FB-tCNN for SSVEP Recognition
Here are the codes of the tCNN and FB-tCNN in the paper "Filter Bank Convolutional Neural Network for Short Time-Window Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Classification" (DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3132162).
The related version information
- Python == 3.7.0
- Keras-gpu == 2.3.1
- tensorflow-gpu == 2.1.0
- scipy == 1.5.2
- numpy == 1.19.2
Training FB-tCNN for the public dataset
- Download the code.
- Download the public dataset :https://academic.oup.com/gigascience/article/8/5/giz002/5304369 .
- Create a model folder to save the model.
- Change the data and model folder paths in train and test files to your data and model folder paths.
Training FB-tCNN for your own dataset
- You need to design a new filter bank according to your dataset (Fundamental range of the SSVEP-EEG data). The filter bank details can refer to our paper.
- The number of the sub-filters in the codes may be changed according to your own dataset.
- The frequency of the target in the codes should be changed according to your own dataset.
- The program that reads the data needs to be modified according to your own dataset.