Official PyTorch Implementation of paper EAN: Event Adaptive Network for Efficient Action Recognition


EAN: Event Adaptive Network


PyTorch Implementation of paper:

EAN: Event Adaptive Network for Enhanced Action Recognition

Yuan Tian, Yichao Yan, Xiongkuo Min, Guo Lu, Guangtao Zhai, Guodong Guo, and Zhiyong Gao


Main Contribution

Efficiently modeling spatial-temporal information in videos is crucial for action recognition. In this paper, we propose a unified action recognition framework to investigate the dynamic nature of video content by introducing the following designs. First, when extracting local cues, we generate the spatial-temporal kernels of dynamic-scale to adaptively fit the diverse events. Second, to accurately aggregate these cues into a global video representation, we propose to mine the interactions only among a few selected foreground objects by a Transformer, which yields a sparse paradigm. We call the proposed framework as Event Adaptive Network (EAN) because both key designs are adaptive to the input video content. To exploit the short-term motions within local segments, we propose a novel and efficient Latent Motion Code (LMC) module, further improving the performance of the framework.



Please make sure the following libraries are installed successfully:

Data Preparation

Following the common practice, we need to first extract videos into frames for fast data loading. Please refer to TSN repo for the detailed guide of data pre-processing. We have successfully trained on Something-Something-V1 and V2, Kinetics, Diving48 datasets with this codebase. Basically, the processing of video data can be summarized into 3 steps:

  1. Extract frames from videos:

  2. Generate file lists needed for dataloader:

    • Each line of the list file will contain a tuple of (extracted video frame folder name, video frame number, and video groundtruth class). A list file looks like this:

      video_frame_folder 100 10
      video_2_frame_folder 150 31
    • Or you can use off-the-shelf tools provided by the repos: data_process/

  3. Edit dataset config information in

Pretrained Models

Here, we provide the pretrained models of EAN models on Something-Something-V1 datasets. Recognizing actions in this dataset requires strong temporal modeling ability. EAN achieves state-of-the-art performance on these datasets. Notably, our method even surpasses optical flow based methods while with only RGB frames as input.


Model Backbone FLOPs Val Top1 Val Top5 Checkpoints
EAN8F(RGB+LMC) ResNet-50 37G 53.4 81.1 [Jianguo Cloud]
EAN16(RGB+LMC) 74G 54.7 82.3
EAN16+8(RGB+LMC) 111G 57.2 83.9
EAN2 x (16+8)(RGB+LMC) 222G 57.5 84.3


For example, to test the EAN models on Something-Something-V1, you can first put the downloaded .pth.tar files into the "pretrained" folder and then run:

# test EAN model with 8frames clip
bash scripts/test/sthv1/

# test EAN model with 16frames clip
bash scripts/test/sthv1/


We provided several scripts to train EAN with this repo, please refer to "scripts" folder for more details. For example, to train PAN on Something-Something-V1, you can run:

# train EAN model with 8frames clip
bash scripts/train/sthv1/

Notice that you should scale up the learning rate with batch size. For example, if you use a batch size of 32 you should set learning rate to 0.005.

Other Info


This repository is built upon the following baseline implementations for the action recognition task.


Please [★star] this repo and [cite] the following arXiv paper if you feel our EAN useful to your research:

      title={EAN: Event Adaptive Network for Enhanced Action Recognition}, 
      author={Yuan Tian and Yichao Yan and Xiongkuo Min and Guo Lu and Guangtao Zhai and Guodong Guo and Zhiyong Gao},


For any questions, please feel free to open an issue or contact:

Yuan Tian: [email protected]
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