A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.


Spack Spack

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Spack is a multi-platform package manager that builds and installs multiple versions and configurations of software. It works on Linux, macOS, and many supercomputers. Spack is non-destructive: installing a new version of a package does not break existing installations, so many configurations of the same package can coexist.

Spack offers a simple "spec" syntax that allows users to specify versions and configuration options. Package files are written in pure Python, and specs allow package authors to write a single script for many different builds of the same package. With Spack, you can build your software all the ways you want to.

See the Feature Overview for examples and highlights.

To install spack and your first package, make sure you have Python. Then:

$ git clone https://github.com/spack/spack.git
$ cd spack/bin
$ ./spack install zlib


Full documentation is available, or run spack help or spack help --all.


We maintain a hands-on tutorial. It covers basic to advanced usage, packaging, developer features, and large HPC deployments. You can do all of the exercises on your own laptop using a Docker container.

Feel free to use these materials to teach users at your organization about Spack.


Spack is an open source project. Questions, discussion, and contributions are welcome. Contributions can be anything from new packages to bugfixes, documentation, or even new core features.



Contributing to Spack is relatively easy. Just send us a pull request. When you send your request, make develop the destination branch on the Spack repository.

Your PR must pass Spack's unit tests and documentation tests, and must be PEP 8 compliant. We enforce these guidelines with our CI process. To run these tests locally, and for helpful tips on git, see our Contribution Guide.

Spack's develop branch has the latest contributions. Pull requests should target develop, and users who want the latest package versions, features, etc. can use develop.


For multi-user site deployments or other use cases that need very stable software installations, we recommend using Spack's stable releases.

Each Spack release series also has a corresponding branch, e.g. releases/v0.14 has 0.14.x versions of Spack, and releases/v0.13 has 0.13.x versions. We backport important bug fixes to these branches but we do not advance the package versions or make other changes that would change the way Spack concretizes dependencies within a release branch. So, you can base your Spack deployment on a release branch and git pull to get fixes, without the package churn that comes with develop.

The latest release is always available with the releases/latest tag.

See the docs on releases for more details.

Code of Conduct

Please note that Spack has a Code of Conduct. By participating in the Spack community, you agree to abide by its rules.


Many thanks go to Spack's contributors.

Spack was created by Todd Gamblin, [email protected].

Citing Spack

If you are referencing Spack in a publication, please cite the following paper:


Spack is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). Users may choose either license, at their option.

All new contributions must be made under both the MIT and Apache-2.0 licenses.


SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)


  • Consent for Spack Relicense

    Consent for Spack Relicense

    See #9144 for details on why we want to relicense from LGPL-2.1 to MIT/Apache-2.0.

    We made this separate issue so that consent comments don't interfere the discussion on #9145 or the details on #9144.

    What do contributors need to do?

    We are asking for permission from all contributors to change the Spack license from LGPL-2.1 to a dual MIT/Apache 2.0 license for their past contribution(s).

    If you agree to have all the code that you have contributed to Spack be relicensed in this way:

    1. Copy the message below
    2. Fill in the blanks with the emails you used to contribute to Spack.
    3. Paste it as a comment on this issue.

    A note on emails: You only need to post emails that appear in the Spack history. To get these, clone https://github.com/spack/spack.git and use git log to see what emails you should use. For example, Todd Gamblin appears in the logs in the following ways:

    $ git clone https://github.com/spack/spack.git
    $ cd spack
    $ git log --format='"%an" %ae' | grep -i Gamblin | sort | uniq
    "George Todd Gamblin" [email protected]
    "Todd Gamblin" [email protected]
    "Todd Gamblin" [email protected]

    You may want to search for your name and <your github username>@noreply.github.com. We just need enough to associate your consent with your contributions.

    Here is the message text:

    My name is _________________________, and I am a contributor to Spack. I have used or may have used the following email address(es): ______________________________. I consent to change the current license contained in the License file at https://github.com/spack/spack/blob/develop/LICENSE from the LGPL-2.1 license to the MIT License and Apache License 2.0 with respect to all of my contributions to Spack.

    By granting this permission, you are confirming that you have the right to make your contribution(s) to Spack and to grant this permission, and that if you made your contribution(s) in the course of your employment, that such contributions and consent have been authorized by your employer.

    opened by tgamblin 290
  • Ready to Merge: Update/package singularity

    Ready to Merge: Update/package singularity

    This pull request will close https://github.com/spack/spack/issues/9698, specifically we are allowing for installation of Singularity (versions 3.0 and up). Specifically:

    • Singularity version 3.0 and up is a different install flow from (now legacy) Singularity - it uses golang as opposed to Autotools. There might be a better way to do this, but since both allow for installation from branches / source .tar.gz, I thought it would be cleaner to have singularity (3.0.0 and up) and 'singularity-legacy'.

    Here are some things that I learned that could help others in the future (and we can discuss).

    • Go itself is installed under gcc at opt/spack/linux-ubuntu16.04-x86_64/gcc-5.4.0/go-1.11.5-73pcics3bti7rafvlgjzmcgtaeogebxg. It has a src folder but this is not GOPATH.
    • GOPATH is not defined by the module providing go. There is no "spack location" for go modules (I was thinking that maybe there should be, but I think it's cleaner to be able to compile Golang stuffs, and then get rid of the excessive repos that are usually found on a (kept) GOPATH.

    GOPATH Troubles

    As I mentioned, GOPATH is not defined, but Singularity is expected to be found under $GOPATH/src/github.com/sylabs/singularity. This led to most of the issues with install - the default location that the repo is dumped into doesn't match that. This means that we are able to compile, but when the time comes to build, the entire cloned repo is expected to be found under GOPATH. If we add the building directory to GOPATH, this actually means it's expected to find <build_dir>/src/github.com/sylabs/singularity which doesn't exist. If we try to change the build to some place other than there, we then lose having vendors/ in the present working directory and it breaks.

    The solution I came up with was to create a temporary GOPATH in /tmp, and in fact we move everything there. This mimics the correct path setup and allows for configure / make / make install without any issues.

    opened by vsoch 147
  • py-scipy: add v1.9

    py-scipy: add v1.9


    Successfully builds on macOS 12.4 (Apple M1 Pro) with Python 3.9.13 and Apple Clang 13.1.6.

    Scipy 1.9.0 switches from setuptools to meson. Pros: build times are down from ~6 min to ~2.5 min! Cons: I don't yet see a way to define which BLAS/LAPACK library is used. It seems meson uses pkg-config and picks up whichever BLAS/LAPACK it finds first. It's unclear what the behavior is when multiple BLAS/LAPACK libraries are installed on the system. @rgommers do you know of any way to force scipy to use the same BLAS/LAPACK as numpy? Are there any plans to port numpy to use meson too?

    Depends on #31809

    new-version python dependencies patch update-package conflicts maintainers build-systems gitlab core 
    opened by adamjstewart 130
  • CEED 1.0

    CEED 1.0

    Pull Request Description

    This pull request includes several changes and new packages for the CEED 1.0 software distribution.

    CEED is a co-design center in the DOE's Exascale Computing Project, see http://ceed.exascaleproject.org for more details.

    The CEED 1.0 software distribution consisting of 12 components (GSLIB, HPGMG, Laghos, libCEED, MAGMA, MFEM, Nek5000, Nekbone, NekCEM, PETSc, PUMI, OCCA) plus the CEED metapackage.

    Target merge date: Friday, 3/30/18.

    This PR is a main component of an ECP Q2 milestone.

    Testing details for the CEED team

    • [x] build = spack install ... completes

    :bomb: = there are build issues with spack install ...

    • [x] test = you can build and run external libCEED examples with the installation, e.g.

      mkdir test
      cd test
      spack view --verbose symlink build libceed petsc mfem nek5000
      git clone [email protected]:CEED/libCEED.git
      cd libCEED/examples
      make CEED_DIR=../../build LINK.c=<compiler you built CEED with>
      ./ex1-volume-annulus -c /cpu/self
      cd mfem
      make CEED_DIR=../../../build MFEM_DIR=../../../build MFEM_CXX=<compiler you built CEED with>
      ./ex1 -no-vis -o 2 -c /cpu/self -m ../../../build/data/star.mesh
      ./ex3 -no-vis -o 2 -c /cpu/self -m ../../../build/data/star.mesh
      cd ../petsc
      make CEED_DIR=../../../build PETSC_DIR=../../../build
      ./bp1-petsc -degree 2 -ceed_resource /cpu/self

    | Platform | spack install ceed | spack install ceed+cuda | packages.yaml | Notes | | --------- | -------------- | ------------------- | --------------- | ----- | | Mac
    yara, parsol |

    • - [x] ~~build-clang~~
    • - [x] ~~test-clang~~
    • - [x] ~~build-clang~~
    • - [ ] test-clang
    | darwin-x86_64 | @tzanio
    @v-dobrev | Linux/RHEL7
    tux374 |
    • - [x] ~~build-gcc~~
    • - [ ] test-gcc
    • - [x] ~~build-gcc~~
    • - [ ] test-gcc
    | linux-rhel7-x86_644 | @tzanio | Linux/Arch |
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    | | @cwsmith | Linux/Fedora |
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    | | @v-dobrev | LLNL/TOSS3
    quartz, rztopaz |
    • - [x] ~~build-intel~~
    • - [ ] test-intel
    • - [x] ~~build-gcc~~
    • - [ ] test-gcc
    | N/A | toss_3_x86_64_ib | @tzanio
    @v-dobrev | LLNL/EA
    ray, rzmanta |
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    | | @v-dobrev | NERSC/Edison |
    • - [x] build
    • - [x] test
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    | edison | @acfisher | NERSC/Cori |
    • - [x] build
    • - [x] test
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    | cori | @acfisher | OLCF/Summitdev |
    • - [ ] build :bomb:
    • - [ ] test
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    | | @stomov | OLCF/Titan |
    • - [ ] build :bomb:
    • - [ ] test
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    | titan | @cwsmith | ALCF/Theta |
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    | theta | @thilinarmtb | ALCF/Mira |
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    • - [ ] build
    • - [ ] test
    | | @thilinarmtb

    opened by acfisher 116
  • Intel prefixes

    Intel prefixes

    I reworked class IntelPackage to overcome what was for me a major barrier to entry in adopting Spack that showed up when attempting to integrate an existing Intel tool chain on my HPC system.

