A way to integrate Latex, VSCode, and Inkscape in macOS. Adopted the whole workflow from Gilles Castel.



A way to integrate LaTeX, VSCode, and Inkscape in macOS


I use LaTeX heavily in past two years for both academic work and professional work, and I think I'm quite proficient in terms of type thing out in LaTeX. But when I see this blog post from Gilles Castel-How I'm able to take notes in mathematics lectures using LaTeX and Vim and also How I draw figures for my mathematical lecture notes using Inkscape, I realize that I'm still too naive.

I took quite a few math courses, hence after find out this workflow, I decide to adapt the whole setup from Linux-Vim to macOS-VSCode. So, if you're interested in this and in the same situation as me, namely if you don't want to jump into Linux and Vim, follow me!

If you still don't konw what to expect, please go to Notes check out my notes taken in this setup. Decide to adapt this workflow probably is the best choice I did throughout my education!


Please look through the two blog posts above by Gilles Castel! They are incredible, and worth spending your time to really understand how all things works, and what's the motivation behind all these. I'm only mimicing his workflow, with a little patient to set up whole thing in my environment. Definitely show the respect to the original author!

Setup For Typing Blasting Fast

First thing first, please set up your VSCode with LaTeX properly with LaTeX Workshop, there are lots of tutorial online, just check them out and set them up properly.

Now, we go through thing one by one follow Gilles Castel's blog post.

Tex Conceal

This is probably the only thing I don't like that much in Gilles Castel's set up. I'm quite comfortable looking at LaTeX source code for formula, and I don't think they look that nice. But if you want to set them up in VSCode, there are an extension here, I personally have no experience with this particular setup, feel free to try them out though.


What’s a snippet?

A snip­pet is a short reusable piece of text that can be triggered by some other text. For example, when I type dm and press Tab, the word dm will be expanded to a math environment:

If you are a math guy, you may need to type some inline math like $$, which is kind of painful. But with snippet, you can have

See? You just type fm, and then your snippet not only automatically type $$for you, it also sends your cursor between $$!

As you can imagine, this can be quite complex. For example, you can even have something like this:

or this:

Too fast to keep track of? For the first snippet, I type table2 5, and then it generates a table with 2 rows and 5 columns. For the second one, I type pmat for matrix, and then type 2 4 to indicate that I want a 2 by 4 matrix, then boom! My snippets do that for me in an instant!

Feeling it? Let try to set up this step by step. And maybe you can create your own snippets also!

HyperSnips for Math

If you look around in VSCode extension marketplace to find UltiSnips' equivalence, you probably will find Vsnips. But I'm not sure why this is the case, I can't figure out how to set up _ properly. Hence, I find another alternative, which is HyperSnips. But hold on, don't download this too quickly! We will use HyperSnips for Math instead, and I'll explain why in a moment. Before then, please first download HyperSnips for Math. Now, just follow the instruction, copy latex.hsnips into $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/hsnips/, and you're good to go!

To modify this file, you can either go to this file in your finder or use VSCode built-in command function. For command function,

  1. Press shift+cmd+space to type in some command to VSCode.
  2. Type >HyperSnips: Open Snippet File
  3. Choose latex.hsnips

Now, let move on. Oh wait, I need to explain to you why I want to use HyperSnips for Math. This is because this version support math mode. Namely, you can specify a particular snippet will only be triggered in math environment. This is particularly useful when you need to switch beck and forth between text environment and math environment. When you use snippets after a while, you'll see why this is important!

For further and detailed explanation for snippets, please go to check out the original blog post!

Sympy and Mathematica

Unlike Gilles Castel's approach, there is an available extension out there for you to simplify your math calculation already! Please go to checkout Latex SYMPY Calculator. It's works like follows:

Magic right? Let's set it up! First, please look at the installation document provided by Latex Sympy Calculator. After your installation is done, you can then set up the keybinding for calculating the math expression. Personally, I use shift+e, where e stands for evaluate, to calculate in the way that it will append an equal sign and the answer right after your formula, just like above. And if you don't want to show the intermediate steps of your calculation, you can use shift+r, where r stands for replace, to directly replace the whole formula and give me the answer only. See the demo below:

You can find my key-binding set up in this repo. But stay tune, there is more to come! Let's go to the last thing covered in Gilles Castel's post, correcting spelling mistakes.

Correcting spelling mistakes on the fly

Although my typing speed is quite high, but I have typo all the times. So this is a must for me, actually. And surprisingly, this is the hardest thing until now for me to set it up right. Let's see how we can configure this functionality in VSCode!


Firstly, you need to download multi-command to perform this. And this is a very powerful extension, which allow you to do a sequence of action in one shortcut. We will use this later on also, and that's the place it shines.

