gjf: A tool for fixing invalid GeoJSON objects


gjf: A tool for fixing invalid GeoJSON objects

The goal of this tool is to make it as easy as possible to fix invalid GeoJSON objects through Python or Command Line.


pip install gjf

Verify installation by running

gjf --version


  • Fix all types of GeoJSON objects, including FeatureCollection and Geometry Collection. If there is nothing to fix the object will be returned as is.
  • Can validate GeoJSON objects, and print explanations if the object is not valid.
  • Can be used within Python or command line



Say, you have a GeoJSON object defined as follows:

obj = {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[45.892166,25.697688],[45.894522,25.696483],[45.897131,25.695144],[45.898814,25.694268],[45.900496,25.693394],[45.901284,25.692983],[45.903946,25.697312],[45.894791,25.701933],[45.894621,25.701657],[45.892593,25.698379],[45.892166,25.697688]],[[45.892086,25.697729],[45.892166,25.697688],[45.892086,25.697729]]]}

You can simply call apply_fixes_if_needed

from gjf.geojson_fixer import apply_fixes_if_needed

fixed_obj = apply_fixes_if_needed(obj)

You can also flip coordinates order by toggling flip_coords

from gjf.geojson_fixer import apply_fixes_if_needed

fixed_obj_with_flipped_coordinates = apply_fixes_if_needed(obj, flip_coords=True)

You can also check whether a GeoJSON object is valid or not by calling validity

from gjf.geojson_fixer import validity

Will result ('invalid', ['Too few points in geometry component[45.892086 25.697729]', ''])


gjf invalid.geojson

gjf will fix the file, and output to invalid_fixed.geojson by default. If you need the output directed in another way you can use --output-method as directed below. It is also possible to fix multiple files, as below.

gjf invalid_1.geojson invalid_2.geojson

Above will output fixed GeoJSON objects to invalid_1_fixed.geojson and invalid_2_fixed.geojson.

CLI Arguments

  • --version print version and exit
  • --validate validate GeoJSON file, and print the error message if it is not valid, without attempting to fix it.
  • --flip Flip coordinates order
  • -o, --output-method [overwrite|new_file|print]
    • Default is new_file, where gjf will output fixed GeoJSON object to file with the postfix _fixed. Whereas overwrite will write the fixed GeoJSON object to the source file, overwriting the original file in process. Lastly, print will output the fixed GeoJSON object on the terminal
gjf --output-method print invalid.geojson

This would print fixed invalid.geojson on the terminal


Feel free to open an issue if you have any problems.

Special Thanks

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