Maze generator and solver with python



Check out my youtube channel : Auctux



PYGAME : pip install pygame

Commands Controls:

  • Esc to close the program
  • Enter to start to genrate the maze
  • H to show the heuristic cost value
  • S to show the path from the starting to the goal node
  • Space to switch between the color modes


  • run for grid mazes
  • run for polarGrid maze
  • run for hexGrid maze
  • run for maskGrid maze
  • run for weightedGrid maze

you can also braid your mazes when it done , by calling the function grid.Braid(). braiding a maze simply assures that the maze doens't have any deadends

colors modes

Mode 1 : Mode 2 :

other Maze Grid:

Polar Grid : HexGrid : maskGrid :

Show heuristic and path

  • heuristic :
  • showPath :

Bugs & Unsolved Issues

  • The code need a lot of refactoring
  • the visualization of the polar maze need a lot of improvement
  • the the file need to be refactored for it to be able to work on every size of images , for now it's only working for images wich has the same size with the screen size
  • the recursive backtracker class need a little bit of cleaning
  • add Comments
  • implement the ui interface
  • the djikistra algorithm need to take the weights of cells in consideration for weightedGrid


 binary_tree = BinaryTree(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "GREEN")
 wilson = Wilson(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "PURPLE_E")
 side_winder = SideWinder(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "BLUE")
 hunt_and_kill = HuntAndKill(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "RED")
 aldous_broder = AldousBroder(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "GREEN")
 recursive_backtracker = RecursiveBacktracker(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "BLUE")
 kruskal = Kruskals(Kruskals.State(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size)))
 simplePrims = SimplePrims(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "CYAN")
 prims = Prims(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size))
 growingTree = GrowingTree(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "GREEN")
 ellers = Ellers(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), 0, "RED")
 wilson.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
 binary_tree.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
 kruskal.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
 side_winder.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
 hunt_and_kill.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
 aldous_broder.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
 recursive_backtracker.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
 simplePrims.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
 prims.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
 growingTree.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
 ellers.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)

  • Aldous Broder

  • Binary Tree

  • Eller's Algorithm

  • Growing Tree

  • Hunt And kill

  • Kruskal's algorithm

  • Prims Algorithm

  • Simplified Prims

  • Wilson algorithm

  • Sidewinder Algorithm

  • Recursive Backtracker

Enjoy ✌️

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