OpenCV Image to Dataset Converter
Slice a single image of Persian digits into multiple pieces and create a dataset from them.
The result is a dataset of images of digits extracted from the input image:
Slice a single image of Persian digits into multiple pieces and create a dataset from them.
The result is a dataset of images of digits extracted from the input image:
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Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library
This repository contains code of our CVPR 2021 paper - "Learning Camera Localization via Dense Scene Matching" by Shitao Tang, Chengzhou Tang, Rui Hua
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Face Anonymizer - FaceAnonApp v1.0 Blur faces from image and video files in /data/files folder. Contents Repo of the source files for the FaceAnonApp. OCR Result Checker = Draw OCR overlay on top of image Python tool that takes the JSON output as input, and draws an overlay on to
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Image processing is one of the most common term in computer vision. Computer vision is the process by which computers can understand images and videos, and how they are stored, manipulated, and retri
Document image dewarping using text-lines and line Segments Abstract Conventional text-line based document dewarping methods have problems when handli
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work with webcam : Press key 1 to use emojy on your face Press key 2 to use lip and eye on your face Press key 3 to checkered your face Press key 4 to
Create single line SVG illustrations from your pictures
The code of this repository was used for the following publication. If you find this code useful please cite our paper: @article{Gallego2019, title =