Ukrainian TTS (text-to-speech) using Coqui TTS

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Ukrainian TTS

Ukrainian TTS 📢 🤖

Ukrainian TTS (text-to-speech) using Coqui TTS.

Trained on M-AILABS Ukrainian dataset using sumska voice.

Link to online demo ->


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How to use :

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Download model from "Releases" tab.
  3. Launch as one-time command:
tts --text "Text for TTS" \
    --model_path path/to/model.pth.tar \
    --config_path path/to/config.json \
    --out_path folder/to/save/output.wav

or alternatively launch web server using:

tts-server --model_path path/to/model.pth.tar \
    --config_path path/to/config.json

How to train:

  1. Refer to "Nervous beginner guide" in Coqui TTS docs.
  2. Instead of provided config.json use one from this repo.


Code for taken from

  • Error with file: speakers.pth

    Error with file: speakers.pth

    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/user/Soft/Python/mamba1/TTS/vits_mykyta_latest-September-12-2022_12+38AM-829e2c24/speakers.pth'

    opened by akirsoft 4
  • doc: fix examples in README

    doc: fix examples in README


    The one-time snippet does not work as is and complains that the speaker is not defined

     > initialization of speaker-embedding layers.
     > Text: Перевірка мікрофона
     > Text splitted to sentences.
    ['Перевірка мікрофона']
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/serg/.local/bin/tts", line 8, in <module>
      File "/home/serg/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/TTS/bin/", line 350, in main
        wav = synthesizer.tts(
      File "/home/serg/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/TTS/utils/", line 228, in tts
        raise ValueError(
    ValueError:  [!] Look like you use a multi-speaker model. You need to define either a `speaker_name` or a `speaker_wav` to use a multi-speaker model.

    Also it speakers.pth should be downloaded.


    Just a few documentation changes:

    • make instructions on what to download from Releases more precise
    • add --speaker_id argument with one of the speakers
    opened by seriar 2
  • One vowel words in the end of the sentence aren't stressed

    One vowel words in the end of the sentence aren't stressed


    Бобер на березі з бобренятами бублики пік.
    Боронила борона по боронованому полю.
    Ішов Прокіп, кипів окріп, прийшов Прокіп - кипить окріп, як при Прокопі, так і при Прокопі і при Прокопенятах.
    Сидить Прокоп — кипить окроп, Пішов Прокоп — кипить окроп. Як при Прокопові кипів окроп, Так і без Прокопа кипить окроп.


    Боб+ер н+а березі з бобрен+ятами б+ублики пік.
    Борон+ила борон+а п+о борон+ованому п+олю.
    Іш+ов Пр+окіп, кип+ів окр+іп, прийш+ов Пр+окіп - кип+ить окр+іп, +як пр+и Пр+окопі, т+ак +і пр+и Пр+окопі +і пр+и Прокопенятах.
    Сид+ить Прок+оп — кип+ить окроп, Піш+ов Прок+оп — кип+ить окроп. +Як пр+и Пр+окопові кип+ів окроп, Т+ак +і б+ез Пр+окопа кип+ить окроп.```
    opened by robinhad 0
  • Error import StressOption

    Error import StressOption

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/Soft/Python/mamba1/", line 1, in from ukrainian_tts.tts import TTS, Voices, StressOption ImportError: cannot import name 'StressOption' from 'ukrainian_tts.tts'

    opened by akirsoft 0
  • Vits improvements

    Vits improvements

    vitsArgs = VitsArgs(
        # hifi V3
        resblock_type_decoder = '2',
        upsample_rates_decoder = [8,8,4],
        upsample_kernel_sizes_decoder = [16,16,8],
        upsample_initial_channel_decoder = 256,
        resblock_kernel_sizes_decoder = [3,5,7],
        resblock_dilation_sizes_decoder = [[1,2], [2,6], [3,12]],
    opened by robinhad 0
  • Model improvement checklist

    Model improvement checklist

    • [x] Add Ukrainian accentor -
    • [ ] Fine-tune from existing checkpoint (e.g. VITS Ljspeech)
    • [ ] Try to increase fft_size, hop_length to match sample_rate accordingly
    • [ ] Include more dataset samples into model
    opened by robinhad 0
  • v4.0.0(Dec 10, 2022)

  • v3.0.0(Sep 14, 2022)

    This is a release of Ukrainian TTS model and checkpoint. License for this model is GNU GPL v3 License. This release has a stress support using + sign before vowels. Model was trained for 280 000 steps by @robinhad . Kudos to @egorsmkv for providing dataset for this model. Kudos to @proger for providing alignment scripts. Kudos to @dchaplinsky for Dmytro voice.


    Test sentence:

    К+ам'ян+ець-Под+ільський - м+істо в Хмельн+ицькій +області Укра+їни, ц+ентр Кам'ян+ець-Под+ільської міськ+ої об'+єднаної територі+альної гром+ади +і Кам'ян+ець-Под+ільського рай+ону.

    Mykyta (male):

    Olena (female):

    Dmytro (male):

    Olha (female):

    Lada (female):

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    config.json(12.07 KB)
    model-inference.pth(329.95 MB)
    model.pth(989.97 MB)
    speakers.pth(495 bytes)
  • v2.0.0(Jul 10, 2022)

    This is a release of Ukrainian TTS model and checkpoint using voice (7 hours) from Mykyta dataset. License for this model is GNU GPL v3 License. This release has a stress support using + sign before vowels. Model was trained for 140 000 steps by @robinhad . Kudos to @egorsmkv for providing Mykyta and Olena dataset.


    Test sentence:

    К+ам'ян+ець-Под+ільський - м+істо в Хмельн+ицькій +області Укра+їни, ц+ентр Кам'ян+ець-Под+ільської міськ+ої об'+єднаної територі+альної гром+ади +і Кам'ян+ець-Под+ільського рай+ону.

    Mykyta (male):

    Olena (female):

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    config.json(9.97 KB)
    model-inference.pth(329.95 MB)
    model.pth(989.72 MB)
    optimized.pth(329.95 MB)
    speakers.pth(431 bytes)
  • v2.0.0-beta(May 8, 2022)

    This is a beta release of Ukrainian TTS model and checkpoint using voice (7 hours) from Mykyta dataset. License for this model is GNU GPL v3 License. This release has a stress support using + sign before vowels. Model was trained for 150 000 steps by @robinhad . Kudos to @egorsmkv for providing Mykyta dataset.



    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    config.json(8.85 KB)
    LICENSE(34.32 KB)
    model-inference.pth(317.15 MB)
    model.pth(951.32 MB)
    tts_output.wav(1.11 MB)
  • v1.0.0(Jan 14, 2022)

  • v0.0.1(Oct 14, 2021)

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