Code Spell Checker

And then, after searching for some times, I find out that there is a popular spelling checker out there which meets our needs, Code Spell Checker. Just download it, it's useful.

LTeX(Not required)

If you are bad in grammar like me, you definitely want to install LTeX to check some simple grammar mistakes for you. Although it's not powerful like Grammarly, not even comparable, but it's still a good reference for you to keep your eyes on some simple mistakes you may overlook.

Now, it's time to configure all these. Open your Keyboard Shortcuts page in VSCode, which is in the bottom left


And then go into it's JSON file, which is at the upper right:


Now, paste the following code in keybindings.json:

	"key": "cmd+l",
        "command": "extension.multiCommand.execute",
        "args": {
		"sequence": [
                "command": "editor.action.codeAction",
        	    "args": {
	                "kind": "quickfix",
                    "apply": "first"

Make sure that the curly braces above have a tailing comma, otherwise VSCode will complain about it.

Now, as long as you see there is a spelling error, you just type cmd+l, the keybinding will do the following things:

  1. Use one of the default function from cSpell's: goToPreviousSpellingIssue, which jump your cursor on that spelling error word
  2. Triggered a default editor action, with the argument being quickfix to open a quick fix drop down list, and choose the first suggestion
  3. Move your cursor back by cursorUndo

Here is a quick demo for how it works when typing:

Additionally, if you also want to correct your grammar error, I use the shortcut cmd+k to trigger a quick-fix for a general error. The setting looks like this:

    "key": "cmd+k",
    "command": "extension.multiCommand.execute",
    "args": {
        "sequence": [
                "command": "editor.action.codeAction",
                "args": {
                    "kind": "quickfix",
                    "apply": "first"

Now, the first part is over. Let's go to the next truly beautiful, elegant and exciting world, drawing with Inkscape.

Drawing Like a Pro

Before we go to any setup detail, let's first look at some figures I draw right after I have set this up:

This is quite eye-pleasing, right? Those are some drawing I made when taking Linear programming lectures. But this is just my naive drawing, compare to Gilles Castel's examples, this is nothing. Definitely check it out for the original blog.

One last thing is that I'll assume you have already install VSCode Vim. While this is not required, but if you don't want to use it, then you'll need to assign different keybinding. Anyway, you'll see what I mean until then!


A big question is, why Inkscape? In Gilles Castel's blog, he had already explained it. One reason is that although TikZ can do the job for drawing vector figures in LaTeX with original support, it's too slow to set all diagram right. This is so true, since my experience with TikZ is nice looking, intuitive but also slow, bulky. For example, in one of my assignment for graph theory, I have to do graph partition by running a BFS(bread-first search). This is what's the source code looks like:

You think this is it? No, this is not even half of them. And yes, I admit that the result is not bad, the initial graph looks like this:

but to let VSCode to compile this, this is not fun at all. This large amount of nested environment, it takes latexindent to auto-indent them for almost five seconds, and then compile them by pdfLaTeX takes about 5 more seconds. That's not efficient at all, especially when you want some instant feedback for some small changes.

However, by using Inkscape, you only need to type(Ok, not quite, you don't need to type them out actually, you'll see) the following:

	\incfig{figure's name}
	\caption{Your caption}

And then you're done! And also, the compilation time for this is shorter than you can ever expect. Let's get started then!

Set up the Environment in LaTeX

First thing first, include the following in your header



This assumes that your LaTeX project's home directory looks like this:

    ├── LaTex.tex
    ├── LaTex.pdf
    ├── Figures
    │    │
    │    ├── fig1
    │    ├── fig2
    │    ..

Now, let's get into the fun part. Let's set up the short-cut for this.


Apparently, you need to install Inkscape first. I recommend you to install this in terminal. I assume that you have your homebrew installed. Then, just type the following into your terminal:

brew install --cask inkscape

Inkscape figure manager

This is a figure manager developed by Gilles Castel, and here is the repo. I recommend you to follow the installation instruction there. Here is just some guideline for you

  1. You need to download choose first, for later usages.

  2. Type this in your terminal

    pip3 install inkscape-figures
  3. type inkscape-figure in your terminal to make sure you have corrected install it.

If you're using Linux and Vim, then you are done already. But since you're using macOS and VSCode, please follow me, there is some more thing for you to configure.


Firstly, please type the following command in your terminal

where inkscape-figures 

to find out where the inkscape-figures is installed. In my environment, I use Anaconda quite a lot, so mine is /Users/pbb/opt/anaconda3/bin/inkscape-figures.

