Automatically creates genre collections for your Plex media


Plex Auto Genres

Plex Auto Genres is a simple script that will add genre collection tags to your media making it much easier to search for genre specific content

  1. Requirements
  2. Optimal Setup
  3. Getting Started
  4. Automating
  5. Docker Usage
  6. Troubleshooting
Movies example (with cover art set using --set-posters flag.)

Movie Collections

Anime example

Anime Collections


  1. Python 3 - Instructions > Windows / Mac / Linux (Not required if using Docker)
  2. TMDB Api Key (Only required for non-anime libraries)

Optimal Setup

  1. Anime / Anime Movies are in their own library on your plex server. (Anime and Anime Movies can share the same library)
  2. Standard TV Shows are in their own library on your plex server.
  3. Standard Movies are in their own library on your plex server.
  4. Proper titles for your media, this makes it easier to find the media. (see

For this to work well your plex library should be sorted. Meaning standard and non-standard media should not be in the same Plex library. Anime is an example of non-standard media.

If your anime shows and standard tv shows are in the same library, you can still use this script just choose (standard) as the type. However, doing this could cause incorrect genres added to some or all of your anime media entries.

Here is an example of my plex library setup

Plex Library Example

Getting Started

  1. Read the Optimal Setup section above
  2. Run python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required dependencies.
  3. Rename the .env.example file to .env
  4. Rename the config/config.json.example file to config/config.json. The default settings are probably fine.
  5. Edit the .env file and set your plex username, password, and server name. If you are generating collections for standard media (non anime) you will need to also obtain an TMDB Api Key (for movies and tv shows)
    Variable Authentication method Value
    PLEX_USERNAME Username and password Your Plex Username
    PLEX_PASSWORD Username and password Your Plex Password
    PLEX_SERVER_NAME Username and password Your Plex Server Name
    PLEX_BASE_URL Token Your Plex Server base URL
    PLEX_TOKEN Token Your Plex Token
    PLEX_COLLECTION_PREFIX (Optional) Prefix for the created Plex collections. For example, with a value of "*", a collection named "Adventure", the name would instead be "*Adventure".

    Default value : ""
    TMDB_API_KEY Your TMDB api key (not required for anime library tagging)
  6. Optional, If you want to update the poster art of your collections. See posters/

You are now ready to run the script

usage: [-h] [--library LIBRARY] [--type {anime,standard-movie,standard-tv}] [--set-posters] [--sort] [--rate-anime]
                           [--create-rating-collections] [--query QUERY [QUERY ...]] [--dry] [--no-progress] [-f] [-y]

Adds genre tags (collections) to your Plex media.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --library LIBRARY     The exact name of the Plex library to generate genre collections for.
  --type {anime,standard-movie,standard-tv}
                        The type of media contained in the library
  --set-posters         uploads posters located in posters/<type> of matching collections. Supports (.PNG)
  --sort                sort collections by adding the sort prefix character to the collection sort title
  --rate-anime          update media ratings with MyAnimeList ratings
                        sorts media into collections based off rating
  --query QUERY [QUERY ...]
                        Looks up genre and match info for the given media title.
  --dry                 Do not modify plex collections (debugging feature)
  --no-progress         Do not display the live updating progress bar
  -f, --force           Force proccess on all media (independently of proggress recorded in logs/).
  -y, --yes

python --library "Anime Movies" --type anime
python --library "Anime Shows" --type anime
python --library Movies --type standard-movie
python --library "TV Shows" --type standard-tv

python --library Movies --type standard-movie --set-posters
python --library Movies --type standard-movie --sort
python --library Movies --type standard-movie --create-rating-collections

python --type anime --query chihayafuru
python --type standard-movie --query Thor Ragnarok

Example Usage


I have conveniently included a script to help with automating the process of running plex-auto-genres when combined with any number of cron scheduling tools such as crontab, windows task scheduler, etc.

If you have experience with Docker I reccommend using my docker image which will run on a schedule.

  1. Copy .env.example to .env and update the values
  2. Copy config.json.example to config.json and update the values
  3. Each entry in the run list will be executed when you run this script
  4. Have some cron/scheduling process execute python3, I suggest running it manually first to test that its working.

Note: The first run of this script may take a long time (minutes to hours) depending on your library sizes.

Note: Don't be alarmed if you do not see any text output. The terminal output you normally see when running is redirected to the log file after each executed run in your config.

Docker Usage

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Docker Compose
  3. Clone or Download this repository
  4. Edit docker/docker-compose.yml
    1. Update the volumes: paths to point to the config,logs,posters directories in this repo.
    2. Update the environment: variables. See Getting Started.
  5. Copy config/config.json.example to config/config.json
    1. Edit the run array examples to match your needs. When the script runs, each library entry in this array will be updated on your Plex server.
  6. Run docker-compose up -d, the script will run immediately then proceed to run on a schedule every night at 1am UTC. Logs will be located at logs/plex-auto-genres-automate.log

Another Docker option of this tool can be found here.


  1. If you are not seeing any new collections close your plex client and re-open it.
  2. Delete the generated plex-*-successful.txt and plex-*-failures.txt files if you want the script to generate collections from the beginning. You may want to do this if you delete your collections and need them re-created.
  3. Having the release year in the title of a tv show or movie can cause the lookup to fail in some instances. For example Battlestar Galactica (2003) will fail, but Battlestar Galactica will not.
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