Provided is code that demonstrates the training and evaluation of the work presented in the paper: "On the Detection of Digital Face Manipulation" published in CVPR 2020.


FFD Source Code

Provided is code that demonstrates the training and evaluation of the work presented in the paper: "On the Detection of Digital Face Manipulation" published in CVPR 2020.

The proposed network framework with attention mechanism

Project Webpage

See the MSU CVLab website for project details and access to the DFFD dataset.


This code is provided as example code, and may not reflect a specific combination of hyper-parameters presented in the paper.

Description of contents

  • Defines the Xception network with the attention mechanism
  • train*.py: Train the model on the train data
  • test*.py: Evaluate the model on the test data


If you use or refer to this source code, please cite the following paper:

  title={On the Detection of Digital Face Manipulation},
  author={Hao Dang, Feng Liu, Joel Stehouwer, Xiaoming Liu, Anil Jain},
  booktitle={In Proceeding of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2020)},
  address={Seattle, WA},
  • Is it possible to release the script for generating edited images by FaceApp?

    Is it possible to release the script for generating edited images by FaceApp?

    Hi, Thanks for releasing the code and dataset! Part of your dataset is generated by FaceApp (using automated scripts running on android devices). I am wondering if you could also release this android script? I also plan to generate some edited images using FaceApp, and an automated script will be quite helpful!! Thanks!

    opened by zjxgithub 2
  • Question about mask images in dataset

    Question about mask images in dataset

    Thank you for releasing the code and the DFFD dataset!

    I noticed that in the "faceapp" part of the dataset, there is a ground-truth manipulation masks image for each fake image. How are these mask images generated?

    The paper mentioned that the ground-truth manipulation mask were calculated by source images and fake images, but I still did not understand how.

    Thank you for answering my question. :)

    opened by piddnad 2
  • Serveral question about dataset

    Serveral question about dataset

    Thanks for releasing the code and the dataset. I have some questions for the dataset,

    • In align_faces/align_faces.m inside, there is a file called box.txt. But I can't find it anywhere. It seems crucial to align and crop the images.


    • All of the images in dataset are in the resolution of 299x299. I wonder how did you process the images in CelebA. I remember the aligned and cropped image in CelebA are in the resolution of 128x128.
    opened by wheatdog 2
  • attention map and gt mask matching

    attention map and gt mask matching

    Hi, thanks for your work. I have a small question. The attention map size is 19x19, but the gt mask (diff image) is 299x299. Are they matched by downsampling gt mask?

    opened by neverUseThisName 1
  • Are label information leaked in testing process?

    Are label information leaked in testing process?

    Thanks for uploading your code and dataset. After a short view I'm considering your predicting process is like: generating masks with scripts on test data, using test data and their masks to feed into trained model to predict. But I was confused that in your file, you get dataset like this:

    def get_dataset():
      return Dataset('test', BATCH_SIZE, CONFIG['img_size'], CONFIG['map_size'], CONFIG['norms'], SEED)

    then you differ masks of real and fake photos by using their labels in

      def __getitem__(self, index):
        im_name = self.images[index]
        img = self.load_image(im_name)
        if self.label_name == 'Real':
          msk = torch.zeros(1,19,19)
          msk = self.load_mask(im_name.replace('Fake/', 'Mask/'))
        return {'img': img, 'msk': msk, 'lab': self.label, 'im_name': im_name}

    Is it fair to distinguish masks by label_name in the testing process? I also wonder how to create Mask/ folder when you predict fake images that donot have corresponding real images?

    If i misunderstand anything please correct me, thanks a lot!

    opened by insomnia1996 0
  • May I know where I can find the imagenet pretrained model?

    May I know where I can find the imagenet pretrained model?


    For using pretrained model: xception-b5690688.pth, may I know where I can find the model specified here:


    opened by ilovecv 2
  • Error in get_batch in

    Error in get_batch in


    Many thanks to your wok. I am very interested in your work and I want to try out your model. When I ran the train*.py, I encounter the following issue , here are part of the error messages.

    batch = [next(_.generator, None) for _ in self.datasets]

    File "D:\Fake Detector\attention_map_to_detect_manipulation\FFD_CVPR2020\", line 91, in self = reduction.pickle.load(from_parent)batch = [next(_.generator, None) for _ in self.datasets]

    File "D:\Fake Detector\attention_map_to_detect_manipulation\FFD_CVPR2020\", line 73, in get_batch EOFError: Ran out of input

    and reduction.dump(process_obj, to_child) File "C:\Users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\d2l\lib\multiprocessing\", line 60, in dump ForkingPickler(file, protocol).dump(obj) TypeError: cannot pickle 'generator' object

    What I did is just make directory data/train/Real(Fake) and place my images dataset into the corresponding folder and then ran the However, it seems it can't work. May I ask whether I missed anything. I am running the program in windows system and I don't know that will affect as well.

    opened by bitrookie 1
  • Use pretrained model to classify own data?

    Use pretrained model to classify own data?

    Hi @JStehouwer - thank you so much for the awesome code (v2.1)!

    I am trying to use your pretrained model on my own images in order to try out the classifier.

    Are you able to confirm:

    • Filename and format of pretrained model
    • Whether anything else is needed to perform the above classification

    Thanks again

    opened by jtlz2 4
  • dataset questions

    dataset questions

    1、 Whether the published dataset ( FFHQ、FaceAPP、StarGAN、PGGAN、StyleGAN ) has been randomly selected ? And How to generate starGAN mask, how to determine the specific CelebA picture used ? 2、 I have downloaded the FF++、CelebA and DeepFaceLab dataset, how to randomly select the training set, test set and verification set ? And how to set the random seed ? 3、 Which data sets need align processing, and how, please specify ?

    Thank you for your work, it is very good, I will follow your work, but now the problem of dataset makes my work difficult, I hope to get your help.

    opened by miaoct 2
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