    There was a serious conceptual conflict for prefix between versions of Intel packages that were installed under Spack and those brought in via packages.yaml. I am not the only one to have stumbled over this, see e.g. https://groups.google.com/d/msg/spack/x28qlmqPAys/Ewx6220uAgAJ

    This is an initial attempt at tackling the problem, having targeted MKL and Intel-MPI as proof-of-concept. I was able to build ABINIT and CP2K with those, the latter having a downright gluttonous list of dependencies. Other Intel packages should be possible to integrate.

    The major affected files so far are:

    • .../build_systems/intel.py
    • .../intel-mkl/package.py
    • .../intel-mpi/package.py
    • .../intel-parallel-studio/package.py

    A major goal was elimination of duplicate code. To this end, I pulled up foo_libs() and related methods into the IntelPackage class definition. The following methods should give a flavor of my approach:

    def product_dir(self, product_dir_name, version_glob='_2???.*.*[0-9]',
        '''Returns the version-specific directory of an Intel product release,
        holding the main product and possibly auxiliary files from other
    def component_dir(self, component=None):
        '''Returns the directory of a product component, appropriate for
        presenting to users in environment variables like MKLROOT and
        I_MPI_ROOT, or the product dir itself (when the component not evident
        from the package name and wasn't specified).
    def component_bin_dir(self, component=None, relative=False):
    def component_lib_dir(self, component=None, relative=False):

    The reorganization dramatically shortens .../intel-mkl/package.py, and allows to write, e.g.

    def file_to_source(self):
        return join_path(self.component_bin_dir(), 'mklvars.sh')

    Other changes are minor and showed up/were prompted by testing:

    • lib/spack/spack/environment.py
    • var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libxc/package.py

    Comments and suggestions on my approach are needed and welcome.

    blas-lapack-scalapack intel 
    opened by mgsternberg 113
  • do_install : allow for an arbitrary number of phases

    do_install : allow for an arbitrary number of phases

    TLDR : have a look at the <name>/package.py files to have an idea of what this PR does :smile:


    This PR allows sub-classes of PackageBase (ex Package) to have an arbitrary number of phases.

    It also add a convenient syntax to register arbitrary methods as preconditions or sanity_checks, meaning that they will be run before or after the phases they are bound to.

    In the end it should give more flexibility for further development of features like the ones discussed in #169 or #1305 and reduce the boiler-plate code needed in many packages.

    A few packages have been converted to exemplify some of the benefits of this refactoring.

    • [x] Package has been renamed PackageBase, it has logic to be extended by subclasses that are tailored to specific build systems
    • [x] decorator syntax to register preconditions and sanity checks to a given phase
    • [x] added Package : simple subclass having only an install phase (backward-compatible)
    • [x] added EditableMakefile : examples in astyle/package.py
    • [x] added AutotoolsPackage : examples in gmp/package.py and others
    • [x] added CMakePackage : examples in openjpeg/package.py and others
    • [x] log_output has been turned into a "double" context manager : the external context spawns a daemon that wait for things to write to a file, the internal plug stderr and stdout to that file
    • [x] all the changes that have been extracted in #1228
    • [ ] unit tests for the new feature
    • [x] brief documentation of the new subclasses
    feature ready build-environment refactoring 
    opened by alalazo 97
  • Add new TensorFlow package

    Add new TensorFlow package

    As @healther promised in #9352 here is the current state of our tf-package.

    This is essentially a cherry-pick onto the current HEAD and we did exactly one test build which is still running right now (@healther will report whether it worked), so use with caution. For example, it explicitly breaks the air-gapped-ability of spack, as bazel insists on downloading its own stuff.

    All versions I added worked at some point, but I didn't retest them. I hope it is helpful :)

    Closes #9352 Closes #3244 Closes #2043

    opened by dodo47 92
  • Refactor IntelInstaller into IntelPackage base class

    Refactor IntelInstaller into IntelPackage base class

    I've been meaning to do this for a long time. This PR refactors the IntelInstaller class that was previously in the intel package.py and makes it its own package base class with the other build systems. Important changes include:

    Base class

    • [x] Refactor IntelInstaller into IntelPackage base class
    • [x] Remove +all variant from intel-parallel-studio


    • [x] Both intel-parallel-studio+tbb and intel-tbb provide tbb
    • [x] Default providers should be for non-licensed Intel libraries


    • [x] Fix version numbers for intel-mpi
    • [x] Specify correct path to MPI wrappers (Fixes #4803)
    • [x] Use mpiicc and friends for Intel instead of mpicc (Fixes #4630)


    • [x] Fix MKL find_libraries OpenMP support (Fixes #4636)
    • [x] Fix MKL library directory (Fixes #5050)
    • [x] It is not possible to build with MKL, GCC, and OpenMP at this time


    • [x] Use setup scripts to gather environment variables to add to module files
    • [x] Fix from_sourcing_file to use prepend_path for PATHs

    Closes #4111.

    ready intel 
    opened by adamjstewart 89
  • variant: added support for multi-valued variants

    variant: added support for multi-valued variants

    Resolves #1341


    This PR adds support for multi-valued variants. An example from the openmpi module is:

        description='List of schedulers for which support is enabled',
        values=('alps', 'lsf', 'tm', 'slurm', 'sge', 'loadleveler'),

    Here values is the list of allowed values and exclusive=False means that more than one value can be selected simultaneously. One can thus say from the command line:

    spack install openmpi schedulers=lsf,loadleveler

    The appropriate configure options will be activated by the line:


    in the Openmpi.configure_args method. The method Autotools.with_or_without is automatically transforming all the values activated in the variant into --with-{value}, and all the missing ones into --without-{value}.

    The PR also refactors variant dependent code moving it in the spack.variant module and adds unit tests for the classes in variant.py.

    Variant directive

    This PR changes the variant directive in the following, backward-compatible way:

    def variant(pkg, name, default=False, description='', values=(True, False), exclusive=True, validator=None):

    The semantics for the new arguments is:

    1. values: either a tuple of allowed values, or a callable used as a single value validator (see netcdf for an example)
    2. exclusive: if True only one value per spec is allowed for this variant
    3. validator: optional callable used to enforce group logic during the semantic validation

    The last argument (validator) won't be needed most of the time, but in complex cases like mvapich2 it provides a convenient hook to enforce additional validation logic (in that particular case one can select either slurm alone as the scheduler or any other combination of all the non-slurm schedulers).

    Miscellaneous notes
    1. as far as I can see the hash for the packages I used to test this PR didn't change, but as I touched things that go into _cmp_key I put the hash-change tag to stay on the safe side
    2. I changed the base class of HashableMap, see below
    3. the Variant class (attached to packages) will act as a validator for the VariantSpec class (attached to specs). I considered a couple of different designs for this (like Variant being a factory for VariantSpec instances) and the one implemented here seems the cleanest to me.
    • [x] added support for multi-valued variants
    • [x] refactored code related to variants into variant.py
    • [x] added new generic features to AutotoolsPackage that leverage multi-valued variants
    • [x] modified openmpi, netcdf, mvapich2 and cdo to use new features
    • [x] added unit tests for the new semantics (more to come)
    • [ ] reference documentation
    feature ready concretization hashes refactoring proposal autotools 
    opened by alalazo 87
  • PythonPackage: install packages with pip

    PythonPackage: install packages with pip


    Python's build system has rapidly changed over the years. Previously, all Python packages were built using:

    $ python setup.py build
    $ python setup.py install --root=...

    However, there are several issues with this:

    • Direct invocation of setup.py is now deprecated
    • The introduction of pyproject.toml and setup.cfg means that some packages may not come with a setup.py script at all
    • We don't yet have good support for alternatives to setuptools like poetry/flit
    • Setuptools will automatically download missing dependencies, leading to packages that may not work on air-gapped systems
    • Does not support pre-compiled wheels (needed for proprietary software)


    This PR updates our PythonPackage build system to use pip to install packages instead of setup.py. This is non-trivial, since packages like pip/wheel/setuptools require pip/wheel/setuptools to build and install. Specifically, this PR includes:

    • [x] Bootstrap frontend tools (pip/build/installer)
    • [x] Bootstrap backend tools (setuptools/poetry/flit)
    • [x] Update PythonPackage to use pip instead of setup.py
    • [x] Use PythonPackage for installing pre-compiled wheels
    • [x] Use PythonPackage for packages without a setup.py file
    • [x] Handle packages with custom setup.py files properly
    • [x] Remove all references to setup_py and setup.py
    • [x] Remove all references to the PythonPackage build phase
    • [x] Remove all custom phases in Python packages
    • [x] Replace all <phase>_args functions with (install|global)_options
    • [x] Get the basic packages used in GitLab CI building
    • [x] Get a much larger selection of packages building (~300)
    • [x] Update spack create
    • [x] Update PythonPackage documentation

    External references

    https://discuss.python.org/t/bootstrapping-a-specific-version-of-pip/12306 https://discuss.python.org/t/list-dependencies-of-a-package/12341 https://discuss.python.org/t/understanding-site-packages-directories/12959 https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/discussions/2813

    new-version python dependencies resources update-package conflicts build-systems extends 
    opened by adamjstewart 83
  • Experimental ASP-based concretizer

    Experimental ASP-based concretizer

    This adds an experimental concretizer to Spack that makes use of Answer Set Programming. The new solver uses clingo, the combined grounder (gringo) and solver (clasp) from Potassco, instead of attempting to do the entire solve in Python as we did before.


    The current concretizer is not exhaustive and is not guaranteed to find a solution if one exists. It is greedy, does not do backtracking, and as a result the errors it gives can be confusing. In many cases it can resolve a constraint too early -- it assigns final values to nodes as it builds the graph, and it may assign a version, variant, or other value to a node without considering the entire problem. This can result in the concretizer finding conflicts where solutions exist.

    Extending the current concretizer is difficult. There are many moving pieces, and rewriting any of them can be a lot of work. Making major changes to concretization semantics is difficult, and increasingly we're unable to add features that users need.

    The concretization problem that Spack solves is NP-complete (as is regular old dependency resolution with just versions), so we have decided to start using more powerful solvers to address it. Using Clingo is a step in this direction.

    How it works

    Answer Set programming looks like Prolog but has the advantage that, rather than trying to be a full programming language, it reduces logic problems to CDCL SAT with optimization. ASP has the nice property that solves will always terminate (unlike Prolog programs), and it follows the stable model semantics, which makes it easier to model some of the default-driven behavior in Spack. The constraints in Spack are essentially SAT clauses, and our preferences (like packages.yaml) add optimization weights to this. We don't just want a solution -- we want the best one, with preferred variants, compilers, etc.

