Random Walk Graph Neural Networks


Random Walk Graph Neural Networks

This repository is the official implementation of Random Walk Graph Neural Networks.


Code is written in Python 3.6 and requires:

  • PyTorch 1.5
  • scikit-learn 0.21


Use the following link to download datasets:


Extract the datasets into the datasets folder.

Training and Evaluation

To train and evaluate the model in the paper, run this command:

python main.py --dataset <dataset_name> 


To train and evaluate the model on MUTAG, first specify the hyperparameters in the main.py file and then run:

python main.py --dataset MUTAG --use-node-labels


Our model achieves the following performance on standard graph classification datasets (note that we used the evaluation procedure and same data splits as in this paper):

SP 80.2 (± 6.5) 78.1 (± 4.1) 72.7 (± 1.4) 75.3 (± 3.8) 38.3 (± 8.0)
GR 80.8 (± 6.4) 75.4 (± 3.4) 61.8 (± 1.7) 71.6 (± 3.1) 25.1 (± 4.4)
WL 84.6 (± 8.3) 78.1 (± 2.4) 84.8 (± 2.5) 73.8 (± 4.4) 50.3 (± 5.7)
DGCNN 84.0 (± 6.7) 76.6 (± 4.3) 76.4 (± 1.7) 72.9 (± 3.5) 38.9 (± 5.7)
DiffPool 79.8 (± 7.1) 75.0 (± 3.5) 76.9 (± 1.9) 73.7 (± 3.5) 59.5 (± 5.6)
ECC 75.4 (± 6.2) 72.6 (± 4.1) 76.2 (± 1.4) 72.3 (± 3.4) 29.5 (± 8.2)
GIN 84.7 (± 6.7) 75.3 (± 2.9) 80.0 (± 1.4) 73.3 (± 4.0) 59.6 (± 4.5)
GraphSAGE 83.6 (± 9.6) 72.9 (± 2.0) 76.0 (± 1.8) 73.0 (± 4.5) 58.2 (± 6.0)
1-step RWNN 89.2 (± 4.3) 77.6 (± 4.7) 71.4 (± 1.8) 74.7 (± 3.3) 56.7 (± 5.2)
2-step RWNN 88.1 (± 4.8) 76.9 (± 4.6) 73.0 (± 2.0) 74.1 (± 2.8) 57.4 (± 4.9)
3-step RWNN 88.6 (± 4.1) 77.4 (± 4.9) 73.9 (± 1.3) 74.3 (± 3.3) 57.6 (± 6.3)
SP 57.7 (± 4.1) 39.8 (± 3.7) 89.0 (± 1.0) 51.1 (± 2.2) 79.9 (± 2.7)
GR 63.3 (± 2.7) 39.6 (± 3.0) 76.6 (± 3.3) 38.1 (± 2.3) 71.1 (± 1.4)
WL 72.8 (± 4.5) 51.2 (± 6.5) 74.9 (± 1.8) 49.6 (± 2.0) 78.0 (± 2.0)
DGCNN 69.2 (± 3.0) 45.6 (± 3.4) 87.8 (± 2.5) 49.2 (± 1.2) 71.2 (± 1.9)
DiffPool 68.4 (± 3.3) 45.6 (± 3.4) 89.1 (± 1.6) 53.8 (± 1.4) 68.9 (± 2.0)
ECC 67.7 (± 2.8) 43.5 (± 3.1) OOR OOR OOR
GIN 71.2 (± 3.9) 48.5 (± 3.3) 89.9 (± 1.9) 56.1 (± 1.7) 75.6 (± 2.3)
GraphSAGE 68.8 (± 4.5) 47.6 (± 3.5) 84.3 (± 1.9) 50.0 (± 1.3) 73.9 (± 1.7)
1-step RWNN 70.8 (± 4.8) 47.8 (± 3.8) 90.4 (± 1.9) 51.7 (± 1.5) 71.7 (± 2.1)
2-step RWNN 70.6 (± 4.4) 48.8 (± 2.9) 90.3 (± 1.8) 51.7 (± 1.4) 71.3 (± 2.1)
3-step RWNN 70.7 (± 3.9) 47.8 (± 3.5) 89.7 (± 1.2) 53.4 (± 1.6) 71.9 (± 2.5)


Please cite our paper if you use this code:

  title={Random Walk Graph Neural Networks},
  author={Nikolentzos, Giannis and Vazirgiannis, Michalis},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
Giannis Nikolentzos
Giannis Nikolentzos
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