Now, go to a relative directory, in my case, it's in /Users/pbb/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/inkscapefigures. Open this directory by VSCode, there is something for you to modify.

Ok, I know you probably don't have that much patient now, so I have a modified version available here. If you don't want to know the detail, you can just copy this main.py and replace the current one. If you're interesting, lets me explain it for you.

Detail Explanation

In Gilles Castel's approach, he uses the shortcut ctrl-f to trigger this script, which will copy the whole line's content depending on cursor's position, and the script will send the snippets by the function

def latex_template(name, title):
    return '\n'.join((r"\begin{figure}[ht]",
                      r"    This is a custom LaTeX template!",
                      r"    \centering",
                      rf"    \incfig[1]{{{name}}}",
                      rf"    \caption{{{title}}}",
                      rf"    \label{{fig:{name}}}",

to stdout, and then create a figure by the name, which is the content of the line.

But this in VSCode is impossible, hence we don't need this, we'll use another approach, namely we'll accomplish the task by command line. And if we leave this function as it was, then it will literally send all these snippets into our terminal, which is quite annoying. So the modified version just remove this snippet completely.

Ok, the detailed explanation is over, let's move on.

Command Runner

The last thing you need to install is Command Runner. This will allow you to send command into terminal with shortcut. The configuration is in setting.json. Please copy the content into your own setting.json. Then, the only thing left is with that missing snippet part. Before we set it up, we look at the demonstration.


Don't know what happen? Let me break it down for you. Firstly, I change into insert mode in VSCode Vim and type my new figure's name figure-test. And then, I press ctrl+f to trigger a keybinding. Then it will automatically create an Inkscape figure named figure-test for me and open it.

Feel exciting? Let's set it up!

Set up Inkscape figure manager

The only thing you need to do is to copy the keybindings.json and settings.json into your own keybindings.json and settings.json and then you're done. But let me explain it to you, in case that you want to modify it to meet your need later on.


There are three different command in Inkscape figure manager. We break it down one by one.

1. Watch

Since Inkscape in default does not save the file in pdf+latex, hence we need Inkscape figure manager to help us. We need to first open the a file watcher to watch the file for any changes. If there is any, then file watcher will tell Inkscape to save the file in pdf+latex format.

To open the file watcher, you can type inkscape-figures watch in the terminal. In my case, I set up a shortly for this. In keybindings.json, we have

&& !inDebugRepl && vim.mode == 'Visual'" }">
    "key": "ctrl+f",
    "command": "command-runner.run",
    "args": {
        "command": "inkscapeStart",
        "terminal": {
            "name": "runCommand",
            "shellArgs": [],
            "autoClear": true,
            "autoFocus": false
    "when": "editorTextFocus && vim.active && vim.use
     && !inDebugRepl && vim.mode == 'Visual'

for starting the Inkscape figure manager. And the command is defined in settings.json:

"command-runner.commands": {
    "inkscapeStart": "inkscape-figures watch"

In detailed, we just use command runner to run the command we defined in settings.json, in this case, I explicitly tell the keybinding ctrl+f will trigger inkscapeStart when I'm in Visual mode in Vim, which is just inkscape-figures watcher as defined above.

Notice that we set the autoFocus=false for the terminal command runner use since we don't want a pop-up terminal to distract us. If you want to see whether the command is triggered correctly every time, you can set it to true.

2. Create

Same as above, we also use ctrl+f to trigger inkscape-figures create command. But in this case, we do a little bit more than that. We set up our keybindings.json as

&& !inDebugRepl && vim.mode == 'Insert'" },">
	"key": "ctrl+f",
	"command": "extension.multiCommand.execute",
	"args": {
		"sequence": [
			"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
			"args": {
				"name": "incfig"
				"command": "command-runner.run",
				"args": {
					"command": "inkscapeCreate",
				"terminal": {
					"name": "runCommand",
					"shellArgs": [],
					"autoClear": true,
					"autoFocus": false
	"when": "editorTextFocus && vim.active && vim.use
     && !inDebugRepl && vim.mode == 'Insert'

and also in settings.json:

"command-runner.commands": {
    "inkscapeCreate": "inkscape-figures create ${selectedText} ${workspaceFolder}/Figures/"

We break it down what ctrl+f do in Insert mode exactly step by step. We see that when we press ctrl+f in Insert mode, we trigger multiCommand.execute to execute a sequence of instructions, which are

  1. Copy the content into your clipboard of the line your cursor at
  2. We insert a bland line after since we need to insert snippet, and that's will delete a additional line. You can try to delete this and the next instruction, and see what happens.
  3. After insert a new line, we move back our cursor.
  4. We delete that copied content by removing this line.
  5. We insert an snippet defined in latex.json. Notice that this is the defualt snippet functionality built-in VSCode, not what we have use above. I'll explain where to copy this file in a minute.
  6. Lastly, we send a command in terminal by command runner, with the command inkscapeCreate we defined in settings.json. Then we're done!

