๐Ÿ”ฌ A curated list of awesome machine learning strategies & tools in financial market.


Awesome AI in Finance Awesome Community

There are millions of trades made in the global financial market every day. Data grows very quickly and people are hard to understand. With the power of the latest artificial intelligence research, people analyze & trade automatically and intelligently. This list contains the research, tools and code that people use to beat the market.




Courses & Books

Strategies & Research

Time Series Data

Price and Volume process with Technology Analysis Indices

  • ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŒŸ stockpredictionai - A complete process for predicting stock price movements.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ Personae - Implements and environment of Deep Reinforcement Learning & Supervised Learning for Quantitative Trading.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ Ensemble-Strategy - Deep Reinforcement Learning for Automated Stock Trading.
  • FinRL - A Deep Reinforcement Learning Library for Automated Stock Trading in Quantitative Finance.
  • AutomatedStockTrading-DeepQ-Learning - Build a Deep Q-learning reinforcement agent model as automated trading robot.
  • tf_deep_rl_trader - Trading environment(OpenAI Gym) + PPO(TensorForce).
  • trading-gym - Trading agent to train with episode of short term trading itself.
  • trading-rl - Deep Reinforcement Learning for Financial Trading using Price Trailing.
  • deep_rl_trader - Trading environment(OpenAI Gym) + DDQN (Keras-RL).
  • Quantitative-Trading - Papers and code implementing Quantitative-Trading.
  • gym-trading - Environment for reinforcement-learning algorithmic trading models.
  • zenbrain - A framework for machine-learning bots.
  • DeepLearningNotes - Machine learning in quant analysis.
  • stock_market_reinforcement_learning - Stock market trading OpenAI Gym environment with Deep Reinforcement Learning using Keras.

Portfolio Management

  • Deep-Reinforcement-Stock-Trading - A light-weight deep reinforcement learning framework for portfolio management.
  • qtrader - Reinforcement Learning for portfolio management.
  • PGPortfolio - A Deep Reinforcement Learning framework for the financial portfolio management problem.
  • DeepDow - Portfolio optimization with deep learning.

High Frequency Trading

Event Drive

  • ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŒŸ stockpredictionai - Complete process for predicting stock price movements.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ trump2cash - A stock trading bot powered by Trump tweets.

Crypto Currencies Strategies

Technical Analysis

Lottery & Gamble


  • ArbitrageBot - Arbitrage bot that currently works on bittrex & poloniex.
  • r2 - Automatic arbitrage trading system powered by Node.js + TypeScript.
  • cryptocurrency-arbitrage - A crypto currency arbitrage opportunity calculator. Over 800 currencies and 50 markets.
  • bitcoin-arbitrage - Bitcoin arbitrage opportunity detector.
  • blackbird - Long / short market-neutral strategy.

Data Sources

Traditional Markets

  • ๐ŸŒŸ Quandl - Get millions of financial and economic dataset from hundreds of publishers via a single free API.
  • yahoo-finance - Python module to get stock data from Yahoo! Finance.
  • Tushare - Crawling historical data of Chinese stocks.

Crypto Currencies

  • CryptoInscriber - A live crypto currency historical trade data blotter. Download live historical trade data from any crypto exchange.
  • Gekko-Datasets - Gekko trading bot dataset dumps. Download and use history files in SQLite format.

Research Tools

  • ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŒŸ TensorTrade - Trade efficiently with reinforcement learning.
  • JAQS - An open source quant strategies research platform.
  • pyfolio - Portfolio and risk analytics in Python.
  • alphalens - Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors.
  • empyrical - Common financial risk and performance metrics. Used by Zipline and pyfolio.
  • zvt - Zero vector trader.

Trading System

For Back Test & Live trading

Traditional Market


  • ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŒŸ zipline - A python algorithmic trading library.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ TradingView - Get real-time information and market insights.
  • rqalpha - A extendable, replaceable Python algorithmic backtest & trading framework.
  • backtrader - Python backtesting library for trading strategies.
  • kungfu - Kungfu Master trading system.
  • lean - Algorithmic trading engine built for easy strategy research, backtesting and live trading.

Combine & Rebuild

Crypto Currencies

  • zenbot - Command-line crypto currency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB.
  • bot18 - High-frequency crypto currency trading bot developed by Zenbot.
  • magic8bot - Crypto currency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB.
  • catalyst - An algorithmic trading library for Crypto-Assets in python.
  • QuantResearchDev - Quant Research dev & Traders open source project.
  • MACD - Zenbot MACD Auto-Trader.
  • abu - A quant trading system base on python.


  • CoinMarketCapBacktesting - Tests bt and Quantopian Zipline as backtesting frameworks for coin trading strategy.
  • Gekko-BacktestTool - Batch backtest, import and strategy params optimalization for Gekko Trading Bot.

TA Lib

  • pandas_talib - A Python Pandas implementation of technical analysis indicators.
  • finta - Common financial technical indicators implemented in Python-Pandas (70+ indicators).
  • tulipnode - Official Node.js wrapper for Tulip Indicators. Provides over 100 technical analysis overlay and indicator functions.
  • techan.js - A visual, technical analysis and charting (Candlestick, OHLC, indicators) library built on D3.

Exchange API

Do it in real world!

  • IbPy - Python API for the Interactive Brokers on-line trading system.
  • HuobiFeeder - Connect HUOBIPRO exchange, get market/historical data for ABAT trading platform backtest analysis and live trading.
  • ctpwrapper - Shanghai future exchange CTP api.