    The prior concretizer iteratively expanded nodes in the graph and attempted to unify them greedily as they were expanded. It used a fixed-point algorithm; iterating and expanding optional dependencies, replacing virtuals with providers, setting variants, versions, and compilers, etc. until there were no more changes to the DAG.

    The new concretizer is less dynamic. It works like this:

    1. Look at the input specs and read in all possible dependencies
    2. Translate constraints in Spack's package DSL to rules and facts in ASP. e.g., zlib has some facts like this:

      These come directly from version() and variant() directives in the zlib/package.py file.

    3. Combine these facts with the logic program in lib/spack/spack/solver/concretize.lp. This defines all the rules and optimization criteria used in concretization in Spack.
    4. Send the whole program off to Clingo
    5. Read back one the optimal stable model found by the solver, and build a concrete Spec from it.

    One nice thing about this is that it's declarative; we can add extra constraints and features more easily now, without having to reengineer the entire algorithm. Another is that we can solve much more complex problems than we could before. Finally, it will be easier going forward to implement many of the features we have planned (compilers as dependencies, optimizing for installed packages, etc.) using a real solver.

    Error reporting

    We are using Clingo's support for finding unsatisfiable cores to generate error messages. If something fails to concretize, the solver will tell you why by reporting a set of facts and rules that cannot be resolved together. This can be very useful, as often it points directly to conflicts and can be used, with a little staring, to debug issues. In other cases the core can still be quite large, and thus hard to interpret. Cores are not guaranteed to be minimal by Clingo. Improving these messages and converting them to understandable sentences is on our list of follow-on activities.


    There are more details on alternatives in this FOSDEM talk. So far, Clingo works well, but we are also investigating Z3, an SMT solver. Z3 is more widely used and has a richer API, but its input language is in some sense more primitive, in that it doesn't accept or automatically ground first-order logic like Clingo. We are investigating which solver will be easiest to include (vendor) with Spack so that we can use the new concretizer everywhere.

    Using the new concretizer

    There is a new section in config.yaml:

      # The concretization algorithm to use in Spack. Options are:
      #   'original': Spack's original greedy, fixed-point concretizer. This
      #       algorithm can make decisions too early and will not backtrack
      #       sufficiently for many specs.
      #   'clingo': Uses a logic solver under the hood to solve DAGs with full
      #       backtracking and optimization for user preferences.
      # 'clingo' currently requires the clingo ASP solver to be installed and
      # built with python bindings. 'original' is built in.
      concretizer: original
    1. You'll need to set concretizer: to clingo to use clingo everywhere.
    2. You will also need to spack install [email protected] and get clingo on your PATH to use the new concretizer.

    Even if the new concretizer is not enabled, you can use the spack solve command as you would normally use spack spec -- it will try to use the new concretizer. spack solve will eventually go away but for now we have two commands.

    Bugs fixed

    fixes #267 fixes #303 fixes #1781 fixes #2310 fixes #2632 fixes #3628 fixes #4635 fixes #5651 fixes #7339 fixes #8082 fixes #9025 fixes #9414 fixes #9696 fixes #9744 fixes #9753 fixes #9911 fixes #12431 fixes #19764

    opened by alalazo 81
  • nmap: update to depend on python2 for ndiff and zenmap; add 7.93

    nmap: update to depend on python2 for ndiff and zenmap; add 7.93

    I'm not sure how to do this exactly. It's failing CI due to a missing python2

    this is also still getting issues on m1 darwin for me (but not my linux machines)

    new-version dependencies update-package new-variant 
    opened by dpzmick 1
  • Adding py-strawberryfields from Xanadu, and its deps

    Adding py-strawberryfields from Xanadu, and its deps

    StrawberryFields is an open source library for continuous-variable quantum computation.

    @josh146 I hope this can be another useful contribution for the HPC community engaged in Quantum Computing.

    new-version new-package python dependencies update-package maintainers new-variant 
    opened by marcodelapierre 3
  • build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2

    build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2

    Bumps actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from actions/upload-artifact's releases.


    • Update all @actions/* NPM packages to their latest versions- #374
    • Update all dev dependencies to their most recent versions - #375
    • 0b7f8ab ci(github): update action/download-artifact from v1 to v3 (#312)
    • 013d2b8 Create devcontainer for codespaces + update all dev dependencies (#375)
    • 055b8b3 Bump Actions NPM dependencies (#374)
    • 7a5d483 ci(github): update action/checkout from v2 to v3 (#315)
    • e0057a5 README: Bump actions/checkout to v3 (#352)
    • 7fe6c13 Update to latest actions/publish-action (#363)
    • See full diff in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
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    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies workflow core 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • v0.19.0(Nov 11, 2022)

    v0.19.0 (2022-11-11)

    v0.19.0 is a major feature release.

    Major features in this release

    1. Package requirements

      Spack's traditional package preferences are soft, but we've added hard requriements to packages.yaml and spack.yaml (#32528, #32369). Package requirements use the same syntax as specs:

          require: "@1.13.2"
          - one_of: ["+cuda", "+rocm"]

      More details in the docs.

    2. Environment UI Improvements

      • Fewer surprising modifications to spack.yaml (#33711):

        • spack install in an environment will no longer add to the specs: list; you'll need to either use spack add <spec> or spack install --add <spec>.

        • Similarly, spack uninstall will not remove from your environment's specs: list; you'll need to use spack remove or spack uninstall --remove.

        This will make it easier to manage an environment, as there is clear separation between the stack to be installed (spack.yaml/spack.lock) and which parts of it should be installed (spack install / spack uninstall).

      • concretizer:unify:true is now the default mode for new environments (#31787)

        We see more users creating unify:true environments now. Users who need unify:false can add it to their environment to get the old behavior. This will concretize every spec in the environment independently.

      • Include environment configuration from URLs (#29026, docs)

        You can now include configuration in your environment directly from a URL:

          - https://github.com/path/to/raw/config/compilers.yaml
    3. Multiple Build Systems

      An increasing number of packages in the ecosystem need the ability to support multiple build systems (#30738, docs), either across versions, across platforms, or within the same version of the software. This has been hard to support through multiple inheritance, as methods from different build system superclasses would conflict. package.py files can now define separate builder classes with installation logic for different build systems, e.g.:

      class ArpackNg(CMakePackage, AutotoolsPackage):
              conditional("cmake", when="@0.64:"),
              conditional("autotools", when="@:0.63"),
      class CMakeBuilder(spack.build_systems.cmake.CMakeBuilder):
          def cmake_args(self):
      class Autotoolsbuilder(spack.build_systems.autotools.AutotoolsBuilder):
          def configure_args(self):
    4. Compiler and variant propagation

      Currently, compiler flags and variants are inconsistent: compiler flags set for a package are inherited by its dependencies, while variants are not. We should have these be consistent by allowing for inheritance to be enabled or disabled for both variants and compiler flags.

      Example syntax:

      • package ++variant: enabled variant that will be propagated to dependencies
      • package +variant: enabled variant that will NOT be propagated to dependencies
      • package ~~variant: disabled variant that will be propagated to dependencies
      • package ~variant: disabled variant that will NOT be propagated to dependencies
      • package cflags==-g: cflags will be propagated to dependencies
      • package cflags=-g: cflags will NOT be propagated to dependencies

      Syntax for non-boolan variants is similar to compiler flags. More in the docs for variants and compiler flags.

    5. Enhancements to git version specifiers

      • v0.18.0 added the ability to use git commits as versions. You can now use the git. prefix to specify git tags or branches as versions. All of these are valid git versions in v0.19 (#31200):

        [email protected]      # raw commit
        [email protected]  # commit with git prefix
        [email protected]                                   # the develop branch
        [email protected]                                      # use the 0.19 tag
      • v0.19 also gives you more control over how Spack interprets git versions, in case Spack cannot detect the version from the git repository. You can suffix a git version with =<version> to force Spack to concretize it as a particular version (#30998, #31914, #32257):

        # use mybranch, but treat it as version 3.2 for version comparison
        [email protected]=3.2
        # use the given commit, but treat it as develop for version comparison
        [email protected]=develop

        More in the docs

    6. Changes to Cray EX Support

      Cray machines have historically had their own "platform" within Spack, because we needed to go through the module system to leverage compilers and MPI installations on these machines. The Cray EX programming environment now provides standalone craycc executables and proper mpicc wrappers, so Spack can treat EX machines like Linux with extra packages (#29392).

      We expect this to greatly reduce bugs, as external packages and compilers can now be used by prefix instead of through modules. We will also no longer be subject to reproducibility issues when modules change from Cray PE release to release and from site to site. This also simplifies dealing with the underlying Linux OS on cray systems, as Spack will properly model the machine's OS as either SuSE or RHEL.

    7. Improvements to tests and testing in CI

      • spack ci generate --tests will generate a .gitlab-ci.yml file that not only does builds but also runs tests for built packages (#27877). Public GitHub pipelines now also run tests in CI.

      • spack test run --explicit will only run tests for packages that are explicitly installed, instead of all packages.

    8. Experimental binding link model

      You can add a new option to config.yaml to make Spack embed absolute paths to needed shared libraries in ELF executables and shared libraries on Linux (#31948, docs):

          type: rpath
          bind: true

      This can improve launch time at scale for parallel applications, and it can make installations less susceptible to environment variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH, even especially when dealing with external libraries that use RUNPATH. You can think of this as a faster, even higher-precedence version of RPATH.

    Other new features of note

    • spack spec prints dependencies more legibly. Dependencies in the output now appear at the earliest level of indentation possible (#33406)
    • You can override package.py attributes like url, directly in packages.yaml (#33275, docs)
    • There are a number of new architecture-related format strings you can use in Spack configuration files to specify paths (#29810, docs)
    • Spack now supports bootstrapping Clingo on Windows (#33400)
    • There is now support for an RPATH-like library model on Windows (#31930)

    Performance Improvements

    • Major performance improvements for installation from binary caches (#27610, #33628, #33636, #33608, #33590, #33496)
    • Test suite can now be parallelized using xdist (used in GitHub Actions) (#32361)
    • Reduce lock contention for parallel builds in environments (#31643)

    New binary caches and stacks

    • We now build nearly all of E4S with oneapi in our buildcache (#31781, #31804, #31804, #31803, #31840, #31991, #32117, #32107, #32239)
    • Added 3 new machine learning-centric stacks to binary cache: x86_64_v3, CUDA, ROCm (#31592, #33463)

    Removals and Deprecations

    • Support for Python 3.5 is dropped (#31908). Only Python 2.7 and 3.6+ are officially supported.

