Creating a python package to convert /transfer excelsheet data to a mysql Database Table



import pandas as pd import sys import mysql.connector as mysql from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox

class Convert_ExcelSheet_To_MySqlTable: def init(self,username,password,hostname,excel_file,database_name,number_of_columns,sql): self.excel_file=excel_file self.username=username self.password=password self.hostname=hostname self.sql=sql self.database_name=database_name self.number_of_columns=number_of_columns

   def Convert_to_MySqlDatabaseTable(self):
        root = Tk()
        read=pd.read_excel(self.excel_file, engine='openpyxl')
            messagebox.showinfo("Authentification", "You have Logged into the database successfully")
            for reading in read_array:
                  while count

#######################Instructions you need to followcarefully##############################

from excelsheet_to_mysqldatabasetable.excel_converter import Convert_ExcelSheet_To_MySqlTable

excel_file_path=open(r"C:\Users\LAMECK\Desktop\Excel Converter\documentation\db4.xlsx","rb")

#Enter your table name and the columns you have in your mysql table .Note the columns in the excel sheet and mysql table should be in the same order. #Enter( %s ) according to the number of columns you have .

sql=" INSERT INTO db4(serialnumber,entrynumber,volumenumber,district,year,user,hospital) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"

convert=Convert_ExcelSheet_To_MySqlTable(username="root",password="tangimeko7583",hostname="localhost",excel_file=excel_file_path,database_name="db4",number_of_columns=7,sql=sql) convert.Convert_to_MySqlDatabaseTable()

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