to learn how to do pull request and do contribution to other's repo


Hacktoberfest-2021 - open-source-contribution

An Open Source repository to Teach people How to contribute to open sources.


License MIT GitHub last commit GitHub issues GitHub pull requests


Event details :

  • Hacktoberfest is a month-long challenge. It happens every year in the month of October.
  • Hacktoberfest is open to everyone and it marks the celebration of Open Source. It's the biggest Open Source event that encourages newbies to participate in Open Source and create their 1st meaningful PR.
  • Hacktoberfest will be hosted by Digital Ocean for the 8th year in a row in partnership with GitHub and other companies.
  • Hacktoberfest® is open to everyone in our global community. Whether you’re a developer, student learning to code, event host, or company of any size, you can help drive growth of open source and make positive contributions to an ever-growing community.
  • All backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to complete the challenge.
  • Hacktoberfest is a celebration open to everyone in our global community.
  • You can sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.

HacktoberFest Rules :

  • To earn your Hacktoberfest tee or tree reward, you must register and make four valid pull requests (PRs) between October 1-31 (in any time zone).
  • Pull requests can be made in any participating GitHub or GitLab hosted repository/project. Look for the hacktoberfest topic to know if a repository/project is participating in Hacktoberfest.
  • Pull requests must be approved by a maintainer of the repository/project to count.
  • If a maintainer reports your pull request as spam or behavior not in line with the project’s code of conduct, you will be ineligible to participate.
  • This year, the first 55,000 participants who successfully complete the challenge will be eligible to receive a prize.

Steps For Contribution

1. Fork this repo
2. Star this repo
3. Add a file (any useful program) inside its respective language
(if folder is not available for your language then create it by yourself)
4. commit the code
5. Make pull request


🤝 Our Contributors

Thanks You!

Shubham Rawat
All you need is a better logic!
Shubham Rawat
A small script I made that takes any standard Decklist of magic the gathering cards and pulls all card images from scryfall at once!

A small script I made that takes any standard Decklist of magic the gathering cards and pulls all card images from scryfall at once!

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