Conditional probing: measuring usable information beyond a baseline


Three probe setups. First using both baseline and representation as input, achieving 100% accuracy. . Second using just baseline, achieving 75%; third using just representation, achieving 25%.


Codebase for easy specification of (conditional) (V-information) probing experiments.


  • Conditional probing: measure only the aspects of property that aren't explainable by the baseline of your choice.
  • Train a probe using one or many layers from one or many models as input representations; loading and concatenation of representations performed automatically.
  • Integration with huggingface for specifying representation.
  • Heuristic subword-token-to-token alignment of Tenney et al., 2019 performed per-model.
  • Sort of smart caching of tokenized datasets and subword token alignment matrices to hdf5 files.
  • Modular design of probes, training regimen, representation models, and reporting.
  • Change out classes specifying probes or representations directly through YAML configs instead of if statements in code.

Written for the paper Conditional probing: measuring usable information beyond a baseline (EMNLP 2021).

Installing and getting started

  1. Clone the repository.

     git clone
     cd vinfo-probing-internal
  2. [Optional] Construct a virtual environment for this project. Only python3 is supported.

     conda create --name sp-env
     conda activate sp-env
  3. Install the required packages.

     conda install --file requirements.txt
  4. Run your first experiment using a provided config file. This experiment trains and reports a part-of-speech probe on layer 5 of the roberta-base model.

     python vinfo/ example/roberta768-upos-layer5-example-cpu.yaml
  5. Take a look at the config file, example/roberta768-upos-layer5-example.yaml. It states that the results and probe parameters are saved to example/, a directory that would've been created if it hadn't already existed. If your experiment ran without error, you should see the following files in that directory:


    The v_entropy files store a single float: the variational entropy as estimated on the {dev,train} set. The label_acc files store a single float: the part-of-speech tagging accuracies on the {dev,train} set. The params file stores the probe parameters.

  6. Make a minimal change to the config file, say replacing the roberta-base model with another model, specified by its huggingface identifier string.

YAML-centric Design

This codebase revolves around the yaml configuration files that specify experiment settings. Intended to minimize the amount of experiment logic code needed to swap out new Probe, Loss, or Model classes when extending the repository, all python classes defined in the codebase are actually constructed with the yaml loading process.

This is mostly documented in the pyyaml docs, here, but briefly, consider the following config snippet:

cache: &id_cache !WholeDatasetCache
  train_path: &idtrainpath example/data/en_ewt-ud-sample/en_ewt-ud-train.conllu 
  dev_path: &iddevpath example/data/en_ewt-ud-sample/en_ewt-ud-dev.conllu
  test_path: &idtestpath example/data/en_ewt-ud-sample/en_ewt-ud-test.conllu 

When the yaml config is loaded, it result in a dictionary with the key cache. The fun magic part is that !WholeDatasetCache references the code in, wherein the WholeDatasetCache class has the class attribute yaml_tag = !WholeDatasetCache. The train_path, dev_path, test_path are the arguments to this class's __init__ function. Because of this, the value stored at key cache is an instance of WholeDatasetCache, constructed during yaml loading with the arguments provided.

All experiment objects -- Probes, Models, Datasets, are constructed during yaml initialization in the same way. Because of this, the logic for running an experiment -- in -- is short.

Some yaml basics

If you're not familiar with yaml, it's worthwhile to take a peek at the documentation. We make frequent use of the referencing feature of yaml -- the ability to give an object in the .yaml config file an identifier, and place the same object elsewhere in the config file by referencing the identifier.

Making the label looks like:

input_fields: &id_input_fields
  - id
  - form

where the ampersand in &id_input_fields indicates the registration of an identifier; this object can then be placed elsewher in the config through

fields: *id_input_fields

where the asterisk in *id_input_fields indicates the reference of the object.

Limiting logic in __init__ due to yaml use

While the yaml object construction design decision makes it transparent which objects will be used in the course of a given experiment (instead of if/else/case statements that grow with the codebase scope), it adds a somewhat annoying consideration when writing code for these classes.

Stated briefly, all you can do in the __init__ functions of your classes is assign arguments as instance variables, like self.thing = thing; you cannot run any code that relies on thing being an already-constructed object.

