#30DayMapChallenge2021 Daily social mapping project in November 2021. Maps made using PyGMT whenever possible.
Day and Theme | Map |
8 - Blue | |
9 - Monochrome |
Daily social mapping project in November 2021. Maps made using PyGMT whenever possible.
Day and Theme | Map |
8 - Blue | |
9 - Monochrome |
django-location-field Let users pick locations using a map widget and store its latitude and longitude. Stable version: django-location-field==2.1.0 D
PyBingTiles This is a small toolkit in order to deal with Bing Tiles, used i.e. by Facebook for their Data for Good datasets. Install Clone this repos
Plasmidviewer Plasmidviewer is a Python library to visualize plasmid maps from GenBank. This library provides only the function to visualize circular
Implemented a Google Maps prototype that provides the shortest route in terms of distance, the fastest route, the route with the fewest turns, and a scenic route that avoids roads when provided a source and destination. The algorithms used were DFS, BFS, A*, and Iterative Depth First Search.
Inspectral Spectral decomposition for characterizing long-range interaction prof
Geolocator A Geolocator made in python ✨ Features locates ur location using ur ip thats it! 💁♀️ How to use first download the locator.py file instal
django-rest-framework-gis Geographic add-ons for Django Rest Framework - Mailing List. Install last stable version from pypi pip install djangorestfra
Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework. Maintained by the OpenWISP Project.
Notebooks A NASA MEaSUREs project to provide automated, low latency, global glacier flow and elevation change datasets This repository provides tools
Time to bring this to a conclusion. Last one (Day 30) is about metamapping, so here's a gallery image of all the 30DayMapChallenge2021 maps!
Source code(tar.gz)Fourth week of 30DayMapChallenge, must be near the end! Going all over the place now, from Antarctica to Middle Earth and some other places around the world! Here's a list of the maps made, with download links to the actual JPG/PNG/GIF files.
Third week of 30DayMapChallenge. Mostly focused on Aotearoa/New Zealand, thanks to open data from LINZ, but also ventured to some Asia-Pacific neighbours! Here's a list of the maps made, with download links to the actual JPG/PNG/GIF files.
Missed the first week of the 30DayMapChallenge, but better late than never! Here's a list of the maps made, with download links to the actual PNG/GIF files.
xarray-sentinel WARNING: this product is a "technology preview" / pre-Alpha Xarray backend to explore and load Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite data pr
A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment
Bike parking tweepy bot app A twitter bot app that searches for bicycle parking added to OpenStreetMap. Relies on AWS Lambda/S3, Python3, Tweepy, Flas
Roughly maps the extent of basins, basin edges, and mountains in the Imperial Valley by grouping terrain classes from the Iwahashi et al. 2021 California terrian classification model.
geojsonio.py Open GeoJSON data on geojson.io from Python. geojsonio.py also contains a command line utility that is a Python port of geojsonio-cli. Us
Python Geocoder Simple and consistent geocoding library written in Python. Table of content Overview A glimpse at the API Forward Multiple results Rev
pyproj Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library). Documentation Stable: http://pyproj4.github.io/pypr
earthengine-py-notebooks A collection of 360+ Jupyter Python notebook examples for using Google Earth Engine with interactive mapping Contact: Qiushen
MaxMind GeoIP Legacy Python Extension API Requirements Python 2.5+ or 3.3+ GeoIP Legacy C Library 1.4.7 or greater Installation With pip: $ pip instal
untiler Utility to take a directory of {z}/{x}/{y}.(jpg|png) tiles, and stitch into a scenetiff (tif w/ exact merc tile bounds). Future versions will
Description The sentinelhub Python package allows users to make OGC (WMS and WCS) web requests to download and process satellite images within your Py
satellite-visualization A cross-platform application to calculate & view the trajectory and live position of any earth-orbiting satellite in 3D. This
A multi-page streamlit app for the geospatial community.
Rasterio Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster data. Geographic information systems use GeoTIFF and other formats to organize and store gridded,
Emport Overview This repo provides a FDTD (Finite Differences Time Domain) simulator called emport for solving RF circuits. Emport outputs its simulat
AALU_Geo Mining This repository is produced for a masterclass at the Architectural Association Landscape Urbanism programme. Requirements Rhinoceros (
Python script that parses the gpmd stream for GOPRO moov track (MP4) and extract the GPS info into a GPX (and kml) file.
Kerala-Panchayath-Maps Python project to generate Kerala's distrcit level panchayath map. As of now, geojson files of Kollam and Kozhikode are added t
Location Based Provisioning Service for Aruba Central A service to auto provision devices in Aruba Central based on the Geo-IP location Geo-IP auto pr
Focal-Statistics The Focal statistics tool in many GIS applications like ArcGIS, QGIS and GRASS GIS is a standard method to gain a local overview of r