Dev-meme - A repository that contains memes just for people like us


A repository that contains memes just for people like us.

Coders are constantly turning the impossible into a kind of possible.

This is what happens when you decide to trust your clients’ intuitiveness

Marketing will say anything to get you to use their product.

Whoever said you can’t define love was wrong.

I don’t see any problem with this answer, the student deserves those 10 points.

Apparently, the phrase ‘good looks sell’ applies to fashion AND software.

Logic while coding > Logic while reviewing the same code

Why does no one understand my interface? It’s so simple! Also my interface: it’s so simple!

My program when I add some lines of comments

This teaching method was probably a brain fart.

These tech recruiters have more requirements than the number of rules in grammar.

I dream of the day people will know the difference between Java and JavaScript.

Me: I can code. My Friend: Oh You must be really smart! Me: Yes… but no.

Self-growth is underrated

Stack Overflow has saved several careers.

When I try to explain a non-techie what my job is:

The semi-colon was definitely created by the devil.

Code works in mysterious ways.

The test cases weren’t properly executed, that’s why they failed - no other reason.

My brain can do multithreading. It’s not good at it, but at least it can do it.

Me when I sped my whole day on solving a bug after than seeing the solution on stack overflow.

Programmer YouTubers should be called the oracle because they have all the answers.

I don’t know what’s worse, my design skills, or my design after I try to make it with CSS.

Functions reference each other a lot when talking

Documentation gets ignored more than unwanted updates.

Ohhhh! That’s why coding makes me feel insane

Please don’t look down at us Python programmers like that Y_Y

They C, so we don’t have to.

My dependence on these two knows no bounds.

What happens when you ask the fan of Brooklyn 99, New Girl, and coding to make a meme? This:

A debugger is too complex for me to figure out my own mistakes.

One step at a time is how I survive coding everyday.

Work from home for programmers is like having a sports match in your home stadium. You may have played here before, but it doesn’t make it easier.

There are 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary and those who don’t.

he feeling of superiority I get when I get followers on GitHub is supreme.

I don’t trust people who code in light mode.

Is it weird that we have to worry about American vs. British spellings in a coding language?

This meeting could have been an email. A long email, sure, but an email nonetheless.

This code runs on magic produced by my body through the consumption of coffee.

Don’t ask me why I do it, I picked it up from my teacher, who picked it up from their teacher, who picked it…..

It s true for me is it for you ?

You right now

The weekend is the unifying factor for my entire team.

When clients say that the software solution is too complex, this is what I picture them doing.

Padmashree Jha
I am Padmashree from Bihar.
Padmashree Jha
Autogenerador tonto de paquetes para ROSCPP

Autogenerador tonto de paquetes para ROSCPP Autogenerador de paquetes que usan C++ en ROS. Por ahora tiene las siguientes capacidades: Permite crear p

1 Nov 26, 2021
A new mini-batch framework for optimal transport in deep generative models, deep domain adaptation, approximate Bayesian computation, color transfer, and gradient flow.

BoMb-OT Python3 implementation of the papers On Transportation of Mini-batches: A Hierarchical Approach and Improving Mini-batch Optimal Transport via

Khai Ba Nguyen 18 Nov 14, 2022
Python 3.9.4 Graphics and Compute Shader Framework and Primitives with no external module dependencies

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Alastair Cota 1 Jan 11, 2022
Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power)

Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power). A container crane has the function of transporting containers from one point to another point. The difficulty of this tas

Astitva Veer Garg 1 Jan 11, 2022
Chalice - A tool to facilitate Python based lambda deployment

Chalice is a tool to facilitate Python based lambda deployment. This repo contains the output of my basic exploration of this tool.

Csilla Bessenyei 1 Feb 03, 2022
Companion Web site for Fluent Python, Second Edition

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Fluent Python 49 Dec 08, 2022
Demo of connecting Rasa with Zalo

Demo of connecting Rasa with Zalo

6 Jul 25, 2022
CalHacks 8 Repo: Megha Jain, Gaurav Bhatnagar, Howard Meng, Vibha Tantry

CalHacks8 CalHacks 8 Repo: Megha Jain, Gaurav Bhatnagar, Howard Meng, Vibha Tantry Setup FE Install React Native via Expo, run App.js. Backend Create

0 Aug 20, 2022
Simple logger for Urbit pier size, with systemd timer template

urbit-piermon Simple logger for Urbit pier size, with systemd timer template. Syntax -i [PATH TO PIER] -o [PATH TO OUTPUT CSV] systemd serv

1 Nov 07, 2021
An extension module to make reaction based menus with disnake

disnake-ext-menus An experimental extension menu that makes working with reaction menus a bit easier. Installing python -m pip install -U disnake-ext-

1 Nov 25, 2021
Wordless - the #1 app for helping you cheat at Wordle, which is sure to make you popular at parties

Wordless Wordless is the #1 app for helping you cheat at Wordle, which is sure t

James Kirk 7 Feb 04, 2022
This repo is related to Google Coding Challenge, given to Bright Network Internship Experience 2021.

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Dareer Ahmad Mufti 28 May 23, 2022
Painel simples com consulta de cep,CNPJ,placa e ip

Painel mpm Um painel simples com consultas de IP, CNPJ, CEP e PLACA Início 🌐 apt update && apt upgrade -y pkg i python git pip install requests Insta

8 Feb 27, 2022
Rotazioni: a linear programming workout split optimizer

Rotazioni: a linear programming workout split optimizer Dependencies Dependencies for the frontend and backend are respectively listed in client/packa

Marco 3 Oct 13, 2022
Stopmagic gives you the power of creating amazing Stop Motion animations faster and easier than ever before.

Stopmagic gives you the power of creating amazing Stop Motion animations faster and easier than ever before. This project is maintained by Aldrin Mathew.

Aldrin's Art Factory 67 Dec 31, 2022
It is Keqin Wang first project in CMU, trying to use DRL(PPO) to control a 5-dof manipulator to draw line in space.

5dof-robot-writing this project aim to use PPO control a 5 dof manipulator to draw lines in 3d space. Introduction to the files the pybullet environme

Keqin Wang 4 Aug 22, 2022
Write Streamlit apps using Notion! (Prototype)

Streamlit + Notion test app Write Streamlit apps using Notion! ☠️ IMPORTANT: This is just a little prototype I made to play with some ideas. Not meant

Thiago Teixeira 22 Sep 08, 2022
This python module allows to extract data from the RAW-file-format produces by devices from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

fisher_py This Python module allows access to Thermo Orbitrap raw mass spectrometer files. Using this library makes it possible to automate the analys

8 Oct 14, 2022
banking system with python, beginner friendly, preadvanced level

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Razi Falah 1 Feb 03, 2022
You will need to install a few python packages for this one.

Features Bait support Auto repair will repair every 10 catches Anti detection (still a work in progress) but using random times and click positions Pr

12 Sep 21, 2022