A document scanner application for laptops/desktops developed using python, Tkinter and OpenCV.
A document scanner application for laptops/desktops developed using python, Tkinter and OpenCV.
Role-based network embedding via structural features reconstruction with degree-regularized constraint Train python main.py --dataset brazil-flights
STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network @ The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020.
Paint Opencv 📷 This project is basically to draw lines with your hand, using python, opencv, mediapipe. Screenshoots 📱 Tools ⚙️ Python Opencv Mediap
play-with-torch Repository for playing the computer vision apps: People analytics on Raspberry Pi. Tools Tested Hardware RasberryPi 4 Model B here, RA
MeshToGeotiff - A fast Python algorithm to convert a 3D mesh into a GeoTIFF Python class for converting (very fast) 3D Meshes/Surfaces to Raster DEMs
This program allows the user to control the volume of their device with specific hand gestures involving their thumb and index finger!
Products Recognition 介绍 商品识别,围绕在复杂的商场零售场景中,识别出货架图像中的商品信息。主要组成部分: 重复图像检测。【更新进度 4/10】 图像拼接。【更新进度 0/10】 目标检测。【更新进度 0/10】 商品识别。【更新进度 1/10】 OCR。【更新进度 1/10】
HandsControll-AI Controlling the computer volume with your hands // OpenCV Step 1 git clone https://github.com/Hayk-21/HandsControll-AI.git pip instal
本文基于tensorflow、keras/pytorch实现对自然场景的文字检测及端到端的OCR中文文字识别 update20190706 为解决本项目中对数学公式预测的准确性,做了其他的改进和尝试,效果还不错,https://github.com/xiaofengShi/Image2Katex 希
Fusion-360-Add-In-PuzzleSpline Fusion 360 Add-in that creates a pair of toothed curves that can be used to split a body and create two pieces that sli
Computer Vision Applications Project This project is at it's initial phase. This is all about the implementation of different computer vision techniqu
PMatch Semantic-based Patch Detection for Binary Programs Requirement tensorflow-gpu 1.13.1 numpy 1.16.2 scikit-learn 0.20.3 ssdeep 3.4 Usage tar -xvz
dhSegment dhSegment is a tool for Historical Document Processing. Its generic approach allows to segment regions and extract content from different ty
EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector This is a Keras implementation of EAST based on a Tensorflow implementation made by argman. The or
dinglehopper dinglehopper is an OCR evaluation tool and reads ALTO, PAGE and text files. It compares a ground truth (GT) document page with a OCR resu
Character-Region-Awareness-for-Text-Detection- https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.01941 Train You can train SynthText data use python source/train_SynthText.p
OpenCV Basic functions manipulating images using the OpenCV library. Reading Ima
RepMLP RepMLP: Re-parameterizing Convolutions into Fully-connected Layers for Image Recognition Released the code of RepMLP together with an example o
Paperless-ngx Paperless-ngx is a document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep,
SCOUTER: Slot Attention-based Classifier for Explainable Image Recognition PDF Abstract Explainable artificial intelligence has been gaining attention