This is the official repository of XVFI (eXtreme Video Frame Interpolation)



This is the official repository of XVFI (eXtreme Video Frame Interpolation),

Last Update: 20210607

We provide the training and test code along with the trained weights and the dataset (train+test) used for XVFI. If you find this repository useful, please consider citing our paper.

Examples of the VFI (x8 Multi-Frame Interpolation) results on X-TEST

results_045_resized results_079_resized results_158_resized
The [email protected] input frames are interpolated to be [email protected] frames. All results are encoded at 30fps to be played as x8 slow motion and spatially down-scaled due to the limit of file sizes. All methods are trained on X-TRAIN.

Table of Contents

  1. X4K1000FPS
  2. Requirements
  3. Test
  4. Test_Custom
  5. Training
  6. Reference
  7. Contact


Dataset of high-resolution (4096×2160), high-fps (1000fps) video frames with extreme motion.

003 004 045 078 081 146
Some examples of X4K1000FPS dataset, which are frames of 1000-fps and 4K-resolution. Our dataset contains the various scenes with extreme motions. (Displayed in spatiotemporally subsampled .gif files)

We provide our X4K1000FPS dataset which consists of X-TEST and X-TRAIN. Please refer to our main/suppl. paper for the details of the dataset. You can download the dataset from this dropbox link.

X-TEST consists of 15 video clips with 33-length of 4K-1000fps frames. It follows the below directory format:

├──── YOUR_DIR/
    ├──── test/
       ├──── Type1/
          ├──── TEST01/
             ├──── 0000.png
             ├──── ...
             └──── 0032.png
          ├──── TEST02/
             ├──── 0000.png
             ├──── ...
             └──── 0032.png
          ├──── ...
       ├──── ...

X-TRAIN consists of 4,408 clips from various types of 110 scenes. The clips are 65-length of 1000fps frames. Each frame is the size of 768x768 cropped from 4K frame. It follows the below directory format:

├──── YOUR_DIR/
    ├──── train/
       ├──── 002/
          ├──── occ008.320/
             ├──── 0000.png
             ├──── ...
             └──── 0064.png
          ├──── occ008.322/
             ├──── 0000.png
             ├──── ...
             └──── 0064.png
          ├──── ...
       ├──── ...

After downloading the files from the link, decompress the encoded_test.tar.gz and encoded_train.tar.gz. The resulting .mp4 files can be decoded into .png files via running Please follow the instruction written in


Our code is implemented using PyTorch1.7, and was tested under the following setting:

  • Python 3.7
  • PyTorch 1.7.1
  • CUDA 10.2
  • cuDNN 7.6.5
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Caution: since there is "align_corners" option in "nn.functional.interpolate" and "nn.functional.grid_sample" in PyTorch1.7, we recommend you to follow our settings. Especially, if you use the other PyTorch versions, it may lead to yield a different performance.


Quick Start for X-TEST (x8 Multi-Frame Interpolation as in Table 2)

  1. Download the source codes in a directory of your choice .
  2. First download our X-TEST test dataset by following the above section 'X4K1000FPS'.
  3. Download the pre-trained weights, which was trained by X-TRAIN, from this link to place in /checkpoint_dir/XVFInet_X4K1000FPS_exp1.
└── checkpoint_dir
   └── XVFInet_X4K1000FPS_exp1
  1. Run with the following options in parse_args:
python --gpu 0 --phase 'test' --exp_num 1 --dataset 'X4K1000FPS' --module_scale_factor 4 --S_tst 5 --multiple 8 

==> It would yield (PSNR/SSIM/tOF) = (30.12/0.870/2.15).

python --gpu 0 --phase 'test' --exp_num 1 --dataset 'X4K1000FPS' --module_scale_factor 4 --S_tst 3 --multiple 8 

==> It would yield (PSNR/SSIM/tOF) = (28.86/0.858/2.67).


  • After running with the above test option, you can get the result images in /test_img_dir/XVFInet_X4K1000FPS_exp1, then obtain the PSNR/SSIM/tOF results per each test clip as "total_metrics.csv" in the same folder.
  • Our proposed XVFI-Net can start from any downscaled input upward by regulating '--S_tst', which is adjustable in terms of the number of scales for inference according to the input resolutions or the motion magnitudes.
  • You can get any Multi-Frame Interpolation (x M) result by regulating '--multiple'.

