I3-master-layout - Simple master and stack layout script


Simple master and stack layout script

| ------ | ----- |
|        |       |
| Master | Stack |
|        |       |
| ------ | ----- |
  • auto split 2nd window on workspace level to provide a vertical stack

  • put new windows at the end of the workspace tree

  • swap focused window with the master window (first window on current workspace tree) i3-swap-master.py

  • works independant from i3 state (no permanent marks required to keep track)



Install python 3 and install i3ipc libary

pip3 install i3ipc

Clone this repo and copy the scripts in any folder you like.


git clone https://github.com/Hippo0o/i3-master-layout
cd i3-master-layout
cp i3-master-layout.py i3-swap-master.py i3-swallow-stack.py ~/.i3


bindsym $mod+r exec --no-startup-id $HOME/.i3/i3-swap-master.py

exec_always --no-startup-id $HOME/.i3/i3-master-layout.py


$ ./i3-master-layout.py -h
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e ws1,ws2,.. , --exclude-workspaces=ws1,ws2,..
                        List of workspaces that should be ignored.
  -o HDMI-0,DP-0,.. , --outputs=HDMI-0,DP-0,..
                        List of outputs that should be used instead of all.
  -n, --nested          Also move new windows which are created in a nested container.


  • fix stack behaviour when master window is closed
  • make stack layout configurable (stacked, tabbed, splith, splitv)


Additionally there is a simple script i3-swallow-stack.py which enables a simple swallow mechanism by utilizing the stack/tabbed layout default to i3.


$ ./i3-swallow-stack.py -h
usage: i3-swallow-stack.py [-h] [-d] [-t] cmd [cmd ...]


positional arguments:
  cmd         Command to be executed

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -d          Don't move window back to original parent on exit.
  -t          Use i3's tabbed layout instead of stack.

Tip: if a cmd needs to use the same flags run it like this ./i3-swallow-stack.py [-d] [-t] -- cmd [-d] [-t]


./i3-swallow-stack.py feh ...


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