a high-performance, lightweight and human friendly serving engine for scrapy

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Web Crawlingscrapy-x

scrapy-x (X)

a distributed, scalable and lightweight environment for deploying and running scrapy spiders/projects with no-hassle on commodity hardware, also it is compatible with scrapyd /schedule.json and /daemonstatus.json.


$ pip install -U git+git://github.com/speakol-ads/scrapy-x.git


let's assume that you have a project called TestCrawler

  • cd to TestCrawler
  • run scrapy x
  • that is all!

Default Settings

it utilizes your default project settings.py file

# whether to enable debug mode or not
X_DEBUG = True

# the default queue name that the system will use
# actually it will be used as a prefix for its internal
# queues, currently there is only one queue called `X_QUEUE_NAME + '.BACKLOG'`
# which holds all jobs that should be crawled.

# the queue workers
# by default it uses the cpu cores count
# try to adjust it based on your resources & needs
X_QUEUE_WORKERS_COUNT = os.cpu_count()

# the webserver workers count
# the workers count required from uvicorn to spwan
# defaults to the available cpu count
# try to adjust it based on your resources & needs
X_SERVER_WORKERS_COUNT = os.cpu_count()

# the port the http server should listen on

# the host used by the http server to listen on

# whether to enable access log or not

# redis host
X_REDIS_HOST = 'localhost'

# redis port

# redis db

# redis password

# the maximum allowed wait time for a running task
# it will be killed after that time.

Available Endpoints

as well scrapyd core endpoints like (schedule.json, daemonstatus.json), you have the following too:


returns some info about the engine like the available spiders and backlog queue length

GET|POST /run/{spider_name}

execute the specified spider in {spider_name} and wait for it to return its result, P.S: any query param and json post data will be passed to the spider as argument -a key=value

GET|POST /enqueue/{spider_name}

adding the specified spider in {spider_name} to the backlog to be executed later, P.S: any query param and json post data will be used as spider argument

Technologies Used


I'm Mohamed, a software engineer who enjoys writing code in his free time, I'm speaking python, php, go, rust and js

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