Expose a GDAL file as a HTTP accessible on-the-fly COG

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Expose any GDAL recognized raster file as a HTTP accessible on-the-fly COG (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF)

The on-the-fly COG file is not materialized to disk, can be of arbitrary size with little RAM consumption and can be accessed in a piecewise way with HTTP GET Range header.

Quality: proof-of-concept

What remains to be implemented:

  • expose metadata in GDAL_METADATA tag
  • allow compression
  • expose overviews when they exist


Affero GPL v3

Contact me if you need a different license than AGPL.


  • Python 3
  • GDAL native library
  • GDAL Python bindings

How to use

Serve: cogserver.py my_gdal_raster --port 8080

Consume: gdalinfo /vsicurl/http://localhost:8080/my.tif

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