This repo is official PyTorch implementation of MobileHumanPose: Toward real-time 3D human pose estimation in mobile devices(CVPRW 2021).


Github Code of "MobileHumanPose: Toward real-time 3D human pose estimation in mobile devices"


This repo is official PyTorch implementation of MobileHumanPose: Toward real-time 3D human pose estimation in mobile devices(CVPRW 2021).


This code is tested under Ubuntu 16.04, CUDA 11.2 environment with two NVIDIA RTX or V100 GPUs.

Python 3.6.5 version with virtualenv is used for development.



The ${ROOT} is described as below.

|-- data
|-- demo
|-- common
|-- main
|-- tool
|-- vis
`-- output
  • data contains data loading codes and soft links to images and annotations directories.
  • demo contains demo codes.
  • common contains kernel codes for 3d multi-person pose estimation system. Also custom backbone is implemented in this repo
  • main contains high-level codes for training or testing the network.
  • tool contains data pre-processing codes. You don't have to run this code. I provide pre-processed data below.
  • vis contains scripts for 3d visualization.
  • output contains log, trained models, visualized outputs, and test result.


You need to follow directory structure of the data as below.

|-- data
|   |-- Human36M
|   |   |-- bbox_root
|   |   |   |-- bbox_root_human36m_output.json
|   |   |-- images
|   |   |-- annotations
|   |-- MPII
|   |   |-- images
|   |   |-- annotations
|   |-- MSCOCO
|   |   |-- bbox_root
|   |   |   |-- bbox_root_coco_output.json
|   |   |-- images
|   |   |   |-- train2017
|   |   |   |-- val2017
|   |   |-- annotations
|   |-- MuCo
|   |   |-- data
|   |   |   |-- augmented_set
|   |   |   |-- unaugmented_set
|   |   |   |-- MuCo-3DHP.json
|   |-- MuPoTS
|   |   |-- bbox_root
|   |   |   |-- bbox_mupots_output.json
|   |   |-- data
|   |   |   |-- MultiPersonTestSet
|   |   |   |-- MuPoTS-3D.json


You need to follow the directory structure of the output folder as below.

|-- output
|-- |-- log
|-- |-- model_dump
|-- |-- result
`-- |-- vis
  • Creating output folder as soft link form is recommended instead of folder form because it would take large storage capacity.
  • log folder contains training log file.
  • model_dump folder contains saved checkpoints for each epoch.
  • result folder contains final estimation files generated in the testing stage.
  • vis folder contains visualized results.

3D visualization

  • Run $ to get image file names in .txt format.
  • Place your test result files (preds_2d_kpt_$DB_NAME.mat, preds_3d_kpt_$DB_NAME.mat) in single or multi folder.
  • Run draw_3Dpose_$DB_NAME.m



cd main
pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup Training

  • In the main/, you can change settings of the model including dataset to use, network backbone, and input size and so on.


In the main folder, run

python --gpu 0-1 --backbone LPSKI

to train the network on the GPU 0,1.

If you want to continue experiment, run

python --gpu 0-1 --backbone LPSKI --continue

--gpu 0,1 can be used instead of --gpu 0-1.


Place trained model at the output/model_dump/.

In the main folder, run

python --gpu 0-1 --test_epoch 20-21 --backbone LPSKI

to test the network on the GPU 0,1 with 20th and 21th epoch trained model. --gpu 0,1 can be used instead of --gpu 0-1. For the backbone you can either choose BACKBONE_DICT = { 'LPRES':LpNetResConcat, 'LPSKI':LpNetSkiConcat, 'LPWO':LpNetWoConcat }

Human3.6M dataset using protocol 1

For the evaluation, you can run or there are evaluation codes in Human36M.

Human3.6M dataset using protocol 2

For the evaluation, you can run or there are evaluation codes in Human36M.

MuPoTS-3D dataset

For the evaluation, run After that, move data/MuPoTS/mpii_mupots_multiperson_eval.m in data/MuPoTS/data. Also, move the test result files (preds_2d_kpt_mupots.mat and preds_3d_kpt_mupots.mat) in data/MuPoTS/data. Then run mpii_mupots_multiperson_eval.m with your evaluation mode arguments.

TFLite inference

For the inference in mobile devices we also tested in mobile devices which converting PyTorch implementation through onnx and finally serving into TFlite. Official demo app is available in here


What this repo cames from: Training section and is based on following paper and github

  author = {Moon, Gyeongsik and Chang, Juyong and Lee, Kyoung Mu},
  title = {Camera Distance-aware Top-down Approach for 3D Multi-person Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image},
  booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  year = {2019}
Choi Sang Bum
Deep Learning will be implemented inside Mobile [email protected]
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