    • This is the last Spack release that will support Python 2 (#32615). Spack v0.19 will emit a deprecation warning if you run it with Python 2, and Python 2 support will soon be removed from the develop branch.

    • LD_LIBRARY_PATH is no longer set by default by spack load or module loads.

      Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Spack environments/modules can cause binaries from outside of Spack to crash, and Spack's own builds use RPATH and do not need LD_LIBRARY_PATH set in order to run. If you still want the old behavior, you can run these commands to configure Spack to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

      spack config add modules:prefix_inspections:lib64:[LD_LIBRARY_PATH]
      spack config add modules:prefix_inspections:lib:[LD_LIBRARY_PATH]
    • The spack:concretization:[together|separately] has been removed after being deprecated in v0.18. Use concretizer:unify:[true|false].

    • config:module_roots is no longer supported after being deprecated in v0.18. Use configuration in module sets instead (#28659, docs).

    • spack activate and spack deactivate are no longer supported, having been deprecated in v0.18. Use an environment with a view instead of activating/deactivating (docs).

    • The old YAML format for buildcaches is now deprecated (#33707). If you are using an old buildcache with YAML metadata you will need to regenerate it with JSON metadata.

    • spack bootstrap trust and spack bootstrap untrust are deprecated in favor of spack bootstrap enable and spack bootstrap disable and will be removed in v0.20. (#33600)

    • The graviton2 architecture has been renamed to neoverse_n1, and graviton3 is now neoverse_v1. Buildcaches using the old architecture names will need to be rebuilt.

    • The terms blacklist and whitelist have been replaced with include and exclude in all configuration files (#31569). You can use spack config update to automatically fix your configuration files.

    Notable Bugfixes

    • Permission setting on installation now handles effective uid properly (#19980)
    • buildable:true for an MPI implementation now overrides buildable:false for mpi (#18269)
    • Improved error messages when attempting to use an unconfigured compiler (#32084)
    • Do not punish explicitly requested compiler mismatches in the solver (#30074)
    • spack stage: add missing --fresh and --reuse (#31626)
    • Fixes for adding build system executables like cmake to package scope (#31739)
    • Bugfix for binary relocation with aliased strings produced by newer binutils (#32253)

    Spack community stats

    • 6,751 total packages, 335 new since v0.18.0
      • 141 new Python packages
      • 89 new R packages
    • 303 people contributed to this release
      • 287 committers to packages
      • 57 committers to core
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.19.0.tar.gz(8.98 MB)
  • v0.18.1(Jul 20, 2022)

    v0.18.1 (2022-07-19)

    Spack Bugfixes

    • Fix several bugs related to bootstrapping (#30834,#31042,#31180)
    • Fix a regression that was causing spec hashes to differ between Python 2 and Python 3 (#31092)
    • Fixed compiler flags for oneAPI and DPC++ (#30856)
    • Fixed several issues related to concretization (#31142,#31153,#31170,#31226)
    • Improved support for Cray manifest file and spack external find (#31144,#31201,#31173.#31186)
    • Assign a version to openSUSE Tumbleweed according to the GLIBC version in the system (#19895)
    • Improved Dockerfile generation for spack containerize (#29741,#31321)
    • Fixed a few bugs related to concurrent execution of commands (#31509,#31493,#31477)

    Package updates

    • WarpX: add v22.06, fixed libs property (#30866,#31102)
    • openPMD: add v0.14.5, update recipe for @develop (#29484,#31023)

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/spack/spack/compare/v0.18.0...v0.18.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.18.1.tar.gz(7.20 MB)
  • v0.17.3(Jul 20, 2022)

    v0.17.3 (2022-07-14)

    Spack bugfixes

    • Fix missing chgrp on symlinks in package installations (#30743)
    • Allow having non-existing upstreams (#30744, #30746)
    • Fix spack stage with custom paths (#30448)
    • Fix failing call for spack buildcache save-specfile (#30637)
    • Fix globbing in compiler wrapper (#30699)

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/spack/spack/compare/v0.17.2...v0.17.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.17.3.tar.gz(6.43 MB)
  • v0.18.0(May 28, 2022)

    v0.18.0 (2022-05-28)

    v0.18.0 is a major feature release.

    Major features in this release

    1. Concretizer now reuses by default

      spack install --reuse was introduced in v0.17.0, and --reuse is now the default concretization mode. Spack will try hard to resolve dependencies using installed packages or binaries (#30396).

      To avoid reuse and to use the latest package configurations, (the old default), you can use spack install --fresh, or add configuration like this to your environment or concretizer.yaml:

          reuse: false
    2. Finer-grained hashes

      Spack hashes now include link, run, and build dependencies, as well as a canonical hash of package recipes. Previously, hashes only included link and run dependencies (though build dependencies were stored by environments). We coarsened the hash to reduce churn in user installations, but the new default concretizer behavior mitigates this concern and gets us reuse and provenance. You will be able to see the build dependencies of new installations with spack find. Old installations will not change and their hashes will not be affected. (#28156, #28504, #30717, #30861)

    3. Improved error messages

      Error handling with the new concretizer is now done with optimization criteria rather than with unsatisfiable cores, and Spack reports many more details about conflicting constraints. (#30669)

    4. Unify environments when possible

      Environments have thus far supported concretization: together or concretization: separately. These have been replaced by a new preference in concretizer.yaml:

          unify: [true|false|when_possible]

      concretizer:unify:when_possible will try to resolve a fully unified environment, but if it cannot, it will create multiple configurations of some packages where it has to. For large environments that previously had to be concretized separately, this can result in a huge speedup (40-50x). (#28941)

    5. Automatically find externals on Cray machines

      Spack can now automatically discover installed packages in the Cray Programming Environment by running spack external find (or spack external read-cray-manifest to only query the PE). Packages from the PE (e.g., cray-mpich are added to the database with full dependency information, and compilers from the PE are added to compilers.yaml. Available with the June 2022 release of the Cray Programming Environment. (#24894, #30428)

    6. New binary format and hardened signing

      Spack now has an updated binary format, with improvements for security. The new format has a detached signature file, and Spack verifies the signature before untarring or decompressing the binary package. The previous format embedded the signature in a tar file, which required the client to run tar before verifying (#30750). Spack can still install from build caches using the old format, but we encourage users to switch to the new format going forward.

      Production GitLab pipelines have been hardened to securely sign binaries. There is now a separate signing stage so that signing keys are never exposed to build system code, and signing keys are ephemeral and only live as long as the signing pipeline stage. (#30753)

    7. Bootstrap mirror generation

      The spack bootstrap mirror command can automatically create a mirror for bootstrapping the concretizer and other needed dependencies in an air-gapped environment. (#28556)

    8. Initial Windows support

      Spack now has initial support for Windows. Spack core has been refactored to run in the Windows environment, and a small number of packages can now build for Windows. More details are in the documentation (#27021, #28385, many more)

    9. Makefile generation

      spack env depfile can be used to generate a Makefile from an environment, which can be used to build packages the environment in parallel on a single node. e.g.:

      spack -e myenv env depfile > Makefile

      Spack propagates gmake jobserver information to builds so that their jobs can share cores. (#30039, #30254, #30302, #30526)

    10. New variant features

      In addition to being conditional themselves, variants can now have conditional values that are only possible for certain configurations of a package. (#29530)

      Variants can be declared "sticky", which prevents them from being enabled or disabled by the concretizer. Sticky variants must be set explicitly by users on the command line or in packages.yaml. (#28630)

    • Allow conditional possible values in variants
    • Add a "sticky" property to variants

    Other new features of note

    • Environment views can optionally link only run dependencies with link:run (#29336)
    • spack external find --all finds library-only packages in addition to build dependencies (#28005)
    • Customizable config:license_dir option (#30135)
    • spack external find --path PATH takes a custom search path (#30479)
    • spack spec has a new --format argument like spack find (#27908)
    • spack concretize --quiet skips printing concretized specs (#30272)
    • spack info now has cleaner output and displays test info (#22097)
    • Package-level submodule option for git commit versions (#30085, #30037)
    • Using /hash syntax to refer to concrete specs in an environment now works even if /hash is not installed. (#30276)

    Major internal refactors

    • full hash (see above)
    • new develop versioning scheme 0.19.0-dev0
    • Allow for multiple dependencies/dependents from the same package (#28673)
    • Splice differing virtual packages (#27919)

    Performance Improvements

    • Concretization of large environments with unify: when_possible is much faster than concretizing separately (#28941, see above)
    • Single-pass view generation algorithm is 2.6x faster (#29443)

    Archspec improvements

    • oneapi and dpcpp flag support (#30783)
    • better support for M1 and a64fx (#30683)

    Removals and Deprecations

    • Spack no longer supports Python 2.6 (#27256)

    • Removed deprecated --run-tests option of spack install; use spack test (#30461)

    • Removed deprecated spack flake8; use spack style (#27290)

    • Deprecate spack:concretization config option; use concretizer:unify (#30038)

    • Deprecate top-level module configuration; use module sets (#28659)

    • spack activate and spack deactivate are deprecated in favor of environments; will be removed in 0.19.0 (#29430; see also link:run in #29336 above)

    Notable Bugfixes

    • Fix bug that broke locks with many parallel builds (#27846)
    • Many bugfixes and consistency improvements for the new concretizer and --reuse (#30357, #30092, #29835, #29933, #28605, #29694, #28848)


    • CMakePackage uses CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH (#29703)
    • Refactored lua support: lua-lang virtual supports both lua and luajit via new LuaPackage build system(#28854)
    • PythonPackage: now installs packages with pip (#27798)
    • Python: improve site_packages_dir handling (#28346)
    • Extends: support spec, not just package name (#27754)
    • find_libraries: search for both .so and .dylib on macOS (#28924)
    • Use stable URLs and ?full_index=1 for all github patches (#29239)

    Spack community stats

    • 6,416 total packages, 458 new since v0.17.0
      • 219 new Python packages
      • 60 new R packages
    • 377 people contributed to this release
      • 337 committers to packages
      • 85 committers to core
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.18.0.tar.gz(7.19 MB)
  • v0.17.2(Apr 14, 2022)

