CONCEPT (COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon) is a free and open-source simulation code for cosmological structure formation



  🚀   Latest release: 1.0.1
  📖   Documentation


CONCEPT (COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon) is a free and open-source simulation code for cosmological structure formation. The code should run on any Linux system, from massively parallel computer clusters to laptops. The code is written almost exclusively in Python, but achieves C-like performance through code transformation using a custom transpiler/optimizer and Cython. While highly competitive regarding both performance and accuracy, CONCEPT further strives for ease of use.

CONCEPT is capable of simulating matter particles evolving under self-gravity in an expanding background. It has multiple gravitational solvers to choose from, and has adaptive time integration built in. In addition to particles, the code is further able to evolve fluids at various levels of non-linearity, providing the means for the inclusion of more exotic species such as massive neutrinos, as well as for simulations consistent with general relativistic perturbation theory. Various non-standard species — such as decaying cold dark matter — are fully supported.

CONCEPT comes with a sophisticated initial condition generator built in, and can output snapshots, power spectra and several kinds of renders.

The CLASS code is fully integrated into CONCEPT, supplying the needed information for e.g. initial condition generation and general relativistic corrections.

Code paper

The primary paper on CONCEPT is ‘The cosmological simulation code CONCEPT 1.0’.
Cite this paper if you make use of CONCEPT in a publication.

Getting Started

To get started with CONCEPT, walking through the tutorial is highly recommended. That said, installation can be as simple as

bash <(wget -O-

which installs CONCEPT along with all of its dependencies into a single directory. The installation takes a couple of hours on modern hardware. Should the installation process end prematurely, simply rerun the installation command and it will pick up from where it was.

To run a small sample simulation, navigate to the directory where CONCEPT is installed and invoke

./concept -p param/example_basic -n 2 --local

This will run the simulation defined by the provided example_basic parameter file using 2 processes.

Consult the tutorial and the rest of the documentation for further guidance.

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  • installation removes other packages in the directory

    installation removes other packages in the directory

    Hi Jeppe,

    I tried bash <(wget -O-${concept_version}/install), as a result, it removes other packages in the directory where I tried to install concept, if I didn't do something wrong. I think it is necessary to note that in the documentation.

    Thanks! Zhejie

    opened by zhejieding 6
  • Is the Omega_cdm parameter actually important in the simulation?

    Is the Omega_cdm parameter actually important in the simulation?

    Hi! First of all great program, it was a breeze to install. I have one question/issue I would like to ask regarding the importance of Cosmology parameters in the simulation. I tried changing around Ωcdm, Ωb and H0 to see the variation in the simulation. However, after doing so and saving snapshots at many different times for each simulation I noticed that the simulations are very similar in their renders and even plotting them (using scatter) they are almost the same even with wildly different parameters. Is this expected behavior? For reference here are two screenshots of simulations at a=0.3877 with the first picture as parameters:

    H0 = 67km/(sMpc) Ωcdm = 0.27 Ωb = 0.049

    and the second:

    H0 = 90km/(sMpc) Ωcdm = 0.46 Ωb = 0.049 a_begin = 0.05

    render2D_a=0 387786

    render2D_a=0 3877

    opened by nihargupte-ph 4
  • invalid syntax of render2D

    invalid syntax of render2D

    I made a param file and ran it with concept but it returns me a invalid syntax of render2D like follow: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 5, in File "/home/user/test/disk/concept/dep/python/lib/python3.9/", line 50, in parse return compile(source, filename, mode, flags, File "", line 8 'render2D': a_begin ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax An error occurred! I learned the tutorial and tired to modify the code but still can't work,and here's my code: initial_conditions = { 'species': 'matter', 'N' : 64**3, }

    output_times = { 'snapshot': a_begin 'render2D': a_begin } output_dirs = { 'snapshot': path.output_dir 'render2D': path.output_dir }

    render2D_select = { 'all': { 'data' : False, 'image' : True, 'terminal image': True, }, }

    snapshot_select = { 'save': { 'matter': { 'pos': True, 'mom': True, 'J' : True, }, }, 'load': { 'matter': { 'pos': True, 'mom': True, 'J' : True, }, }, } snapshot_type = 'concept'

    boxsize = 256*Mpc/h potential_options = 128

    H0 = 67km/(sMpc) Ωb = 0.049 Ωcdm = 0.27 a_begin = 0.02 primordial_spectrum = { 'A_s': 2.1e-9, # Amplitude 'n_s': 0.96, # Tilt / spectral index }

    opened by wuchenglon 2
  • Error when trying to dump 2D render as image but not as terminal image

    Error when trying to dump 2D render as image but not as terminal image

    When run with the following content of the param-file:

    # Non-parameter variable used to control the size of the simulation
    _size = 128
    # Input/output
    initial_conditions = {
        'species': 'matter',
        'N'      : _size**3,
    output_dirs = {
        'render2D' : paths['output_dir']
    output_times = {
        'render2D' : logspace(log10(a_begin), log10(1), 100)
    render2D_select = {
        'matter': {'data': False, 'image': True,  'terminal image': False},
    # Numerical parameters
    boxsize = 128*Mpc
    # Cosmology
    H0      = 67*km/(s*Mpc)
    Ωcdm    = 0.27
    Ωb      = 0.049
    a_begin = 0.02
    # Physics
    select_forces = {
        'matter': {'gravity': ('pm', 2*_size)},
    # Graphics
    render2D_options = {
        'gridsize': {
            'matter': _size,
        'terminal resolution': {
            'matter': 80,
        'colormap': {
            'matter': 'inferno',

    concept produces the following error message instead of rendering the 2D image:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "graphics.pyx", line 568, in graphics.render2D
        BEGIN_UNICODE__DOUBLE__DASH__STRUCK__SPACE__CAPITAL__SPACE__R__END_UNICODE_237__DIV____LTH__double__GTH____OPAR__vmax_terminal__MIN__vmin_terminal__CPAR__ = <double>(237/<double>(vmax_terminal - vmin_terminal))
    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'vmax_terminal' referenced before assignment
    Exception ignored in: 'main.dump'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "graphics.pyx", line 568, in graphics.render2D
        BEGIN_UNICODE__DOUBLE__DASH__STRUCK__SPACE__CAPITAL__SPACE__R__END_UNICODE_237__DIV____LTH__double__GTH____OPAR__vmax_terminal__MIN__vmin_terminal__CPAR__ = <double>(237/<double>(vmax_terminal - vmin_terminal))
    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'vmax_terminal' referenced before assignment

    When run with 'terminal image': True it completes successfully.

    opened by pcs96 1
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