Awesome Remote Sensing Toolkit based on PaddlePaddle.



License python version support os


  • PaddleRS 即将发布alpha版本!欢迎大家试用




  • 特有的遥感数据处理模块:针对遥感行业数据特点,提供了大尺幅数据切片与拼接,支持读取tifpngjpegbmpimg以及 npy等格式,支持地理信息保存和超分辨率。

  • 覆盖任务广:支持目标检测、图像分割、变化检测、参数反演等多种任务

  • 高性能:支持多进程异步I/O、多卡并行训练、评估等加速策略,结合飞桨核心框架的显存优化功能,可大幅度减少分割模型的训练开销,让开发者更低成本、更高效地完成图像遥感图像的开发和训练。


模型总览 数据增强 遥感工具 实践案例
  • ResNet
  • MobileNet
  • HRNet
  • UNet
  • FarSeg
  • DeepLabV3P
  • Faster RCNN
  • PicoDet
  • DRNet
  • ESRGANet
  • STANet
  • UNetSiamDiff
  • Resize
  • RandomResize
  • ResizeByShort
  • RandomResizeByShort
  • ResizeByLong
  • RandomFlipOrRotation
  • RandomHorizontalFlip
  • RandomVerticalFlip
  • Normalize
  • CenterCrop
  • RandomCrop
  • RandomScaleAspect
  • RandomExpand
  • Padding
  • MixupImage
  • RandomDistort
  • RandomBlur
  • Defogging
  • DimReducing
  • BandSelecting
  • RandomSwap
  • coco to mask
  • mask to shpfile
  • mask to geojson
  • data split
  • images match
  • bands select
  • 待更
  • 待更
  • 待更
  • 待更
  • 待更



├── deploy               # 部署相关的文档和脚本
├── docs                 # 整个项目文档及图片
├── paddlers  
│     ├── custom_models  # 自定义网络模型代码
│     ├── datasets       # 数据加载相关代码
│     ├── models         # 套件网络模型代码
│     ├── tasks          # 相关任务代码
│     ├── tools          # 相关脚本
│     ├── transforms     # 数据处理及增强相关代码
│     └── utils          # 各种实用程序文件
├── tools                # 用于处理遥感数据的脚本
└── tutorials
      └── train          # 训练教程


  • 如果你发现任何PaddleRS存在的问题或者是建议, 欢迎通过GitHub Issues给我们提issues。
  • 欢迎加入PaddleRS 微信群





本项目的发布受Apache 2.0 license许可认证。



    title={PaddleRS, Awesome Remote Sensing Toolkit based on PaddlePaddle},
    author={PaddlePaddle Authors},
    howpublished = {\url{}},
  • [Feature] Add training tutorials for segmentation tasks

    [Feature] Add training tutorials for segmentation tasks

    Add training tutorials for all implemented segmentation methods. Since currently, UNet is the only method that handles multispectral (more than three bands) images, the tutorials of the other methods are based on a non-remote-sensing dataset (i.e. the optic_disc_seg dataset). The tutorial of UNet is based on a landcover classification dataset. Test passes locally.

    opened by Bobholamovic 7
  • [Fix] Fix PCA used

    [Fix] Fix PCA used


    R%HWFQMO`}40)5@TS}4)9 B



    import paddlers as pdrs
    from paddlers import transforms as T
    import cv2
    transforms = T.Compose([
    dataset = pdrs.datasets.ClasDataset(
        data_dir='pcatest',  # 里面只有一张图
        file_list='pcatest/list.txt',  # 里面只有这张图的名字和一个标签
    for data in dataset:
        img = data["image"]
        cv2.namedWindow('img', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.imshow("img", cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))






    opened by geoyee 6
  • Error when importing

    Error when importing

    The same error has been reported when importing paddlers. I have tried many times to create a new virtual environment and reinstall it, but it still does not solve it. Is there a better solution? Thank you very much for your help. image