    Spack bugfixes

    • Fix --reuse with upstreams set in an environment (#29680)
    • config add: fix parsing of validator error to infer type from oneOf (#29475)
    • Fix spack -C command_line_scope used in conjunction with other flags (#28418)
    • Use Spec.constrain to construct spec lists for stacks (#28783)
    • Fix bug occurring when searching for inherited patches in packages (#29574)
    • Fixed a few bugs when manipulating symlinks (#28318, #29515, #29636)
    • Fixed a few minor bugs affecting command prompt, terminal title and argument completion (#28279, #28278, #28939, #29405, #29070, #29402)
    • Fixed a few bugs affecting the spack ci command (#29518, #29419)
    • Fix handling of Intel compiler environment (#29439)
    • Fix a few edge cases when reindexing the DB (#28764)
    • Remove "Known issues" from documentation (#29664)
    • Other miscellaneous bugfixes (0b72e070583fc5bcd016f5adc8a84c99f2b7805f, #28403, #29261)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.17.2.tar.gz(6.43 MB)
  • v0.17.1(Dec 23, 2021)

    Spack Bugfixes

    • Allow locks to work under high contention (#27846)
    • Improve error messages from clingo (#27707 #27970)
    • Respect package permissions for sbang (#25764)
    • Fix --enable-locks behavior (#24675)
    • Fix log-format reporter ignoring install errors (#25961)
    • Fix overloaded argparse keys (#27379)
    • Allow style commands to run with targets other than develop (#27472)
    • Log lock messages to debug level, instead of verbose level (#27408)
    • Handle invalid unicode while logging (#21447)
    • spack audit: fix API calls to variants (#27713)
    • Provide meaningful message for empty environment installs (#28031)
    • Added opensuse leap containers to spack containerize (#27837)
    • Revert "patches: make re-applied patches idempotent" (#27625)
    • MANPATH can use system defaults (#21682)
    • Add setdefault subcommand to spack module tcl (#14686)
    • Regenerate views when specs already installed (#28113)

    Package bugfixes

    • Fix external package detection for OpenMPI (#27255)
    • Update the UPC++ package to 2021.9.0 (#26996)
    • Added py-vermin v1.3.2 (#28072)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.17.1.tar.gz(6.43 MB)
  • v0.17.0(Nov 6, 2021)

    v0.17.0 (2021-11-05)

    v0.17.0 is a major feature release.

    Major features in this release

    1. New concretizer is now default The new concretizer introduced as an experimental feature in v0.16.0 is now the default (#25502). The new concretizer is based on the clingo logic programming system, and it enables us to do much higher quality and faster dependency solving The old concretizer is still available via the concretizer: original setting, but it is deprecated and will be removed in v0.18.0.

    2. Binary Bootstrapping To make it easier to use the new concretizer and binary packages, Spack now bootstraps clingo and GnuPG from public binaries. If it is not able to bootstrap them from binaries, it installs them from source code. With these changes, you should still be able to clone Spack and start using it almost immediately. (#21446, #22354, #22489, #22606, #22720, #22720, #23677, #23946, #24003, #25138, #25607, #25964, #26029, #26399, #26599).

    3. Reuse existing packages (experimental) The most wanted feature from our 2020 user survey and the most wanted Spack feature of all time (#25310). spack install, spack spec, and spack concretize now have a --reuse option, which causes Spack to minimize the number of rebuilds it does. The --reuse option will try to find existing installations and binary packages locally and in registered mirrors, and will prefer to use them over building new versions. This will allow users to build from source far less than in prior versions of Spack. This feature will continue to be improved, with configuration options and better CLI expected in v0.17.1. It will become the default concretization mode in v0.18.0.

    4. Better error messages We have improved the error messages generated by the new concretizer by using unsatisfiable cores. Spack will now print a summary of the types of constraints that were violated to make a spec unsatisfiable (#26719).

    5. Conditional variants Variants can now have a when="<spec>" clause, allowing them to be conditional based on the version or other attributes of a package (#24858).

    6. Git commit versions In an environment and on the command-line, you can now provide a full, 40-character git commit as a version for any package with a top-level git URL. e.g., spack install [email protected]. Spack will compare the commit to tags in the git repository to understand what versions it is ahead of or behind.

    7. Override local config and cache directories You can now set SPACK_DISABLE_LOCAL_CONFIG to disable the ~/.spack and /etc/spack configuration scopes. SPACK_USER_CACHE_PATH allows you to move caches out of ~/.spack, as well (#27022, #26735). This addresses common problems where users could not isolate CI environments from local configuration.

    8. Improvements to Spack Containerize For added reproducibility, you can now pin the Spack version used by spack containerize (#21910). The container build will only build with the Spack version pinned at build recipe creation instead of the latest Spack version.

    9. New commands for dealing with tags The spack tags command allows you to list tags on packages (#26136), and you can list tests and filter tags with spack test list (#26842).

    Other new features of note

    • Copy and relocate environment views as stand-alone installations (#24832)
    • spack diff command can diff two installed specs (#22283, #25169)
    • spack -c <config> can set one-off config parameters on CLI (#22251)
    • spack load --list is an alias for spack find --loaded (#27184)
    • spack gpg can export private key with --secret (#22557)
    • spack style automatically bootstraps dependencies (#24819)
    • spack style --fix automatically invokes isort (#24071)
    • build dependencies can be installed from build caches with --include-build-deps (#19955)
    • spack audit command for checking package constraints (#23053)
    • Spack can now fetch from CVS repositories (yep, really) (#23212)
    • spack monitor lets you upload analysis about installations to a spack monitor server (#23804, #24321, #23777, #25928))
    • spack python --path shows which python Spack is using (#22006)
    • spack env activate --temp can create temporary environments (#25388)
    • --preferred and --latest options for spack checksum (#25830)
    • cc is now pure posix and runs on Alpine (#26259)
    • SPACK_PYTHON environment variable sets which python spack uses (#21222)
    • SPACK_SKIP_MODULES lets you source setup-env.sh faster if you don't need modules (#24545)

    Major internal refactors

    • spec.yaml files are now spec.json, yielding a large speed improvement (#22845)
    • Splicing allows Spack specs to store mixed build provenance (#20262)
    • More extensive hooks API for installations (#21930)
    • New internal API for getting the active environment (#25439)

    Performance Improvements

    • Parallelize separate concretization in environments; Previously 55 min E4S solve now takes 2.5 min (#26264)
    • Drastically improve YamlFilesystemView file removal performance via batching (#24355)
    • Speed up spec comparison (#21618)
    • Speed up environment activation (#25633)

    Archspec improvements

    • support for new generic x86_64_v2, x86_64_v3, x86_64_v4 targets (see archspec#31)
    • spack arch --generic lets you get the best generic architecture for your node (#27061)
    • added support for aocc (#20124), arm compiler on graviton2 (#24904) and on a64fx (#24524),

    Infrastructure, buildcaches, and services

    • Add support for GCS Bucket Mirrors (#26382)
    • Add spackbot to help package maintainers with notifications. See spack.github.io/spackbot
    • Reproducible pipeline builds with spack ci rebuild (#22887)
    • Removed redundant concretizations from GitLab pipeline generation (#26622)
    • Spack CI no longer generates jobs for unbuilt specs (#20435)
    • Every pull request pipeline has its own buildcache (#25529)
    • --no-add installs only specified specs and only if already present in… (#22657)
    • Add environment-aware spack buildcache sync command (#25470)
    • Binary cache installation speedups and improvements (#19690, #20768)

    Deprecations and Removals

    • 0.17.x is the last Spack release series that will support Python 2.6. We will no longer retain 2.6 compatibility in develop and it will be unsupported in 0.18.
    • spack setup was deprecated in v0.16.0, and has now been removed. Use spack develop and spack dev-build.
    • Remove unused --dependencies flag from spack load (#25731)
    • Remove stubs for spack module [refresh|find|rm|loads], all of which were deprecated in 2018.

    Notable Bugfixes

    • Deactivate previous env before activating new one (#25409)
    • Many fixes to error codes from spack install (#21319, #27012, #25314)
    • config add: infer type based on JSON schema validation errors (#27035)
    • spack config edit now works even if spack.yaml is broken (#24689)


    • Allow non-empty version ranges like 1.1.0:1.1 (#26402)
    • Remove .99's from many version ranges (#26422)
    • Python: use platform-specific site packages dir (#25998)
    • CachedCMakePackage for using *.cmake initial config files (#19316)
    • lua-lang allows swapping lua and luajit (#22492)
    • Better support for ld.gold and ld.lld (#25626)
    • build times are now stored as metadata in $prefix/.spack (#21179)
    • post-install tests can be reused in smoke tests (#20298)
    • Packages can use pypi attribute to infer homepage/url/list_url (#17587)
    • Use gnuconfig package for config.guess file replacement (#26035)
    • patches: make re-applied patches idempotent (#26784)

    Spack community stats

    • 5969 total packages, 920 new since v0.16.0
      • 358 new Python packages, 175 new R packages
    • 513 people contributed to this release
      • 490 committers to packages
      • 105 committers to core
    • Lots of GPU updates:
      • ~77 CUDA-related commits
      • ~66 AMD-related updates
      • ~27 OneAPI-related commits
      • 30 commits from AMD toolchain support
    • spack test usage in packages is increasing
      • 1669 packages with tests (mostly generic python tests)
      • 93 packages with their own tests
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.17.0.tar.gz(6.43 MB)
  • v0.16.3(Sep 22, 2021)

    v0.16.3 (2021-09-21)

    • clang/llvm: fix version detection (#19978)
    • Fix use of quotes in Python build system (#22279)
    • Cray: fix extracting paths from module files (#23472)
    • Use AWS CloudFront for source mirror (#23978)
    • Ensure all roots of an installed environment are marked explicit in db (#24277)
    • Fix fetching for Python 3.8 and 3.9 (#24686)
    • locks: only open lockfiles once instead of for every lock held (#24794)
    • Remove the EOL centos:6 docker image
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.16.3.tar.gz(5.28 MB)
  • v0.16.2(May 22, 2021)

    v0.16.2 (2021-05-22)