In more depth, the yaml loading process doesn't provide a guarantee on what order objects will be constructed. But we refer to objects (like the input_fields list) in constructing other objects, through yaml object reference. (Since, say, the dataset classes need to know what the input_fields list is.) So, when going through yaml loading, we do call __init__ functions (see, but we are just passing around references and doing simple computation that doesn't depend on other yaml-constructed objects.

This means, somewhat unfortunately, that setup-style functionality, like checking the validity of cache files, for the dataset classes, has to be run at some time other than __init__. In practice, we check a check-for-setup condition into the functions that need the setup to have been run.

This toolkit is intended to be easily extensible, and allow for quick swapping of experimental components. As such, the code is split into an arguably reasonable class layout, wherein one can write a new Probe or new Loss class somewhat easily. More unusually,

Code layout and config runthrough

In this section we walk through the example configuration file and explain the classes associated with each component. Each of these subsections refers to an object constructed during yaml loading, which is a "top-level" object, available in the loaded yaml config.


Input-fields, for conll-formtted files, provides string labels for the columns of the file.

input_fields: &id_input_fields
  - id
  - form
  - lemma
  - upos
  - ptb_pos
  - feats
  - dep_head
  - dep_rel
  - None
  - misc

These identifiers will be used to pull the data of a column in the AnnotationDataset class; we'll go over this when we get to the dataset part of the config.


The cache object does some simple filesystem timestamp checking, and non-foolproof lock checking, to determine whether cache files for each dataset should be read from, or written to. This is crucial for running many experiments with Huggingface transformers models, since the tokenization and alignment of subword tokens to corpus tokens takes more time than running the experiment itself once loaded.

cache: &id_cache !WholeDatasetCache
  train_path: &idtrainpath scripts/ontonotes_scripts/train.ontonotes.withdep.conll
  dev_path: &iddevpath scripts/ontonotes_scripts/dev.ontonotes.withdep.conll
  test_path: &idtestpath scripts/ontonotes_scripts/test.ontonotes.withdep.conll

Note that we make reference ids for both the WholeDatasetCache object itself and for the {train,dev,test} file paths, so we can use these later.


The Reader objects are written to handle the oddities of a given filetype. The OntonotesReader object, for example, reads conll files, turning lines into sentences (given the input_fields object, above), while the SST2Reader object knows how to read label\TABtokenized_sentence data, as given by the SST2 task of the GLUE benchmark.

disk_reader: !OntonotesReader &id_disk_reader
    device: cpu
  train_path: *idtrainpath 
  dev_path: *iddevpath 
  test_path: *idtestpath 

The args bit here is sort of a vestigal part of earlier code design; its only member, the device, is used whenver PyTorch objects are involved, to put tensors on the right device. Note how it references the dataset filepaths that were registered in the cache part of the config.


The ListDataset object is always the top-level object of the dataset key; its job is to gather together output labels, and all of the input types, concatenate together the input, and yield minibatches for training and evaluation.

dataset: !ListDataset
    device: cpu
  data_loader: *id_disk_reader
  output_dataset: !AnnotationDataset
      device: cpu
    task: !TokenClassificationTask
        device: cpu
      task_name: ptb_pos
      input_fields: *id_input_fields
    - !HuggingfaceData
        device: cpu
        #model_string: &model1string google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2
      model_string: &model1string google/bert_uncased_L-4_H-128_A-2
      cache: *id_cache
  batch_size: 5 

It is given the DataLoader from above so it can read data from disk. It has a single specified Dataset for its output, here an AnnotationDataset. The AnnotationDataset given here takes in a Task object -- here a TokenClassificationTask, to provide the labels for the output task. the TokenClassificationTask provides a label, using the task_name to pick out a column from the conll input file, as labeled by the input_fields list.

The input_datasets argument is a list of Dataset objects. All of these datasets' representations are bundled together by the ListDataset. Here, we only have one element in the list, a HuggingfaceData object, which runs the huggingface model specified by the model_string, but we could add a representation by adding another entry to the list. The HuggingfaceData tokens and subword-to-corpus token alignment matrices will be read or written according to the cache given.

The Dataset generates (subword) tokens and alignment matrices, or label indices -- whatever a model needs as input.

