Red Team tool for exfiltrating files from a target's Google Drive that you have access to, via Google's API.

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Deep LearningGD-Thief


Red Team tool for exfiltrating files from a target's Google Drive that you(the attacker) has access to, via the Google Drive API. This includes includes all shared files, all files from shared drives, and all files from domain drives that the target has access to.


For an illustrated walkthrough, check out my blog post.

Create a new Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project

Steps to get the Google API Access Token needed for connecting to the API

  1. Create a burner Gmail/google account
  2. Login to said account
  3. Navigate to the Google Cloud Console
  4. Next to "Google Cloud Platform," click the "Select a project" Down arrow. A dialog listing current projects appears.
  5. Click New Project. The New Project screen appears.
  6. In the Project Name field, enter a descriptive name for your project.
  7. (Optional) To edit the Project ID, click Edit. The project ID can't be changed after the project is created, so choose an ID that meets your needs for the lifetime of the project.
  8. Click Create. The console navigates to the Dashboard page and your project is created within a few minutes.

Enable a Google Workspace API

  1. Next to "Google Cloud Platform," click the Down arrow and select the project you just created from the dropdown list.
  2. In the top-left corner, click Menu > APIs & Services.
  3. Click Enable APIs and Services. The "Welcome to API Library" page appears.
  4. In the search field, enter "Google Drive".
  5. Click the Google Drive API. The API page appears.
  6. Click Enable. The Overview page appears.

Configure OAuth Consent screen

  1. On the left side of the Overview page click Credentials. The credential page for your project appears.
  2. Click Configure Consent Screen. The "OAuth consent screen" screen appears.
  3. Click the External user type for your app.
  4. Click Create. A second "OAuth consent screen" screen appears.
  5. Fill out the form:
    • Enter an Application Name in the App name field
    • Enter your burner email address in the User support email field.
    • Enter your burner email address in the Developer contact information field.
  6. Click Save and Continue. The "Scopes" page appears.
  7. Click Add or Remove Scopes. The "Update selected scopes" page appears.
  8. Check all of the Google Drive scopes to use in the app. GD scopes cover 2 pages, so click the next page and ensure that you check them all.
  9. Click Update. A list of scopes for your app appears.
  10. Click Save and Continue. The "Edit app registration" page appears.
  11. Click Save and Continue. The "OAuth consent screen" appears.

Create a credential

  1. Click Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID. The "Create OAuth client ID" page appears.
  2. Click the Application type drop-down list and select Desktop Application.
  3. In the name field, type a name for the credential. This name is only shown in the Cloud Console.
  4. Click Create. The OAuth client created screen appears. This screen shows the Client ID and Client secret.
  5. Click OK. The newly created credential appears under "OAuth 2.0 Client IDs."
  6. Click the download button to the right of the newly-created OAuth 2.0 Client ID. This copies a client secret JSON file to your desktop. Note the location of this file.
  7. Rename the client secret JSON file to "credentials.json" and move it to the gd_thief/credentials directory.

Add the victim's Google account to the Application's Test Users

In order to be able to run this script against the victim, you will need to add their Google account to the Test Users list for the App you just created

  1. On the Left side of the screen click OAuth consent screen. You "OAuth Consent Screen" page appears.
  2. Under Test Users click the Add Users button.
  3. Enter the victim's Gmail address in the email address field.
  4. Click the save button.

First Time running gd_thief

Upon gaining access to a Target's Google account, you can run gd_thief

  1. The first time running gd_thief, the script opens a new window prompting you to authorize access to your data:
    1. If you are signed in to multiple Google accounts, you are asked to select one account to use for the authorization. Make sure you select the victim's Google account


Google API Libraries: pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib


python3 [-h] -m [{dlAll, dlDict[-d <DICTIONARY FILE PATH>]}


This Module will connect to Google's API using an access token and exfiltrate files
from a target's Google Drive.  It will output exfiltrated files to the ./loot directory

        -m [{dlAll, dlDict}],
                --mode [{dlAll, dlDict}]
                The mode of file download
                Can be "dlAll", "dlDict [-d <DICTIONARY FILE PATH>]", or... (More options to come)

optional arguments:
                        Path to the dictionary file. Mandatory with download mode"-m, --mode dlDict"
                        You can use the provided dictionary, per example: "-d ./dictionaries/secrets-keywords.txt"
        -t <THREAD COUNT>, --threads <THREAD COUNT>
                        Number of threads. (Too many could exceeed Google's rate limit threshold)

        -h, --help
                show this help message and exit


  • Setting the thread count too high will cause an HTTP 403 "Rate limit exceeded," indicating that the user has reached Google Drive API's maximum request rate.
    • The thread count limit vaires from machine to machine. I've set it to 250 on a Macbook Pro, while 250 was too high for my Windows 10 Desktop



  1. Threading
  2. Error Checking
  3. Wordlist file content search and download
  4. File type download
  5. Snort Sensitive Data regex file content search and download
  6. Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Special Thanks:

Thank you to my good friend Cedric Owens for helping me with the threading piece!

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