    opened by wwzh26 5
  • RS训练分类模型,导出之后,预测报错


    利用RS 训练了HRNet_W18_C模型,模型训练、导出都正常,就是用导出的模型做预测的时候出现了错误。 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 52, in result = predictor.predict(img_file=img1,transforms=eval_transforms) File "/home/aistudio/PaddleRS/paddlers/deploy/", line 279, in predict results = self._run(images=images, topk=topk, transforms=transforms) File "/home/aistudio/PaddleRS/paddlers/deploy/", line 235, in _run transforms=transforms) File "/home/aistudio/PaddleRS/paddlers/deploy/", line 175, in postprocess preds = self._model._postprocess(net_outputs, true_topk) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable image 请问这个错误怎么处理

    bug solved 
    opened by L-xiaolu 4
  • [Feature] Add training tutorials for classification tasks

    [Feature] Add training tutorials for classification tasks

    1. Fix typos and bugs in paddlers/datasets/ and paddlers/utils/
    2. Update readme file for training tutorials.
    3. Add training tutorials for classification tasks. The training of the classification models is based on the UC Merced land use dataset.
    opened by Bobholamovic 4
  • add 5 flip mode, 3 rotate mode of images

    add 5 flip mode, 3 rotate mode of images

    add RandomFlipOrRotation in paddlers/transforms/ add some functions in paddlers/transforms/ add some files that work by json library to show statistics information of images or annotations, and to merge, spilt, get new json file

    opened by huilin16 4
  • [Feature] Add training tutorials for CD tasks

    [Feature] Add training tutorials for CD tasks

    1. Change the parameter initialization method of FC-EF, FC-Siam-conc, and FC-Siam-diff, such that these networks can be trained to obtained higher detection accuracy.
    2. Add training tutorials for all implemented CD methods, except for ChangeStar. The training tutorial of ChangeStar is to be added later, because I have not yet found a suitable dataset. For the other CD methods, the training is performed on the SZTAKI AirChange Benchmark Set.
    opened by Bobholamovic 4
  • Can't use paddle's ReduceOnPlateau

    Can't use paddle's ReduceOnPlateau, epoch=None), it require metrics that other doesn't;

    when you use ReduceOnPlateau as learning rate scheduler like this:

    model = pdrs.tasks.BIT(... lr_scheduler = LR, ) optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam( learning_rate=lr_scheduler, ) model.train(...

    it will rise a TypeError: step() missing 1 required positional argument: 'metrics'

    opened by Xiaracto 3
  • [Feat] Update use mixed loss

    [Feat] Update use mixed loss

    1. 按照之前与 @LutaoChu 的商讨结果,修改了SegmenterChangeDetectoruse_mixed_loss相关逻辑和接口。目前支持API调用者直接传入构建好的loss对象。为了让API使用起来更加便捷,支持传入布尔型、列表、字典、或者loss对象这四种不同的类型。
    2. 目前所有的变化检测模型(包括使用了深度监督的模型和多任务模型)均已支持用户自定义的use_mixed_loss参数。


    opened by Bobholamovic 3
  • [Fix] Update clas-task val and predict without train

    [Fix] Update clas-task val and predict without train


    1. 现在default_metric的初始化放在train中的,要调用evaluate必须先调用train,否则会报错。所以现在将default_metric放到task的初始化中,这看起来不会对其他有影响。
    2. 修改了changedetector中的一个命名的问题。
    3. 增加了load的方法来加载参数,方便进行推理,就不用再用这样的方式加载参数了。
    4. 修复了一些predict的问题,之前无法预测(主要是那个加[0]后的形状问题和postprocess的问题)。
    5. 为clas的task增加了一个label_list的初始化参数,目前label_list来自train时从train_data.label_list中得到,如果不先调用train就无法预测。这里还可以看看怎么做会好点。
    opened by geoyee 3
  • rs change star 模型调用出错

    rs change star 模型调用出错

    model=pdrs.tasks.ChangeStar( num_classes=2, use_mixed_loss=False, mid_channels=256, inner_channels=16, num_convs=4, scale_factor=4.0, )

    TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) /tmp/ipykernel_160/ in 5 inner_channels=16, 6 num_convs=4, ----> 7 scale_factor=4.0, 8 )

