The Spark Challenge Student Check-In/Out Tracking Script


The Spark Challenge Student Check-In/Out Tracking Script

This Python Script uses the Student ID Database to match the entries with the ID Card Swipe and records the entries and swipe times.

Big thanks to Claire Poukey!!

The verification file is not included in this repository since it includes sensitive and confidential information about students

What Do You Need To Run This Script?

  • Python3
  • ID Number Database (verification.txt)
  • Magnetic Card Strip Reader

How to Run This Script?

  1. Clone the script to your machine
  2. Connect the magnetic card strip reader to your machine
  3. Run the command make check-in in terminal
  4. Swipe card once for check-in
  5. Swipe card second time for check-out
  6. When you are done with all entries exit the program safely using exit command when SWIPE PUID prompted.
  7. Run the attandance script by running the command make attendance

Note that the script stops recording after 2 swipes and the entries need to be deleted manually from the log file.

What This Script Does?:

  1. Records the check-in time with the first card swipe
  2. Records the check-out time with the second card swipes
  3. Ignores the entries after second card swipe
  4. Takes the difference between the check-in and check-out time to see how long the student stayed at the event
  5. Prints the ID card number and the time stayed to a CSV File

Parts of This Script:

  1. Python Script (
  2. Attendance Script (
  3. Makefile (to make things a little easier)
  4. Log Files

Things to be Careful About:

  1. Running make clean clears the log files so use with caution
  2. If the program crashes for some reason you have to manually rerun the script using make check-in command
  3. You have to manually run make attendance after the event is over to process the data.

Things That Still Need Attention:

  1. Nothing. (To be updated)
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