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$ git clone
$ cd balabolapy
$ python3
pdf-scraper-with-ocr With this tool I am aiming to facilitate the work of those who need to scrape PDFs either by hand or using tools that doesn't imp
AdvancedEAST AdvancedEAST is an algorithm used for Scene image text detect, which is primarily based on EAST:An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Dete
PICCL: Philosophical Integrator of Computational and Corpus Libraries PICCL offers a workflow for corpus building and builds on a variety of tools. Th
QR CODE GENERATO USING PYTHON Author : RAFIK BOUDALIA. Installation Use the package manager pip to install foobar. pip install pyqrcode Usage from tki
evision [WIP] : OS : arch Build Status Ubuntu 20.04 arm64 Ubuntu 20.04 armv7 Ubuntu 20.04 s390x Ubuntu 20.04 ppc64le Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 macOS 11 Big
colordetection color detection using python In this color detection Python project, we are going to build an application through which you can automat
pyTelegramBotCAPTCHA An easy to use and (hopefully useful) image CAPTCHA soltion for pyTelegramBotAPI. Installation: pip install pyTelegramBotCAPTCHA
Image Detector and Convertor App created using python's Pillow, OpenCV, cvlib, numpy and streamlit packages.
Security Camera using Opencv & Dropbox This is a simple Security Camera created using Opencv in Python where images gets saved in realtime in your Dro
Python-Phantom-Forces-Aim-Bot Python Computer Vision Aim Bot for Roblox's Phanto
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OCR Resources This repository contains a collection of resources (including the papers and datasets) of OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Contents
引用 本项目模型BiLSTM+CRF参考论文: ,IDCNN+CRF参考论文: 构建 安装好bazel代码构建工具,安装好tensorflow(目前本项目需
Overview ExtractTable - API to extract tabular data from images and scanned PDFs The motivation is to make it easy for developers to extract tabular d
Security camera running OpenCV for object and motion detection. The camera will send email with image of any objects it detects. It also runs a server that provides web interface with live stream vid
Boundary Neural Fields Globalization This is the code for Boundary Neural Fields globalization method. The technical report of the method can be found
Overview This collection demonstrates how to construct and train a deep, bidirectional stacked LSTM using CNN features as input with CTC loss to perfo
SCANimate: Weakly Supervised Learning of Skinned Clothed Avatar Networks (CVPR 2021 Oral) This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation
Mathematical formulae extractor The goal of this project is to create a learning based system that takes an image of a math formula and returns corres