.Input(
                placeholder="example: Person('age', 20)",
                    "width": "100%",
                    "height": "40px",
                    "margin": "5px",
                    "font-size": "20px",
    App.register_widget(Person, PersonInputItem)
    App.register_type_convert(Person, lambda s: eval(s))
    def print_person(person: Arg(Person, [0, 100]) = Person("Tom", 10)):
        print(f"{} is {person.age} years old.")

    This code using the serialized input Person, how to define a "Composite components" in dash to support Person input? Just like in Qt:


    opened by Nanguage 0
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