  • tf-quant-finance - High-performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance.


  • playground - Play with neural networks.
  • netron - Visualizer for deep learning and machine learning models.

GYM Environment

  • ๐ŸŒŸ TradingGym - Trading and Backtesting environment for training reinforcement learning agent.
  • TradzQAI - Trading environment for RL agents, backtesting and training.
  • btgym - Scalable, event-driven, deep-learning-friendly backtesting library.



Other Resource

  • ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŒŸ Stock-Prediction-Models - Stock-Prediction-Models, Gathers machine learning and deep learning models for Stock forecasting, included trading bots and simulations.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŒŸ Financial Machine Learning - A curated list of practical financial machine learning (FinML) tools and applications. This collection is primarily in Python.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ Awesome-Quant-Machine-Learning-Trading - Quant / Algorithm trading resources with an emphasis on Machine Learning.
  • awesome-quant - A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for Quants (Quantitative Finance).
ArviZ is a Python package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models

ArviZ (pronounced "AR-vees") is a Python package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models. Includes functions for posterior analysis, data storage, model checking, comparison and diagnostics

ArviZ 1.3k Jan 05, 2023
A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++

dlib C++ library Dlib is a modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real worl

Davis E. King 11.6k Jan 02, 2023
Open source time series library for Python

PyFlux PyFlux is an open source time series library for Python. The library has a good array of modern time series models, as well as a flexible array

Ross Taylor 2k Jan 02, 2023
Turns your machine learning code into microservices with web API, interactive GUI, and more.

Turns your machine learning code into microservices with web API, interactive GUI, and more.

Machine Learning Tooling 2.8k Jan 02, 2023
An AutoML survey focusing on practical systems.

This project is a community effort in constructing and maintaining an up-to-date beginner-friendly introduction to AutoML, focusing on practical systems. AutoML is a big field, and continues to grow

AutoGOAL 16 Aug 14, 2022
Simple, light-weight config handling through python data classes with to/from JSON serialization/deserialization.

Simple but maybe too simple config management through python data classes. We use it for machine learning.

Eren Gรถlge 67 Nov 29, 2022
Highly interpretable classifiers for scikit learn, producing easily understood decision rules instead of black box models

Highly interpretable, sklearn-compatible classifier based on decision rules This is a scikit-learn compatible wrapper for the Bayesian Rule List class

Tamas Madl 482 Nov 19, 2022
This machine-learning algorithm takes in data from the last 60 days and tries to predict tomorrow's price of any crypto you ask it.

Crypto-Currency-Predictor This machine-learning algorithm takes in data from the last 60 days and tries to predict tomorrow's price of any crypto you

Hazim Arafa 6 Dec 04, 2022
This repository has datasets containing information of Uber pickups in NYC from April 2014 to September 2014 and January to June 2015. data Analysis , virtualization and some insights are gathered here

uber-pickups-analysis Data Source: https://www.kaggle.com/fivethirtyeight/uber-pickups-in-new-york-city Information about data set The dataset contain

B DEVA DEEKSHITH 1 Nov 03, 2021
LILLIE: Information Extraction and Database Integration Using Linguistics and Learning-Based Algorithms

LILLIE: Information Extraction and Database Integration Using Linguistics and Learning-Based Algorithms Based on the work by Smith et al. (2021) Query

5 Aug 06, 2022
scikit-learn models hyperparameters tuning and feature selection, using evolutionary algorithms.

Sklearn-genetic-opt scikit-learn models hyperparameters tuning and feature selection, using evolutionary algorithms. This is meant to be an alternativ

Rodrigo Arenas 180 Dec 20, 2022
Python bindings for MPI

MPI for Python Overview Welcome to MPI for Python. This package provides Python bindings for the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard. It is imple

MPI for Python 604 Dec 29, 2022
Implementation of different ML Algorithms from scratch, written in Python 3.x

Implementation of different ML Algorithms from scratch, written in Python 3.x

Gautam J 393 Nov 29, 2022
Predicting job salaries from ads - a Kaggle competition

Predicting job salaries from ads - a Kaggle competition

Zygmunt Zajฤ…c 57 Oct 23, 2020
Fit interpretable models. Explain blackbox machine learning.

InterpretML - Alpha Release In the beginning machines learned in darkness, and data scientists struggled in the void to explain them. Let there be lig

InterpretML 5.2k Jan 09, 2023
Tools for Optuna, MLflow and the integration of both.

HPOflow - Sphinx DOC Tools for Optuna, MLflow and the integration of both. Detailed documentation with examples can be found here: Sphinx DOC Table of

Telekom Open Source Software 17 Nov 20, 2022
Formulae is a Python library that implements Wilkinson's formulas for mixed-effects models.

formulae formulae is a Python library that implements Wilkinson's formulas for mixed-effects models. The main difference with other implementations li

34 Dec 21, 2022
A Python implementation of the Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB

Robotics Toolbox for Python A Python implementation of the Robotics Toolbox for MATLABยฎ GitHub repository Documentation Wiki (examples and details) Sy

Peter Corke 1.2k Jan 07, 2023
Kalman filter library

The kalman filter framework described here is an incredibly powerful tool for any optimization problem, but particularly for visual odometry, sensor fusion localization or SLAM.

comma.ai 276 Jan 01, 2023
AutoOED: Automated Optimal Experiment Design Platform

AutoOED is an optimal experiment design platform powered with automated machine learning to accelerate the discovery of optimal solutions. Our platform solves multi-objective optimization problems an

Yunsheng Tian 107 Jan 03, 2023