In the fifth instruction, we need to use the snippet like

	"incfig": {
		"prefix": "incfig",
		"body": [
		"description": "Inserts mathematical diagram"

which is just the snippet we remove from Inkscape figure manager's source code! It's back again, in a different approach! You can paste this into your configuration by the following steps:

  1. Press shift+cmd+p to open the VSCode command
  2. Type snippets, and choose Preferences: Configure User Snippets.
  3. Choose New Global Snippets file...
  4. Enter latex to create a new file.
  5. Paste the above snippets in to that file.

Now, let's see the last thing I have to share with you.

3. Edit

Again, we also use ctrl+f to trigger inkscape-figures edit command. We set up our keybindings.json as

&& !inDebugRepl && vim.mode == 'Normal'" },">
	"key": "ctrl+f",
	"command": "command-runner.run",
	"args": {
		"command": "inkscapeEdit",
		"terminal": {
			"name": "runCommand",
			"shellArgs": [],
			"autoClear": true,
			"autoFocus": false
	"when": "editorTextFocus && vim.active && vim.use
     && !inDebugRepl && vim.mode == 'Normal'

and also in settings.json:

"command-runner.commands": {
    "inkscapeEdit": "inkscape-figures edit ${workspaceFolder}/Figures/"

This is what's you should expect when you want to edit a particular figure:

This is where choose comes into play. When you press ctrl+f in Normal mode, you'll trigger the inkscape-figures edit command, and it'll look into your Figures/ subfolder to see what figures you have and pop out a window for you to choose. After you press enter, it will open that file for you to edit. In my demo, I create another figure named figure-test2, and then modify it a little, and compile it again.

Notice that there is one more thing for you to modify in the source code in main.py in inkscape figure manager. Since Gilles Castel originally use figures/ as his subfolder name to store figures, so you need to change every figures/ in the source code into Figures/ if you're modifying the source-code by your own rather than copy mine.

Overall Workflow to Create a New Figure in VSCode with Inkscape

This is the whole set up I have, and let's wrap this up, since I know this may be quite overwhelming.

  1. Before you start your project, please go to Visual mode by entering v in Normal mode. And then press ctrl+f. This will set up the file watcher.
  2. When you want to create a new figure, go into a new line, type the name of your figure in Insert mode, then press ctrl+f. This will create a new figure with the name you typed, and open it in Inkscape for you.
  3. When you have done drawing your figure, as long as you press cmd+s, it will automatically save the figure in pdf+latex for you, then you can close Inkscape.
  4. When you want to edit one of your figure, you press ctrl+f in Normal mode, it will pop out a window for you to choose the figure you want to edit. And the rest is the same as 3.


Again, thanks to Gilles Castel, this workflow really fit my style. Although it originally works in Linux+Vim only, but the idea is the most important thing. Without his wonder post, I can't even imagine this is possible. But now it is! Definitely go to his original post to show him some love.


If you read through Gilles Castel's posts, you'll find out that I don't have any solution for inkscape-shortcut-manager, this is because it depends on a particular library called Xlib, which is only for Linux.

Currently, there is a repo called python-xlib for macOS, but it's still underdeveloped. And although they claim that the most functionality is done, but there is still some bug when I want to use inkscape-shortcut-manager. Hence, let's see what can we do for this part. I currently just use the default shortcut, and this works quite well for me. If there is any alternative, definitely let me know!


After some reseraching, although there is a way to let the original script in inkscape-shortcut-manager running correctly, but since it depends on xlib, which is no longer used by macOS for almost every application(including inkscape, as expected), hence the only thing I can do now is to give up. In a perceivable future, if I have time to find an alternative way to interrupt the window activity in macOS, I'll try to configure it for macOS.

Related Project

  1. Academic_Template(A general LaTeX template for making PPT by beamer and Academic Report)
  2. Notes(All notes taken in this setup)
  3. gillescastel/inkscape-figures
  4. gillescastel/inkscape-shortcut-manager
  5. chipsenkbeil/choose
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jupyterlite-echo-kernel An echo kernel for JupyterLite. Requirements JupyterLite = 0.1.0a10 Install To install the extension, execute: pip install ju

JupyterLite 7 Dec 07, 2022
Mu - A Simple Python Code Editor

A small, simple editor for beginner Python programmers. Written in Python and Qt5.

Mu 1.2k Jan 03, 2023