    ~/PaddleRS/paddlers/tasks/ in init(self, num_classes, use_mixed_loss, mid_channels, inner_channels, num_convs, scale_factor, **params) 883 num_classes=num_classes, 884 use_mixed_loss=use_mixed_loss, --> 885 **params) 886 887 def default_loss(self):

    ~/PaddleRS/paddlers/tasks/ in init(self, model_name, num_classes, use_mixed_loss, **params) 61 if params.get('with_net', True): 62 params.pop('with_net', None) ---> 63 = self.build_net(**params) 64 self.find_unused_parameters = True 65

    ~/PaddleRS/paddlers/tasks/ in build_net(self, **params) 67 # TODO: add other model 68 net = cmcd.dict[self.model_name](num_classes=self.num_classes, ---> 69 **params) 70 return net 71

    ~/PaddleRS/paddlers/custom_models/cd/ in init(self, num_classes, mid_channels, inner_channels, num_convs, scale_factor) 138 inner_channels=inner_channels, 139 num_convs=num_convs, --> 140 scale_factor=scale_factor) 141 142

    ~/PaddleRS/paddlers/custom_models/cd/ in init(self, seg_model, num_classes, mid_channels, inner_channels, num_convs, scale_factor) 29 def init(self, seg_model, num_classes, mid_channels, inner_channels, 30 num_convs, scale_factor): ---> 31 super(_ChangeStarBase, self).init(_ChangeStarBase, self) 32 33 self.extract = seg_model

    /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/fluid/dygraph/ in init(self, name_scope, dtype) 103 if name_scope is None: 104 name_scope = _convert_camel_to_snake( --> 105 self._full_name = unique_name.generate(name_scope) 106 self._helper = LayerObjectHelper(self._full_name) 107 self._built = False

    /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/fluid/ in generate(key) 103 print(name1, name2) # fc_0, fc_1 104 """ --> 105 return generator(key) 106 107

    /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/fluid/ in call(self, key) 49 tmp = self.ids[key] 50 self.ids[key] += 1 ---> 51 return self.prefix + "_".join([key, str(tmp)]) 52 53

    TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, type found

    opened by Dylan-get 3
  • CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    Patching CVE-2007-4559

    Hi, we are security researchers from the Advanced Research Center at Trellix. We have began a campaign to patch a widespread bug named CVE-2007-4559. CVE-2007-4559 is a 15 year old bug in the Python tarfile package. By using extract() or extractall() on a tarfile object without sanitizing input, a maliciously crafted .tar file could perform a directory path traversal attack. We found at least one unsantized extractall() in your codebase and are providing a patch for you via pull request. The patch essentially checks to see if all tarfile members will be extracted safely and throws an exception otherwise. We encourage you to use this patch or your own solution to secure against CVE-2007-4559. Further technical information about the vulnerability can be found in this blog.

    If you have further questions you may contact us through this projects lead researcher Kasimir Schulz.

    opened by TrellixVulnTeam 0
  • module 'paddlers' has no attribute 'transforms'

    module 'paddlers' has no attribute 'transforms'

    (paddle_env) E:\PaddleRS>python install Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 16, in import paddlers File "E:\PaddleRS\", line 17, in from paddlers.utils.env import get_environ_info, init_parallel_env File "E:\PaddleRS\paddlers\", line 28, in from .visualize import map_display File "E:\PaddleRS\paddlers\utils\", line 26, in from paddlers.transforms.functions import to_uint8 File "E:\PaddleRS\paddlers\", line 18, in from .operators import * File "E:\PaddleRS\paddlers\transforms\", line 30, in import paddlers.transforms.functions as F AttributeError: module 'paddlers' has no attribute 'transforms'

    opened by jzzzzh 0
  • 1.0-beta(May 19, 2022)



    • 20+遥感数据增强策略
    • 半自动标注工具 EISeg


    • 120+内置模型算法
    • 覆盖5大遥感视觉场景


    • 1套API支持5大任务
    • 4个API完成模型训练


    • 核心框架显存优化功能
    • 多卡并行训练加速策略
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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