Code for "Unsupervised Source Separation via Bayesian inference in the latent domain"



Code for "Unsupervised Source Separation via Bayesian inference in the latent domain"



GT Compressed Separated
Drums GT Compressed Drums Separated Drums
Bass GT Compressed Bass Separated Bass
Mix GT Compressed Mix Separated Mix

The separation is performed on a x64 compressed latent domain. The results can be upsampled via Jukebox upsamplers in order to increment perceptive quality (WIP).


Install the conda package manager from

conda create --name lqvae-separation python=3.7.5
conda activate lqvae-separation
pip install mpi4py==3.0.3
pip install ffmpeg-python==0.2.0
pip install torch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .


  • Enter inside script/ folder and create the folder checkpoints/ and the folder results/.
  • Download the checkpoints contained in this Google Drive folder and put them inside checkpoints/

Separation with checkpoints

  • Call the following in order to perform bs separations of 3 seconds starting from second shift of the mixture created with the sources in path_1 and path_2. The sources must be WAV files sampled at 22kHz.
    PYTHONPATH=.. python --shift=shift --path_1=path_1 --path_2=path_2 --bs=bs
  • The default value for bs is 64, and can be handled by an RTX3080 with 16 GB of VRAM. Lower the value if you get CUDA: out of memory.



  • The vqvae/vqvae.pyfile of Jukebox has been modified in order to include the linearization loss of the LQ-VAE (it is computed at all levels of the hierarchical VQ-VAE but we only care of the topmost level given that we perform separation there). One can train a new LQ-VAE on custom data (here data/train for train and data/test for test) by running the following from the root of the project
PYTHONPATH=. mpiexec -n 1 python jukebox/ --hps=vqvae --sample_length=131072 --bs=8 
--audio_files_dir=data/train/ --labels=False --train --test --aug_shift --aug_blend --name=lq_vae --test_audio_files_dir=data/test
  • The trained model uses the vqvae hyperparameters in so if you want to change the levels / downsampling factors you have to modify them there.
  • The only constraint for training the LQ-VAE is to use an even number for the batch size, given its use of pairs in the loss.
  • Given that L_lin enforces the sum operation on the latent domain, you can use the data of both sources together (or any other audio data).
  • Checkpoints are save in logs/lq_vae (lq_vae is the name parameter).


  • After training the LQ-VAE, train two priors on two different classes by calling
PYTHONPATH=. mpiexec -n 1 python jukebox/ --hps=vqvae,small_prior,all_fp16,cpu_ema --name=pior_source
 --audio_files_dir=data/source/train --test_audio_files_dir=data/source/test --labels=False --train --test --aug_shift
  --aug_blend --prior --levels=3 --level=2 --weight_decay=0.01 --save_iters=1000 --min_duration=24 --sample_length=1048576 
  --bs=16 --n_ctx=8192 --sample=True --sample_iters=1000 --restore_vqvae=logs/lq_vae/checkpoint_lq_vae.pth.tar
  • Here the data of the source is located in data/source/train and data/source/test and we assume the LQ-VAE has 3 levels (topmost level = 2).
  • The Transformer model is defined by the parameters of small_prior in and uses a context of n_ctx=8192 codes.
  • The checkpoint path of the LQ-VAE trained in the previous step must be passed to --restore_vqvae
  • Checkpoints are save in logs/pior_source (pior_source is the name parameter).

Codebook sums

  • Before separation, the sums between all codes must be computed using the LQ-VAE. This can be done using the in the script folder:
PYTHONPATH=.. python --save_path=checkpoints/ 
--restore_vqvae=../logs/lq_vae/checkpoint_lq_vae.pth.tar` --raw_to_tokens=64 --l_bins=2048
--sample_rate=22050 --alpha=[0.5, 0.5] --downs_t=(2, 2, 2) --commit=1.0 --emb_width=64

Separation with trained checkpoints

  • Trained checkpoints can be given to as following:
    PYTHONPATH=.. python --shift=shift --path_1=path_1 --path_2=path_2 --bs=bs --restore_vqvae=checkpoints/checkpoint_step_60001_latent.pth.tar
    --restore_priors 'checkpoints/checkpoint_drums_22050_latent_78_19k.pth.tar' checkpoints/checkpoint_latest.pth.tar' --sum_codebook=checkpoints/
  • restore_priors accepts two paths to the first and second prior checkpoints.


  • In order to evaluate the pre-trained checkpoints, run after you have put the full Slakh drums and bass validation split inside data/bass/validation and data/drums/validation.

Future work

  • training of upsamplers for increasing the quality of the separations
  • better rejection sampling method (maybe use verifiers as in


If you find the code useful for your research, please consider citing

  title={Unsupervised Source Separation via Bayesian Inference in the Latent Domain},
  author={Mancusi, Michele and Postolache, Emilian and Fumero, Marco and Santilli, Andrea and Cosmo, Luca and Rodol{\`a}, Emanuele},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.05313},

as well as the Jukebox baseline:

  • Dhariwal, P., Jun, H., Payne, C., Kim, J. W., Radford, A., & Sutskever, I. (2020). Jukebox: A generative model for music. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00341.
Michele Mancusi
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