Implementation of "A MLP-like Architecture for Dense Prediction"

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Deep LearningCycleMLP

A MLP-like Architecture for Dense Prediction (arXiv)

License: MIT Python 3.8



  • (22/07/2021) Initial release.

Model Zoo

We provide CycleMLP models pretrained on ImageNet 2012.

Model Parameters FLOPs Top 1 Acc. Download
CycleMLP-B1 15M 2.1G 78.9% model
CycleMLP-B2 27M 3.9G 81.6% model
CycleMLP-B3 38M 6.9G 82.4% model
CycleMLP-B4 52M 10.1G 83.0% model
CycleMLP-B5 76M 12.3G 83.2% model



  • PyTorch 1.7.0+ and torchvision 0.8.1+
  • timm:
pip install 'git+[email protected]'


git clone
cd pytorch-image-models
git checkout c2ba229d995c33aaaf20e00a5686b4dc857044be
pip install -e .
  • fvcore (optional, for FLOPs calculation)
  • mmcv, mmdetection, mmsegmentation (optional)

Data preparation

Download and extract ImageNet train and val images from The directory structure is:

│  ├── n01440764
│  │   ├── n01440764_10026.JPEG
│  │   ├── n01440764_10027.JPEG
│  │   ├── ......
│  ├── ......
│  ├── n01440764
│  │   ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00000293.JPEG
│  │   ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00002138.JPEG
│  │   ├── ......
│  ├── ......


To evaluate a pre-trained CycleMLP-B5 on ImageNet val with a single GPU run:

python --eval --model CycleMLP_B5 --resume path/to/CycleMLP_B5.pth --data-path /path/to/imagenet


To train CycleMLP-B5 on ImageNet on a single node with 8 gpus for 300 epochs run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env --model CycleMLP_B5 --batch-size 128 --data-path /path/to/imagenet --output_dir /path/to/save


This code is based on DeiT and pytorch-image-models. Thanks for their wonderful works


  title={CycleMLP: A MLP-like Architecture for Dense Prediction},
  author={Chen, Shoufa and Xie, Enze and Ge, Chongjian and Liang, Ding and Luo, Ping},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.10224},


CycleMLP is released under MIT License.

  • detection result

    detection result

    Applying PVT detection framework, I tried a CycleMLP-B1 based detector with RetinaNet 1x. I got AP=27.1, fairly inferior to the reported 38.6. Could you give some advices to reproduce the reported result?

    The specific configure is as follows

    base = [ 'base/models/', 'base/datasets/', 'base/schedules/', 'base/' ] #optimizer model = dict( pretrained='./pretrained/CycleMLP_B1.pth', backbone=dict( type='CycleMLP_B1_feat', style='pytorch'), neck=dict( type='FPN', in_channels=[64, 128, 320, 512], out_channels=256, start_level=1, add_extra_convs='on_input', num_outs=5)) #optimizer optimizer = dict(delete=True, type='AdamW', lr=0.0001, weight_decay=0.0001) optimizer_config = dict(grad_clip=None)

    find_unused_parameters = True

    opened by mountain111 6
  • Compiling CycleMLP

    Compiling CycleMLP

    Thank you for this great repo and interesting paper.

    I tried compiling CycleMLP to onnx and not surpassingly the process failed since CycleMLP include dynamic offset creation in and as such cannot be converted to a frozen graph. Were you able to convert CycleMLP to onnx or any other frozen graph framework?

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by shairoz-deci 6
  • Questions about offset calculation

    Questions about offset calculation

    Hi, thanks for your wonderful work.

    I'm currently studying your work, and come up with some question about the offset calculations.

    I understood the offset calculation mentioned on the paper, but can't understand about how generated offset is being used in the code.

    For ex) if $S_H \times S_W : 3 \times 1$; I understood how the offset is applied in this figure 스크린샷 2022-06-13 오후 9 18 20

    by calculate like this: 스크린샷 2022-06-13 오후 9 19 57

    However, when I run the offset generating code, I can't figure out how this offset is being used in deform_conv2d 스크린샷 2022-06-13 오후 9 21 57

    Can you provide more detailed information about this??

    And also, the paper contains how $S_H \times S_W: 3 \times 3$ works, but in the code, it seems like either one ofkernel_size[0] or kernel_size[1] has to be 1. So, if I want to use $S_H \times S_W : 3 \times 3$, do I have to make $3 \times 1$ and $1 \times 3$ offsets and add those together?

