SAT: 2D Semantics Assisted Training for 3D Visual Grounding, ICCV 2021 (Oral)

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SAT: 2D Semantics Assisted Training for 3D Visual Grounding

SAT: 2D Semantics Assisted Training for 3D Visual Grounding

by Zhengyuan Yang, Songyang Zhang, Liwei Wang, and Jiebo Luo

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021, Oral


We propose 2D Semantics Assisted Training (SAT) that assists 3D visual grounding with 2D semantics. SAT helps 3D tasks with 2D semantics in training but does not require 2D inputs during inference. For more details, please refer to our paper.


  title={SAT: 2D Semantics Assisted Training for 3D Visual Grounding},
  author={Yang, Zhengyuan and Zhang, Songyang and Wang, Liwei and Luo, Jiebo},


  • Python 3.6.9 (e.g., conda create -n sat_env python=3.6.9 cudatoolkit=10.0)
  • Pytorch 1.2.0 (e.g., conda install pytorch==1.2.0 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch)
  • Install other common packages (numpy, pytorch_transformers, etc.)
  • Please refer to (From ReferIt3D).


  • Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd SAT
    pip install -e .
  • To use a PointNet++ visual-encoder you need to compile its CUDA layers for PointNet++: Note: To do this compilation also need: gcc5.4 or later.

    cd external_tools/pointnet2
    python install



First you should download the train/val scans of ScanNet if you do not have them locally. Please refer to the instructions from referit3d for more details. The output is the scanfile keep_all_points_00_view_with_global_scan_alignment.pkl/keep_all_points_with_global_scan_alignment.pkl.

Ref3D Linguistic Data

You can dowload the Nr3D and Sr3D/Sr3D+ from Referit3D, and send the file path to referit3D-file.

SAT Processed 2D Features

You can download the processed 2D object image features from here. The cached feature should be placed under the referit3d/data folder, or match the cache path in the dataloader. The feature extraction code will be cleaned and released in the future. Meanwhile, feel free to contact me if you need that before the official release.


Please reference the following example command on Nr3D. Feel free to change the parameters. Please reference arguments for valid options.

cd referit3d/scripts
scanfile=keep_all_points_00_view_with_global_scan_alignment.pkl ## keep_all_points_with_global_scan_alignment if include Sr3D
python --patience 100 --max-train-epochs 100 --init-lr 1e-4 --batch-size 16 --transformer --model mmt_referIt3DNet -scannet-file $scanfile -referit3D-file $nr3dfile_csv --log-dir log/$exp_id --n-workers 2 --gpu 0 --unit-sphere-norm True --feat2d clsvecROI --context_2d unaligned --mmt_mask train2d --warmup


Please find the pretrained models here (clsvecROI on Nr3D). A known issue here.

cd referit3d/scripts
python --transformer --model mmt_referIt3DNet -scannet-file $scanfile -referit3D-file $nr3dfile --log-dir log/$exp_id --n-workers 2 --gpu $gpu --unit-sphere-norm True --feat2d clsvecROI --mode evaluate --pretrain-path $pretrain_path/best_model.pth


The project is built based on the following repository:

Part of the code or models are from ScanRef, MMF, TAP, and ViLBERT.

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