Note that tasks like part-of-speech and dependency label, which have independent token-level labels, are easily exchangable in the TokenClassificationTask. But to run a task like named entity recognition, with its specialized specification of entity-level annotation (and evaluation, later), specialized classes are needed, like NERClassificationTask.


For each dataset in input_datasets, a corresponding model takes the raw tokens provided by a Dataset, and runs the corresponding model to turn the input into a representation. So, a HuggingfaceData above corresponds to a HuggingfaceModel here.

model: !ListModel
    device: cpu
    - !HuggingfaceModel
          device: cpu
        model_string: *model1string
        trainable: False
        index: 1

The HuggingfaceModel class runs the transformer model, and provides the representations of the layer at index index. The trainable flag specifies whether to backprogate gradients back through the model and update its weights during training.


The Probe classes turn the representations given by Model classes into the logits of a distribution over the labels of the output task.

probe: !OneWordLinearLabelProbe
    device: cpu
  model_dim: 128
  label_space_size: 50

Somewhat unfortunately, it needs to be explicitly told what input and output dimensionality to expect.


The regimen specifies a training procedure, with learning rate decay, loss, etc. Most of this is hard-coded right now to sane defaults.

regimen: !ProbeRegimen
    device: cpu
  max_epochs: 50
  params_path: params
  reporting_root: &id_reporting_root example/pos-bert-base.yaml.results
  eval_dev_every: 10

There's only one trainer as of now. By convention, I put results directories at .results . The params_path is relative to reporting_root.


The reporter class takes predictions at the end of training, and reports evaluation metrics.

reporter: !IndependentLabelReporter
    device: cpu
  reporting_root: *id_reporting_root
    - label_accuracy
    - v_entropy

For each of the strings in reporting_methods, a reporter function (which is specified by a hard-coded map from reporting string to function) is run on the data. The result of the metric is written to / . .

Note that some reporters and metrics are specialized to a task. For example, SST2 has its own SST2Reporter (though it's really just a sentence-level classification reporter) and named entity recognition has its own NERReporter, which calls the Stanza library's NER evaluation script.

Config recipes

Replicating the EMNLP 2021 paper

Take a look at our CodaLab executable paper for the exact bash scripts we ran to reproduce all the numbers in the paper. The configs that govern each of the experiments are under


where task_name is one of ptb_pos, upos, dep_rel, named_entities, sst2.

Named Entity Recognition config recipe

For an example of an NER config (e.g., using span-based eval), see


SST2 config recipe

For an example of a sentiment config (e.g., averaging the word embeddings for a sentence embedding), see


Data preparation


See the scripts/ontonotes_scripts directory for notes on how we prep ontonotes. The scripts we use exactly recreate the splits of Strubell et al., 2017, a well-used split that, due to changes in preprocessing script versioning and link rot over the years of CoNLL and Ontonotes, had become (to us) difficult to re-create. As such, to the greatest extent possible, we just paste the exact scripts here instead of linking to them.

If you just want the data, it's a few steps:

Let ldc_ontonotes_path be the path to your LDC download of Ontonotes 5.0, that is, LDC2013T19. Mine looks like /scr/corpora/ldc/2013/LDC2013T19/ontonotes-release-5.0/data/files/data/. Unfortunately, we can't host this for you.

Next, due to some regrettable firewalling, our script to download the train/dev/test split information fails, so you have to navigate via a browser to:

and manually download conll-2012-train.v4.tar.gz, conll-2012-development.v4.tar.gz, and then navigate to the test folder and download conll-2012-test-key.tar.gz. Place these files in the scripts/ontonotes_scripts/ directory of this repository.

Now, run

cd scripts/ontonotes_scripts
bash $ldc_onotonotes_path



Train Dev Test
Sentences 59,924 8,528 8,262
Tokens 1,088,503 147,724 152,728


If you use this repository, please cite:

    author =      "Hewitt, John and Ethayarajh, Kawin and Liang, Percy and Manning, Christopher D.",
    title =       "Conditional probing: measuring usable information beyond a baseline",
    booktitle =   "Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    year =        "2021",
    publisher =   "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    location =    "Punta Cana, Dominican Republic",
John Hewitt
I'm a PhD student working on: NLP, structure, graphs, bash scripts, RNNs, multilinguality, and teaching others to do the same.
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