public repo for ESTER dataset and modeling (EMNLP'21)

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Deep LearningESTER

Project / Paper Introduction

This is the project repo for our EMNLP'21 paper:

Here, we provide brief descriptions of the final data and detailed instructions to reproduce results in our paper. For more details, please refer to the paper.


Final data used for the experiments are saved in ./data/ folder with train/dev/test splits. Most data fields are straightforward. Just a few notes,

  • question_event: this field is not provided by annotators nor used for our experiments. We simply use some heuristic rules based on POS tags to extract possible events in the questions. Users are encourages to try alternative tools such semantic role labeling.
  • original_events and indices are the annotator-provided event triggers plus their indices in the context.
  • answer_texts and answer_indices (in train and dev) are the annotator-provided answers plus their indices in the context.

Please Note: the evaluation script below (II) only works for the dev set. Please refer to Section III for submission to our leaderboard:


I. Install packages.

We list the packages in our environment in env.yml file for your reference. Below are a few key packages.

  • python=3.8.5
  • pytorch=1.6.0
  • transformers=3.1.0
  • cudatoolkit=10.1.243
  • apex=0.1

To install apex, you can either follow official instruction: or conda:

II. Replicate results in our paper.

1. Download trained models.

For reproduction purpose, we release all trained models.

  • Download link:
  • We only provide models with the best "hyper-parameters", and each comes with three random seeds: 5, 7, 23.
  • Make several directories to save models ./output/, ./output/facebook/ and ./output/allenai/.
  • For BART models, download them into ./output/facebook/.
  • For UnifiedQA models, download them into ./output/allenai/.
  • All other models can be saved in ./output/ directly. These ensure evaluation scripts run properly below.

2. Zero-shot performances in Table 3.

Run bash ./code/ Model options are provided in the script.

3. Generative QA Fine-tuning performances in Table 3.

Run bash ./code/ Make sure the following arguments are set correctly in the script.

  • Model Options provided in the script
  • Set suffix=""
  • Set lrs and batch according to model options. You can find these numbers in Appendix G of the paper.

4. Figure 6: UnifiedQA-large model trained with sub-samples.

Run bash ./code/`. Make sure the following arguments are set correctly in the script.

  • model="allenai/unifiedqa-t5-large"
  • suffix={"_500" | "_1000" | "_2000" | "_3000" | "_4000"}
  • Set lrs and batch accordingly. You can find these information in the folder name containing the trained model objects.

5. Table 4: 500 original annotations v.s. completed

  • bash ./code/ with model="allenai/unifiedqa-t5-large and suffix="_500original
  • bash ./code/ with model="allenai/unifiedqa-t5-large and suffix="_500completed
  • Set lrs and batch accordingly again.

6. Extractive QA Fine-tuning performances in Table 3.

Simply run bash ./code/ as it is.

7. Figure 8: Extractive QA Fine-tuning performances by changing positive weights.

  • Run bash ./code/
  • Set pw, lrs and batch according to model folder names again.

III. Submission to ESTER Leaderboard

  • Set model_dir to your target models
  • Run, which outputs pred_dev.json and pred_test.json under ./output
  • If you write your own code to output predictions, make sure they follow our original sample order.
  • Email pred_test.json to us following in the format specified here: Sample outputs (using one of our UnifiedQA-large models) are provided under ./output

IV. Model Training

We also provide the model training scripts below.

1. Generative QA: Fine-tuning in Table 3.

  • Run bash ./code/
  • Model options and hyper-parameter search range are provided in the script.
  • We use --fp16 argument to activate apex for GPU memory efficient training except for UnifiedQA-t5-large (trained on A100 GPU).

2. Figure 6: UnifiedQA-large model trained with sub-samples.

  • Run bash ./code/
  • Set sample_size variable accordingly in the script.

3. Table 4: 500 original annotations v.s. completed

  • Run bash ./code/ with model="allenai/unifiedqa-t5-large and suffix="_500original
  • Run bash ./code/ with model="allenai/unifiedqa-t5-large and suffix="_500completed

4. Extractive QA Fine-tuning in Table 3 + Figure 8

Simply run bash ./code/ as it is.

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