SeqAttack: a framework for adversarial attacks on token classification models


SeqAttack: a framework for adversarial attacks on token classification models

SeqAttack is a framework for conducting adversarial attacks against Named Entity Recognition (NER) models and for data augmentation. This library is heavily based on the popular TextAttack framework, and can similarly be used for:

  • Understanding models by running adversarial attacks against them and observing their shortcomings
  • Develop new attack strategies
  • Guided data augmentation, generating additional training samples that can be used to fix a model's shortcomings

The SeqAttack paper is available here.


Run pip install -r requirements.txt and you're good to go! If you want to run experiments on a fresh virtual machine, check out scripts/ which installs all system dependencies for running the code.

The code was tested with python 3.7, if you're using a different version your mileage may vary.


The main features of the framework are available via the command line interface, wrapped by The following subsections describe the usage of the various commands.


Attacks are executed via the python attack subcommand. Attack commands are split in two parts:

  • General setup: options common to all adversarial attacks (e.g. model, dataset...)
  • Attack specific setup: options specific to a particular attack strategy

Thus, a typical attack command might look like the following:

python attack [general-options] attack-recipe [recipe-options]

For example, if we want to attack dslim/bert-base-NER, a NER model trained on CoNLL2003 using deepwordbug as the attack strategy we might run:

python attack                                            \
       --model-name dslim/bert-base-NER                         \
       --output-path output-dataset.json                        \
       --cache                                                  \
       --dataset-config configs/conll2003-config.json           \

The dataset configuration file, configs/conll2003-config.json defines:

  • The dataset path or name (in the latter case it will be downloaded from HuggingFace)
  • The split (e.g. train, test). Only for HuggingFace datasets
  • The human-readable names (a mapping between numerical labels and textual labels), given as a list
  • A labels map, used to remap the dataset's ground truth to align it with the model output as needed. This field can be null if no remapping is needed

In the example above, labels_map is used to align the dataset labels to the output from dslim/bert-base-NER. The dataset labels are the following:

O (0), B-PER (1), I-PER (2), B-ORG (3), I-ORG (4) B-LOC (5), I-LOC (6) B-MISC (7), I-MISC (8)

while the model labels are:

O (0), B-MISC (1), I-MISC (2), B-PER (3), I-PER (4) B-ORG (5), I-ORG (6) B-LOC (7), I-LOC (8)

Thus a remapping is needed and labels_map takes care of it.

The available attack strategies are the following:

Attack Strategy Transformation Constraints Paper
BAE word swap USE sentence cosine similarity
BERT-Attack word swap USE sentence cosine similarity, Maximum words perturbed
CLARE word swap and insertion USE sentence cosine similarity
DeepWordBug character insertion, deletion, swap (ab --> ba) and substitution Levenshtein edit distance
Morpheus inflection word swap
SCPN paraphrasing
TextFooler word swap USE sentence cosine similarity, POS match, word-embedding distance

The table above is based on this table. In addition to the constraints shown above the attack strategies are also forbidden from modifying and inserting named entities by default.


To evaluate a model against a standard dataset run:

python evaluate                  \
       --model dslim/bert-base-NER      \
       --dataset conll2003              \
       --split test                     \
       --mode strict                    \

To evaluate the effectivenes of an attack run the following command:

python evaluate                                  \
       --model dslim/bert-base-NER                      \
       --attacked-dataset experiments/deepwordbug.json  \
       --mode strict                                    \

The above command will compute and display the metrics for the original predictions and their adversarial counterparts.

The evaluation is based on seqeval

Dataset selection

Given a dataset, our victim model may be able to predict some dataset samples perfectly, but it may produce significant errors on others. To evaluate an attack's effectiveness we may want to select samples with a small initial misprediction score. This can be done via the following command:

python pick-samples                              \
       --model dslim/bert-base-NER                      \
       --dataset-config configs/conll2003-config.json   \
        --max-samples 256                               \
       --max-initial-score 0.5                          \ # The maximum initial misprediction score
       --output-filename cherry-picked.json             \
       --goal-function untargeted


Tests can be run with pytest

Adversarial examples visualization

The output datasets can be visualized with SeqAttack-Visualization

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