    • Major performance improvement for spack load and other commands. (#23661)
    • spack fetch is now environment-aware. (#19166)
    • Numerous fixes for the new, clingo-based concretizer. (#23016, #23307, #23090, #22896, #22534, #20644, #20537, #21148)
    • Supoprt for automatically bootstrapping clingo from source. (#20652, #20657 #21364, #21446, #21913, #22354, #22444, #22460, #22489, #22610, #22631)
    • Python 3.10 support: collections.abc (#20441)
    • Fix import issues by using __import__ instead of Spack package import. (#23288, #23290)
    • Bugfixes and --source-dir argument for spack location. (#22755, #22348, #22321)
    • Better support for externals in shared prefixes. (#22653)
    • spack build-env now prefers specs defined in the active environment. (#21642)
    • Remove erroneous warnings about quotes in from_sourcing_files. (#22767)
    • Fix clearing cache of InternalConfigScope. (#22609)
    • Bugfix for active when pkg is already active error. (#22587)
    • Make SingleFileScope able to repopulate the cache after clearing it. (#22559)
    • Channelflow: Fix the package. (#22483)
    • More descriptive error message for bugs in package.py (#21811)
    • Use package-supplied autogen.sh. (#20319)
    • Respect -k/verify-ssl-false in _existing_url method. (#21864)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.16.2.tar.gz(5.28 MB)
  • v0.16.1(Feb 23, 2021)

    v0.16.1 (2021-02-22)

    This minor release includes a new feature and associated fixes:

    • intel-oneapi support through new packages (#20411, #20686, #20693, #20717, #20732, #20808, #21377, #21448)

    This release also contains bug fixes/enhancements for:

    • HIP/ROCm support (#19715, #20095)
    • concretization (#19988, #20020, #20082, #20086, #20099, #20102, #20128, #20182, #20193, #20194, #20196, #20203, #20247, #20259, #20307, #20362, #20383, #20423, #20473, #20506, #20507, #20604, #20638, #20649, #20677, #20680, #20790)
    • environment install reporting fix (#20004)
    • avoid import in ABI compatibility info (#20236)
    • restore ability of dev-build to skip patches (#20351)
    • spack find -d spec grouping (#20028)
    • spack smoke test support (#19987, #20298)
    • macOS fixes (#20038, #21662)
    • abstract spec comparisons (#20341)
    • continuous integration (#17563)
    • performance improvements for binary relocation (#19690, #20768)
    • additional sanity checks for variants in builtin packages (#20373)
    • do not pollute auto-generated configuration files with empty lists or dicts (#20526)

    plus assorted documentation (#20021, #20174) and package bug fixes/enhancements (#19617, #19933, #19986, #20006, #20097, #20198, #20794, #20906, #21411).

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.16.1.tar.gz(5.27 MB)
  • v0.16.0(Nov 18, 2020)

    v0.16.0 (2020-11-18)

    v0.16.0 is a major feature release.

    Major features in this release

    1. New concretizer (experimental) Our new backtracking concretizer is now in Spack as an experimental feature. You will need to install [email protected]+python and set concretizer: clingo in config.yaml to use it. The original concretizer is not exhaustive and is not guaranteed to find a solution if one exists. We encourage you to use the new concretizer and to report any bugs you find with it. We anticipate making the new concretizer the default and including all required dependencies for it in Spack v0.17. For more details, see #19501.

    2. spack test (experimental) Users can add test() methods to their packages to run smoke tests on installations with the new spack test command (the old spack test is now spack unit-test). spack test is environment-aware, so you can spack install an environment and spack test run smoke tests on all of its packages. Historical test logs can be perused with spack test results. Generic smoke tests for MPI implementations, C, C++, and Fortran compilers as well as specific smoke tests for 18 packages. This is marked experimental because the test API (self.run_test()) is likely to be change, but we encourage users to upstream tests, and we will maintain and refactor any that are added to mainline packages (#15702).

    3. spack develop New spack develop command allows you to develop several packages at once within a Spack environment. Running spack develop [email protected] and spack develop [email protected] will check out specific versions of foo and bar into subdirectories, which you can then build incrementally with spack install (#15256).

    4. More parallelism Spack previously installed the dependencies of a single spec in parallel. Entire environments can now be installed in parallel, greatly accelerating builds of large environments. get parallelism from individual specs. Spack now parallelizes entire environment builds (#18131).

    5. Customizable base images for spack containerize spack containerize previously only output a Dockerfile based on official Spack images from Dockerhub. You may now specify any base image of your choosing (#15028).

    6. more external finding spack external find was added in v0.15, but only cmake had support. spack external find can now find bison, cuda, findutils, flex, git, lustre m4, mpich, mvapich2, ncurses, openmpi, perl, spectrum-mpi, tar, and texinfo on your system and add them automatically to packages.yaml.

    7. Support aocc, nvhpc, and oneapi compilers We are aggressively pursuing support for the newest vendor compilers, especially those for the U.S. exascale and pre-exascale systems. Compiler classes and auto-detection for aocc, nvhpc, oneapi are now in Spack (#19345, #19294, #19330).

    Additional new features of note

    • New spack mark command can be used to designate packages as explicitly installed, so that spack gc will not garbage-collect them (#16662).
    • install_tree can be customized with Spack's projection format (#18341)
    • sbang now lives in the install_tree so that all users can access it (#11598)
    • csh and tcsh users no longer need to set SPACK_ROOT before sourcing setup-env.csh (#18225)
    • Spec syntax now supports variant=* syntax for finding any package that has a particular variant (#19381).
    • Spack respects SPACK_GNUPGHOME variable for custom GPG directories (#17139)
    • Spack now recognizes Graviton chips

    Major refactors

    • Use spawn instead of fork on Python >= 3.8 on macOS (#18205)
    • Use indexes for public build caches (#19101, #19117, #19132, #19141, #19209)
    • sbang is an external package now (https://github.com/spack/sbang, #19582)
    • archspec is an external package now (https://github.com/archspec/archspec, #19600)

    Deprecations and Removals

    • spack bootstrap was deprecated in v0.14.0, and has now been removed.
    • spack setup is deprecated as of v0.16.0.
    • What was spack test is now called spack unit-test. spack test is now the smoke testing feature in (2) above.


    Some of the most notable bugfixes in this release include:

    • Better warning messages for deprecated syntax in packages.yaml (#18013)
    • buildcache list --allarch now works properly (#17827)
    • Many fixes and tests for buildcaches and binary relocation (#15687, *#17455, #17418, #17455, #15687, #18110)

    Package Improvements

    Spack now has 5050 total packages, 720 of which were added since v0.15.

    • ROCm packages (hip, aomp, more) added by AMD (#19957, #19832, others)
    • Many improvements for ARM support
    • llvm-flang, flang, and f18 removed, as llvm has real flang support since Flang was merged to LLVM mainline
    • Emerging support for spack external find and spack test in packages.


    • Major infrastructure improvements to pipelines on gitlab.spack.io
    • Support for testing PRs from forks (#19248) is being enabled for all forks to enable rolling, up-to-date binary builds on develop
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.16.0.tar.gz(5.25 MB)
  • v0.15.4(Aug 13, 2020)

    v0.15.4 (2020-08-12)

    This release contains one feature addition:

    • Users can set SPACK_GNUPGHOME to override Spack's GPG path (#17139)

    Several bugfixes for CUDA, binary packaging, and spack -V:

    • CUDA package's .libs method searches for libcudart instead of libcuda (#18000)
    • Don't set CUDAHOSTCXX in environments that contain CUDA (#17826)
    • buildcache create: NoOverwriteException is a warning, not an error (#17832)
    • Fix spack buildcache list --allarch (#17884)
    • spack -V works with releases/latest tag and shallow clones (#17884)

    And fixes for GitHub Actions and tests to ensure that CI passes on the release branch (#15687, #17279, #17328, #17377, #17732).

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.15.4.tar.gz(4.58 MB)
  • v0.15.3(Jul 28, 2020)

    v0.15.3 (2020-07-28)

    This release contains the following bugfixes:

    • Fix handling of relative view paths (#17721)
    • Fixes for binary relocation (#17418, #17455)
    • Fix redundant printing of error messages in build environment (#17709)

    It also adds a support script for Spack tutorials:

    • Add a tutorial setup script to share/spack (#17705, #17722)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.15.3.tar.gz(4.47 MB)
  • v0.15.2(Jul 23, 2020)

    v0.15.2 (2020-07-23)

    This minor release includes two new features:

    • Spack install verbosity is decreased, and more debug levels are added (#17546)
    • The $spack/share/spack/keys directory contains public keys that may be optionally trusted for public binary mirrors (#17684)

    This release also includes several important fixes:

    • MPICC and related variables are now cleand in the build environment (#17450)
    • LLVM flang only builds CUDA offload components when +cuda (#17466)
    • CI pipelines no longer upload user environments that can contain secrets to the internet (#17545)
    • CI pipelines add bootstrapped compilers to the compiler config (#17536)
    • spack buildcache list does not exit on first failure and lists later mirrors (#17565)
    • Apple's "gcc" executable that is an apple-clang compiler does not generate a gcc compiler config (#17589)
    • Mixed compiler toolchains are merged more naturally across different compiler suffixes (#17590)
    • Cray Shasta platforms detect the OS properly (#17467)
    • Additional more minor fixes.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.15.2.tar.gz(4.47 MB)
  • v0.15.1(Jul 11, 2020)

    v0.15.1 (2020-07-10)

    This minor release includes several important fixes:

    • Fix shell support on Cray (#17386)
    • Fix use of externals installed with other Spack instances (#16954)
    • Fix gcc+binutils build (#9024)
    • Fixes for usage of intel-mpi (#17378 and #17382)
    • Fixes to Autotools config.guess detection (#17333 and #17356)
    • Update spack install message to prompt user when an environment is not explicitly activated (#17454)

    This release also adds a mirror for all sources that are fetched in Spack (#17077). It is expected to be useful when the official website for a Spack package is unavailable.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.15.1.tar.gz(4.46 MB)
  • v0.15.0(Jul 1, 2020)

    v0.15.0 (2020-06-28)

    v0.15.0 is a major feature release.

