Python toolkit for defining+simulating+visualizing+analyzing attractors, dynamical systems, iterated function systems, roulette curves, and more



A small module that provides functions and classes for very efficient simulation and rendering of iterated function systems; dynamical systems, roulette curves, (strange) attractors, and so on.


Clone this repository and install with pip or another package manager. Alternatively, just clone/download the repo and use a relative import to include the scripts in your project.


  • Numba
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
  • SciPy (optional, only needed for image postprocessing)
  • nbdev (if building from source/developing)


A brief overview of the project's main features is given below. For a more comprehensive API reference, documentation of specific classes, and functions, etc., see


attractors tries to conform to the principle of least astonishment wherever possible (and variable names, classes, parameters etc. aim to be readable), so using the tools should be fairly intuitive.

If we want to make a new RouletteCurve, for instance, the following will initialize one with the default parameters (including randomized arm lengths/rotation speeds):

R = RouletteCurve(num_sections=2)

Then, we can run simulate and render; function chaining is usually available since most class methods return the class instance ("self"):

R.simulate_accelerated(steps=10000).render(mode='hist', hist_args=dict(bins=150))




Other rendering modes are available; line will trace between each generated point.





A softer render can be achieved using dist (and an optional falloff value that corresponds to the norm order when generating the brush).

RouletteCurve(num_sections=3).simulate_accelerated(steps=10000).render(mode='dist', falloff=3)
[[0.31748021 0.37475618 0.39893899 0.39893899 0.37475618]
 [0.37475618 0.52913368 0.65863376 0.65863376 0.52913368]
 [0.39893899 0.65863376 1.58740105 1.58740105 0.65863376]
 [0.39893899 0.65863376 1.58740105 1.58740105 0.65863376]
 [0.37475618 0.52913368 0.65863376 0.65863376 0.52913368]]





This project is licensed under GPL v2.0. The license file may be viewed here.


attractors is built using nbdev and Jupyter Lab, two open-source projects whose developers are owed much credit for making the development process highly efficient and enjoyable.

I work primarily on experiments & tools for machine learning, data analysis/visualization, and simulations. Check my README for a list of current projects.
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