    Thank you again for your work. I really learned a lot.

    opened by tae-mo 5
  • Example of CycleMLP Configuration for Dense Prediction

    Example of CycleMLP Configuration for Dense Prediction


    First of all, thank you for curating this interesting work. I was wondering, are there any working examples of how I can use CycleMLP for dense prediction while maintaining the original input size (e.g., predict a 0 or 1 value for each pixel in an input image)? In addition, I am interested in only a single ("annotated") output image, although I noticed the model definitions given in this repository output multiple downsampled versions of the original input image. Any thoughts on this?

    Thank you in advance for your time.

    opened by amorehead 2
  • Swin-B vs CycleMLP-B on image classification

    Swin-B vs CycleMLP-B on image classification

    For classificaion on ImageNet-1k, the acuracy of Swin-B is 83.5, which is 0.1 higher than the proposed CycleMLP-B. But, in this paper, the authors reprot that the accuracy of Swin-B is 83.3, which is 0.1 lower than the proposed CycleMLP-B. Why are these accuracies different?

    opened by hkzhang91 1
  • question about the offset

    question about the offset

    Thanks for your work!

    The implementation of this code inspired me. But the calculation of offset here is confusing. Although this issue ( has asked similar questions, I haven't found a reasonable explanation.

    kernel_size = (1, 3)
    start_idx = (kernel_size[0] * kernel_size[1]) // 2
    for i in range(num_channels):
        offset[0, 2 * i + 0, 0, 0] = 0
        # relative offset
        offset[0, 2 * i + 1, 0, 0] = (i + start_idx) % kernel_size[1] - (kernel_size[1] // 2)
    offset.reshape(num_channels, 2)
    tensor([[ 0.,  0.],
            [ 0.,  1.],
            [ 0., -1.],
            [ 0.,  0.],
            [ 0.,  1.],
            [ 0., -1.]])

    the results are different with the figure in paper:


    Some codes for verification:

    import torch
    from torchvision.ops import deform_conv2d
    num_channels = 6
    data = torch.arange(1, 6).reshape(1, 1, 1, 5).expand(-1, num_channels, -1, -1)
    tensor([[[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
             [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
             [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
             [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
             [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
             [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]]])
    weight = torch.eye(num_channels).reshape(num_channels, num_channels, 1, 1)
    weight.reshape(num_channels, num_channels)
    tensor([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
            [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
            [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
            [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
            [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
            [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]])
    offset = torch.empty(1, 2 * num_channels * 1 * 1, 1, 1)
    kernel_size = (1, 3)
    start_idx = (kernel_size[0] * kernel_size[1]) // 2
    for i in range(num_channels):
        offset[0, 2 * i + 0, 0, 0] = 0
        # relative offset
        offset[0, 2 * i + 1, 0, 0] = (
            (i + start_idx) % kernel_size[1] - (kernel_size[1] // 2)
    offset.reshape(num_channels, 2)
    tensor([[ 0.,  0.],
            [ 0.,  1.],
            [ 0., -1.],
            [ 0.,  0.],
            [ 0.,  1.],
            [ 0., -1.]])
        offset=offset.expand(-1, -1, -1, 5).float(), 
    tensor([[[[1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]],
             [[2., 3., 4., 5., 0.]],
             [[0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]],
             [[1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]],
             [[2., 3., 4., 5., 0.]],
             [[0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]]]])
    opened by lartpang 1
  • question about the offset

    question about the offset

    Hi, thank you very much for your excellent work. In Fig.4 of your paper, you show the pseudo-kernel when kernel size is 1x3. But I when I find that function "gen_offset" does not generate the same offset as Fig.4. The offset it generates is "0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,1..." instead of "0,1,0,-1,0,1,0,-1', which is shown in Fig.4. So could you please tell me the reason? image image

    opened by linjing7 1
  • About

    About "crop_pct"

    Hi, thanks for your great work and code. I wonder the parameter crop_pct actually works in which part of code. When I go throught the timm, I can't find out how this crop_pct is loaded.

    opened by ggjy 1
  • How to deploy CycleMLP-T for training?

    How to deploy CycleMLP-T for training?

    Thank you very much for such a wonderful work!

    After learning the cycle_mlp source code in the repository, I am very confused to deploy CycleMLP Block based on Swin Transformer. Is it convenient for you to release swin-based CycleMLP? Looking forward to your reply, Thanks!

    opened by Pak287 0
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