    Major Features in this release

    1. Cray support Spack will now work properly on Cray "Cluster" systems (non XC systems) and after a module purge command on Cray systems. See #12989

    2. Virtual package configuration Virtual packages are allowed in packages.yaml configuration. This allows users to specify a virtual package as non-buildable without needing to specify for each implementation. See #14934

    3. New config subcommands This release adds spack config add and spack config remove commands to add to and remove from yaml configuration files from the CLI. See #13920

    4. Environment activation Anonymous environments are no longer automatically activated in the current working directory. To activate an environment from a spack.yaml file in the current directory, use the spack env activate . command. This removes a concern that users were too easily polluting their anonymous environments with accidental installations. See #17258

    5. Apple clang compiler The clang compiler and the apple-clang compiler are now separate compilers in Spack. This allows Spack to improve support for the apple-clang compiler. See #17110

    6. Finding external packages Spack packages can now support an API for finding external installations. This allows the spack external find command to automatically add installations of those packages to the user's configuration. See #15158

    Additional new features of note

    • support for using Spack with the fish shell (#9279)
    • spack load --first option to load first match (instead of prompting user) (#15622)
    • support the Cray cce compiler both new and classic versions (#17256, #12989)
    • spack dev-build command:
      • supports stopping before a specified phase (#14699)
      • supports automatically launching a shell in the build environment (#14887)
    • spack install --fail-fast allows builds to fail at the first error (rather than best-effort) (#15295)
    • environments: SpecList references can be dereferenced as compiler or dependency constraints (#15245)
    • spack view command: new support for a copy/relocate view type (#16480)
    • ci pipelines: see documentation for several improvements
    • spack mirror -a command now supports excluding packages (#14154)
    • spack buildcache create is now environment-aware (#16580)
    • module generation: more flexible format for specifying naming schemes (#16629)
    • lmod module generation: packages can be configured as core specs for lmod hierarchy (#16517)

    Deprecations and Removals

    The following commands were deprecated in v0.13.0, and have now been removed:

    • spack configure
    • spack build
    • spack diy

    The following commands were deprecated in v0.14.0, and will be removed in the next major release:

    • spack bootstrap


    Some of the most notable bugfixes in this release include:

    • Spack environments can now contain the string -h (#15429)
    • The spack install gracefully handles being backgrounded (#15723, #14682)
    • Spack uses -isystem instead of -I in cases that the underlying build system does as well (#16077)
    • Spack no longer prints any specs that cannot be safely copied into a Spack command (#16462)
    • Incomplete Spack environments containing python no longer cause problems (#16473)
    • Several improvements to binary package relocation

    Package Improvements

    The Spack project is constantly engaged in routine maintenance, bugfixes, and improvements for the package ecosystem. Of particular note in this release are the following:

    • Spack now contains 4339 packages. There are 430 newly supported packages in v0.15.0
    • GCC now builds properly on ARM architectures (#17280)
    • Python: patched to support compiling mixed C/C++ python modules through distutils (#16856)
    • improvements to pytorch and py-tensorflow packages
    • improvements to major MPI implementations: mvapich2, mpich, openmpi, and others

    Spack Project Management:

    • Much of the Spack CI infrastructure has moved from Travis to GitHub Actions (#16610, #14220, #16345)
    • All merges to the develop branch run E4S CI pipeline (#16338)
    • New spack debug report command makes reporting bugs easier (#15834)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.15.0.tar.gz(4.46 MB)
  • v0.14.2(Apr 15, 2020)

    v0.14.2 (2019-04-15)

    This is a minor release on the 0.14 series. It includes performance improvements and bug fixes:

    • Improvements to how spack install handles foreground/background (#15723)
    • Major performance improvements for reading the package DB (#14693, #15777)
    • No longer check for the old index.yaml database file (#15298)
    • Properly activate environments with '-h' in the name (#15429)
    • External packages have correct .prefix in environments/views (#15475)
    • Improvements to computing env modifications from sourcing files (#15791)
    • Bugfix on Cray machines when getting TERM env variable (#15630)
    • Avoid adding spurious LMOD env vars to Intel modules (#15778)
    • Don't output [+] for mock installs run during tests (#15609)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.14.2.tar.gz(4.11 MB)
  • v0.14.1(Mar 20, 2020)

    v0.14.1 (2019-03-20)

    This is a bugfix release on top of v0.14.0. Specific fixes include:

    • several bugfixes for parallel installation (#15339, #15341, #15220, #15197)
    • spack load now works with packages that have been renamed (#14348)
    • bugfix for suite-sparse installation (#15326)
    • deduplicate identical suffixes added to module names (#14920)
    • fix issues with configure_args during module refresh (#11084)
    • increased test coverage and test fixes (#15237, #15354, #15346)
    • remove some unused code (#15431)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.14.1.tar.gz(4.10 MB)
  • v0.14.0(Feb 24, 2020)

    v0.14.0 (2020-02-23)

    v0.14.0 is a major feature release, with 3 highlighted features:

    1. Distributed builds. Multiple Spack instances will now coordinate properly with each other through locks. This works on a single node (where you've called spack several times) or across multiple nodes with a shared filesystem. For example, with SLURM, you could build trilinos and its dependencies on 2 24-core nodes, with 3 Spack instances per node and 8 build jobs per instance, with srun -N 2 -n 6 spack install -j 8 trilinos. This requires a filesystem with locking enabled, but not MPI or any other library for parallelism.

    2. Build pipelines. You can also build in parallel through Gitlab CI. Simply create a Spack environment and push it to Gitlab to build on Gitlab runners. Pipeline support is now integreated into a single spack ci command, so setting it up is easier than ever. See the Pipelines section in the docs.

    3. Container builds. The new spack containerize command allows you to create a Docker or Singularity recipe from any Spack environment. There are options to customize the build if you need them. See the Container Images section in the docs.

    In addition, there are several other new commands, many bugfixes and improvements, and spack load no longer requires modules, so you can use it the same way on your laptop or on your supercomputer.

    Spack grew by over 300 packages since our last release in November 2019, and the project grew to over 500 contributors. Thanks to all of you for making yet another great release possible. Detailed notes below.

    Major new core features

    • Distributed builds: spack instances coordinate and build in parallel (#13100)
    • New spack ci command to manage CI pipelines (#12854)
    • Generate container recipes from environments: spack containerize (#14202)
    • spack load now works without using modules (#14062, #14628)
    • Garbage collect old/unused installations with spack gc (#13534)
    • Configuration files all set environment modifications the same way (#14372, docs)
    • spack commands --format=bash auto-generates completion (#14393, #14607)
    • Packages can specify alternate fetch URLs in case one fails (#13881)


    • Improved locking for concurrency with environments (#14676, #14621, #14692)
    • spack test sends args to pytest, supports better listing (#14319)
    • Better support for aarch64 and cascadelake microarch (#13825, #13780, #13820)
    • Archspec is now a separate library (see https://github.com/archspec/archspec)
    • Many improvements to the spack buildcache command (#14237, #14346, #14466, #14467, #14639, #14642, #14659, #14696, #14698, #14714, #14732, #14929, #15003, #15086, #15134)

    Selected Bugfixes

    • Compilers now require an exact match on version (#8735, #14730, #14752)
    • Bugfix for patches that specified specific versions (#13989)
    • spack find -p now works in environments (#10019, #13972)
    • Dependency queries work correctly in spack find (#14757)
    • Bugfixes for locking upstream Spack instances chains (#13364)
    • Fixes for PowerPC clang optimization flags (#14196)
    • Fix for issue with compilers and specific microarchitectures (#13733, #14798)

    New commands and options

    • spack ci (#12854)
    • spack containerize (#14202)
    • spack gc (#13534)
    • spack load accepts --only package, --only dependencies (#14062, #14628)
    • spack commands --format=bash (#14393)
    • spack commands --update-completion (#14607)
    • spack install --with-cache has new option: --no-check-signature (#11107)
    • spack test now has --list, --list-long, and --list-names (#14319)
    • spack install --help-cdash moves CDash help out of the main help (#13704)


    • spack release-jobs has been rolled into spack ci
    • spack bootstrap will be removed in a future version, as it is no longer needed to set up modules (see spack load improvements above)


    • New section on building container images with Spack (see docs)
    • New section on using spack ci command to build pipelines (see docs)
    • Document how to add conditional dependencies (#14694)
    • Document how to use Spack to replace Homebrew/Conda (#13083, see docs)

    Important package changes

    • 3,908 total packages (345 added since 0.13.0)
    • Added first cut at a TensorFlow package (#13112)
    • We now build R without "recommended" packages, manage them w/Spack (#12015)
    • Elpa and OpenBLAS now leverage microarchitecture support (#13655, #14380)
    • Fix octave compiler wrapper usage (#14726)
    • Enforce that packages in builtin aren't missing dependencies (#13949)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.14.0.tar.gz(4.10 MB)
  • v0.13.4(Feb 7, 2020)

    v0.13.4 (2020-02-07)

    This release contains several bugfixes:

    • bugfixes for invoking python in various environments (#14349, #14496, #14569)
    • brought tab completion up to date (#14392)
    • bugfix for removing extensions from views in order (#12961)
    • bugfix for nondeterministic hashing for specs with externals (#14390)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.13.4.tar.gz(3.60 MB)
  • v0.13.3(Dec 24, 2019)

    This release contains more major performance improvements for Spack environments, as well as bugfixes for mirrors and a python issue with RHEL8.

    • mirror bugfixes: symlinks, duplicate patches, and exception handling (#13789)
    • don't try to fetch BundlePackages (#13908)
    • avoid re-fetching patches already added to a mirror (#13908)
    • allow repeated invocations of spack mirror create on the same dir (#13908)
    • bugfix for RHEL8 when python is unavailable (#14252)
    • improve concretization performance in environments (#14190)
    • improve installation performance in environments (#14263)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.13.3.tar.gz(3.60 MB)
  • v0.13.2(Dec 5, 2019)

    This release contains major performance improvements for Spack environments, as well as some bugfixes and minor changes.

    • allow missing modules if they are blacklisted (#13540)
    • speed up environment activation (#13557)
    • mirror path works for unknown versions (#13626)
    • environments: don't try to modify run-env if a spec is not installed (#13589)
    • use semicolons instead of newlines in module/python command (#13904)
    • verify.py: os.path.exists exception handling (#13656)
    • Document use of the maintainers field (#13479)
    • bugfix with config caching (#13755)
    • hwloc: added 'master' version pointing at the HEAD of the master branch (#13734)
    • config option to allow gpg warning suppression (#13744)
    • fix for relative symlinks when relocating binary packages (#13727)
    • allow binary relocation of strings in relative binaries (#13724)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.13.2.tar.gz(3.60 MB)
  • v0.13.1(Nov 5, 2019)

    This is a bugfix release on top of v0.13.0. Specific fixes include:

    • spack find now displays variants and other spec constraints
    • bugfix: uninstall should find concrete specs by DAG hash (#13598)
    • environments: make shell modifications partially unconditional (#13523)
    • binary distribution: relocate text files properly in relative binaries (#13578)
    • bugfix: fetch prefers to fetch local mirrors over remote resources (#13545)
    • environments: only write when necessary (#13546)
    • bugfix: spack.util.url.join() now handles absolute paths correctly (#13488)
    • sbang: use utf-8 for encoding when patching (#13490)
    • Specs with quoted flags containing spaces are parsed correctly (#13521)
    • targets: print a warning message before downgrading (#13513)
    • Travis CI: Test Python 3.8 (#13347)
    • Documentation: Database.query methods share docstrings (#13515)
    • cuda: fix conflict statements for x86-64 targets (#13472)
    • cpu: fix clang flags for generic x86_64 (#13491)
    • syaml_int type should use int.repr rather than str.repr (#13487)
    • elpa: prefer 2016.05.004 until sse/avx/avx2 issues are resolved (#13530)
    • trilinos: temporarily constrain netcdf@:4.7.1 (#13526)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.13.1.tar.gz(3.60 MB)
  • v0.13.0(Oct 26, 2019)

    v0.13.0 is our biggest Spack release yet, with many new major features. From facility deployment to improved environments, microarchitecture support, and auto-generated build farms, this release has features for all of our users.