Quick Start for Vimeo90K (as in Fig. 8)

  1. Download the source codes in a directory of your choice .
  2. First download Vimeo90K dataset from this link (including 'tri_trainlist.txt') to place in /vimeo_triplet.
└── vimeo_triplet
       ├──  sequences
  1. Download the pre-trained weights (XVFI-Net_v), which was trained by Vimeo90K, from this link to place in /checkpoint_dir/XVFInet_Vimeo_exp1.
└── checkpoint_dir
   └── XVFInet_Vimeo_exp1
  1. Run with the following options in parse_args:
python --gpu 0 --phase 'test' --exp_num 1 --dataset 'Vimeo' --module_scale_factor 2 --S_tst 1 --multiple 2

==> It would yield PSNR = 35.07 on Vimeo90K.


  • After running with the above test option, you can get the result images in /test_img_dir/XVFInet_Vimeo_exp1.
  • There are certain code lines in front of the 'def main()' for a convenience when running with the Vimeo option.
  • The SSIM result of 0.9760 as in Fig. 8 was measured by matlab ssim function for a fair comparison after running the above guide because other SOTA methods did so. We also upload "compare_psnr_ssim.m" matlab file to obtain it.
  • It should be noted that there is a typo "S_trn and S_tst are set to 2" in the current version of XVFI paper, which should be modified to 1 (not 2), sorry for inconvenience.


Quick Start for your own video data ('--custom_path') for any Multi-Frame Interpolation (x M)

  1. Download the source codes in a directory of your choice .
  2. First prepare your own video datasets in /custom_path by following a hierarchy as belows:
└── custom_path
   ├── scene1
       ├── 'xxx.png'
       ├── ...
       └── 'xxx.png'
   ├── sceneN
       ├── 'xxxxx.png'
       ├── ...
       └── 'xxxxx.png'

  1. Download the pre-trained weights trained on X-TRAIN or Vimeo90K as decribed above.

  2. Run with the following options in parse_args (ex) x8 Multi-Frame Interpolation):

# For the model trained on X-TRAIN
python --gpu 0 --phase 'test_custom' --exp_num 1 --dataset 'X4K1000FPS' --module_scale_factor 4 --S_tst 5 --multiple 8 --custom_path './custom_path'
# For the model trained on Vimeo90K
python --gpu 0 --phase 'test_custom' --exp_num 1 --dataset 'Vimeo' --module_scale_factor 2 --S_tst 1 --multiple 8 --custom_path './custom_path'


  • Our proposed XVFI-Net can start from any downscaled input upward by regulating '--S_tst', which is adjustable in terms of the number of scales for inference according to the input resolutions or the motion magnitudes.
  • You can get any Multi-Frame Interpolation (x M) result by regulating '--multiple'.
  • It only supports for '.png' format.
  • Since we can not cover diverse possibilites of naming rule for custom frames, please sort your own frames properly.


Quick Start for X-TRAIN

  1. Download the source codes in a directory of your choice .
  2. First download our X-TRAIN train/val/test datasets by following the above section 'X4K1000FPS' and place them as belows:
└── X4K1000FPS
      ├──  train
          ├── 002
          ├── ...
          └── 172
      ├──  val
          ├── Type1
          ├── Type2
          ├── Type3
      ├──  test
          ├── Type1
          ├── Type2
          ├── Type3

  1. Run with the following options in parse_args:
python --phase 'train' --exp_num 1 --dataset 'X4K1000FPS' --module_scale_factor 4 --S_trn 3 --S_tst 5

Quick Start for Vimeo90K

  1. Download the source codes in a directory of your choice .
  2. First download Vimeo90K dataset from this link (including 'tri_trainlist.txt') to place in /vimeo_triplet.
└── vimeo_triplet
       ├──  sequences
  1. Run with the following options in parse_args:
python --phase 'train' --exp_num 1 --dataset 'Vimeo' --module_scale_factor 2 --S_trn 1 --S_tst 1


  • You can freely regulate other arguments in the parser of, here


Hyeonjun Sim*, Jihyong Oh*, and Munchurl Kim "XVFI: eXtreme Video Frame Interpolation",, 2021. (* equal contribution)


  title={XVFI: eXtreme Video Frame Interpolation},
  author={Sim, Hyeonjun and Oh, Jihyong and Kim, Munchurl},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.16206},


If you have any question, please send an email to either [email protected] or [email protected].


The source codes and datasets can be freely used for research and education only. Any commercial use should get formal permission first.

Jihyong Oh
KAIST Ph.D. Candidate 3rd yr. Please refer to my personal homepage as below (URL).
Jihyong Oh
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