    Spack grew by over 700 packages in the past year, and the project now has over 450 contributors. Thanks to all of you for making this release possible.

    Major new core features

    • Chaining: use dependencies from external "upstream" Spack instances
    • Environments now behave more like virtualenv/conda
      • Each env has a view: a directory with all packages symlinked in
      • Activating an environment sets PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH, CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, PKG_CONFIG_PATH, etc. to point to this view.
    • Spack detects and builds specifically for your microarchitecture
      • named, understandable targets like skylake, broadwell, power9, zen2
      • Spack knows which compilers can build for which architectures
      • Packages can easily query support for features like avx512 and sse3
      • You can pick a target with, e.g. spack install foo target=icelake
    • Spack stacks: combinatorial environments for facility deployment
      • Environments can now build cartesian products of specs (with matrix:)
      • Conditional syntax support to exclude certain builds from the stack
    • Projections: ability to build easily navigable symlink trees environments
    • Support no-source packages (BundlePackage) to aggregate related packages
    • Extensions: users can write custom commands that live outside of Spack repo
    • Support ARM and Fujitsu compilers

    CI/build farm support

    • spack release-jobs can detect package.py changes and generate .gitlab-ci.yml to create binaries for an environment or stack in parallel (initial support -- will change in future release).
    • Results of build pipelines can be uploaded to a CDash server.
    • Spack can now upload/fetch from package mirrors in Amazon S3

    New commands/options

    • spack mirror create --all downloads all package sources/resources/patches
    • spack dev-build runs phases of the install pipeline on the working directory
    • spack deprecate permanently symlinks an old, unwanted package to a new one
    • spack verify checks that packages' files match what was originally installed
    • spack find --json prints JSON that is easy to parse with, e.g. jq
    • spack find --format FORMAT allows you to flexibly print package metadata
    • spack spec --json prints JSON version of spec.yaml

    Selected improvements

    • Auto-build requested compilers if they do not exist
    • Spack automatically adds RPATHs needed to make executables find compiler runtime libraries (e.g., path to newer libstdc++ in icpc or g++)
    • setup-env.sh is now compatible with Bash, Dash, and Zsh
    • Spack now caps build jobs at min(16, ncores) by default
    • spack compiler find now also throttles number of spawned processes
    • Spack now writes stage directories directly to $TMPDIR instead of symlinking stages within $spack/var/spack/cache.
    • Improved and more powerful spec format strings
    • You can pass a spec.yaml file anywhere in the CLI you can type a spec.
    • Many improvements to binary caching
    • Gradually supporting new features from Environment Modules v4
    • spack edit respects VISUAL environment variable
    • Simplified package syntax for specifying build/run environment modifications
    • Numerous improvements to support for environments across Spack commands
    • Concretization improvements


    • Multi-lingual documentation (Started a Japanese translation)
    • Tutorial now has its own site at spack-tutorial.readthedocs.io
      • This enables us to keep multiple versions of the tutorial around


    • Spack no longer supports dotkit (LLNL's homegrown, now deprecated module tool)
    • spack build, spack configure, spack diy deprecated in favor of spack dev-build and spack install

    Important package changes

    • 3,563 total packages (718 added since 0.12.1)
    • Spack now defaults to Python 3 (previously preferred 2.7 by default)
    • Much improved ARM support thanks to Fugaku (RIKEN) and SNL teams
    • Support new special versions: master, trunk, and head (in addition to develop)
    • Better finding logic for libraries and headers
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.13.0.tar.gz(3.59 MB)
  • v0.12.1(Jan 13, 2019)

  • v0.12.0(Nov 13, 2018)

    Major new features

    • Spack environments
    • spack.yaml and spack.lock files for tracking dependencies
    • Custom configurations via command line
    • Better support for linking Python packages into view directories
    • Packages have more control over compiler flags via flag handlers
    • Better support for module file generation
    • Better support for Intel compilers, Intel MPI, etc.
    • Many performance improvements, improved startup time


    • As of this release, all of Spack is permissively licensed under Apache-2.0 or MIT, at the user's option.
    • Consents from over 300 contributors were obtained to make this relicense possible.
    • Previous versions were distributed under the LGPL license, version 2.1.

    New packages

    Over 2,900 packages (800 added since last year)

    Spack would not be possible without our community. Thanks to all of our contributors for the new features and packages in this release!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.12.0.tar.gz(2.83 MB)
  • v0.11.2(Feb 7, 2018)

  • v0.11.1(Jan 19, 2018)

    This release contains bugfixes for compiler flag handling. There were issues in v0.11.0 that caused some packages to be built without proper optimization.


    • Issue #6999: FFTW installed with Spack 0.11.0 gets built without optimisations


    • PR #6415: Fixes for flag handling behavior
    • PR #6960: Fix type issues with setting flag handlers
    • 880e319: Upstream fixes to list_url in various R packages
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.11.1.tar.gz(2.96 MB)
  • v0.11.0(Jan 17, 2018)

    Spack v0.11.0 contains many improvements since v0.10.0. Below is a summary of the major features, broken down by category.

    New packages

    • Spack now has 2,178 packages (from 1,114 in v0.10.0)
    • Many more Python packages (356) and R packages (471)
    • 48 Exascale Proxy Apps (try spack list -t proxy-app)

    Core features for users

    • Relocatable binary packages (spack buildcache, #4854)
    • Spack now fully supports Python 3 (#3395)
    • Packages can be tagged and searched by tags (#4786)
    • Custom module file templates using Jinja (#3183)
    • spack bootstrap command now sets up a basic module environment (#3057)
    • Simplified and better organized help output (#3033)
    • Improved, less redundant spack install output (#5714, #5950)
    • Reworked spack dependents and spack dependencies commands (#4478)

    Major new features for packagers

    • Multi-valued variants (#2386)
    • New conflicts() directive (#3125)
    • New dependency type: test dependencies (#5132)
    • Packages can require their own patches on dependencies (#5476)
      • depends_on(..., patches=<patch list>)
    • Build interface for passing linker information through Specs (#1875)
      • Major packages that use blas/lapack now use this interface
    • Flag handlers allow packages more control over compiler flags (#6415)
    • Package subclasses support many more build systems:
      • autotools, perl, qmake, scons, cmake, makefile, python, R, WAF
      • package-level support for installing Intel HPC products (#4300)
    • spack blame command shows contributors to packages (#5522)
    • spack create now guesses many more build systems (#2707)
    • Better URL parsing to guess package version URLs (#2972)
    • Much improved PythonPackage support (#3367)


    • Much faster concretization (#5716, #5783)
    • Improved output redirection (redirecting build output works properly #5084)
    • Numerous improvements to internal structure and APIs

    Tutorials & Documentation

    • Many updates to documentation
    • New tutorial material from SC17
      • configuration
      • build systems
      • build interface
      • working with module generation
    • Documentation on docker workflows and best practices

    Selected improvements and bug fixes

    • No longer build Python eggs -- installations are plain directories (#3587)
    • Improved filtering of system paths from build PATHs and RPATHs (#2083, #3910)
    • Git submodules are properly handled on fetch (#3956)
    • Can now set default number of parallel build jobs in config.yaml
    • Improvements to setup-env.csh (#4044)
    • Better default compiler discovery on Mac OS X (#3427)
      • clang will automatically mix with gfortran
    • Improved compiler detection on Cray machines (#3075)
    • Better support for IBM XL compilers
    • Better tab completion
    • Resume gracefully after prematurely terminated partial installs (#4331)
    • Better mesa support (#5170)

    Spack would not be possible without our community. Thanks to all of our contributors for the new features and packages in this release!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spack-0.11.0.tar.gz(2.97 MB)
  • v0.10.0(Jan 17, 2017)


    This is Spack v0.10.0. With this release, we will start to push Spack releases more regularly. This is the last Spack release without automated package testing. With the next release, we will begin to run package tests in addition to unit tests.

    Spack has grown rapidly from 422 to 1,114 packages, thanks to the hard work of over 100 contributors. Below is a condensed version of all the changes since v0.9.1.


    • Grew from 422 to 1,114 packages
      • Includes major updates like X11, Qt
      • Expanded HPC, R, and Python ecosystems


    • Major speed improvements for spack find and concretization
    • Completely reworked architecture support
      • Platforms can have front-end and back-end OS/target combinations
      • Much better support for Cray and BG/Q cross-compiled environments
    • Downloads are now cached locally
    • Support installations in deeply nested directories: patch long shebangs using sbang

    Basic usage

    • Easier global configuration via config.yaml
      • customize install, stage, and cache locations
    • Hierarchical configuration scopes: default, site, user
      • Platform-specific scopes allow better per-platform defaults
    • Ability to set cflags, cxxflags, fflags on the command line
    • YAML-configurable support for both Lmod and tcl modules in mainline
    • spack install supports --dirty option for emergencies

    For developers

    • Support multiple dependency types: build, link, and run
    • Added Package base classes for custom build systems
      • AutotoolsPackage, CMakePackage, PythonPackage, etc.
      • spack create now guesses many more build systems
    • Development environment integration with spack setup
    • New interface to pass linking information via spec objects
      • Currently used for BLAS/LAPACK/SCALAPACK libraries
      • Polymorphic virtual dependency attributes: spec['blas'].blas_libs

    Testing & Documentation

    • Unit tests run continuously on Travis CI for Mac and Linux
    • Switched from nose to pytest for unit tests.
      • Unit tests take 1 minute now instead of 8
    • Massively expanded documentation
    • Docs are now hosted on spack.readthedocs.io
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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