Finally decent dictionaries based on Wiktionary for your beloved eBook reader.


eBook Reader Dictionaries

All Contributors

Finally, decent dictionaries based on Wiktionary for your beloved eBook reader.


Update dictionaries



Kobo firmware >= 4.24. For older firmwares, you can find outdated dictionaries here.

Updating Dictionaries

All dictionaries are automatically re-generated every day at midnight. The process uses the latest Wiktionary dump available at that time. Note that download links never change.

  • You should open an issue if:
    • you do not find a word;
    • a definition is not similar to the one on Wiktionary;
    • a definition is missing.
  • If a definition is not good for you, changes must be done on Wiktionary directly. Your changes will likely be included in the next Wiktionary dump, so when it will come, at most 24h later the new dictionary will contain your stuff :)

Adding a new Dictionary

Pull requests are very welcome. It is quite straightforward to add a new locale, see HOWTO Add a New Local.


Thanks go to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Nicolas Froment

💻 📖





Saeed Rasooli


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

  • Generate SVG rather than GIF for embedded pictures

    Generate SVG rather than GIF for embedded pictures

    A successfull experiementation was done in about moving embedded pictures from GIF to SVG. Results are way better, so let's do the move.

    We first need to ensure this works with PyGlossary and StarDict display.

    Note: PyGlossary 4.4.2 or newer is required.

    opened by BoboTiG 60
  • PyGlossary conversion errors (missing images)

    PyGlossary conversion errors (missing images)

    Note from @BoboTiG: issue tightly coupled to #1182, interesting details can be found there too.

    I just downloaded, parsed and rendered the EN Wiktionary, and it apparently has some problems with erroneous and/or missing GIFs:


    All of the .gif files in data/en/res appear to be very ugly rendered fomulae (?).

    opened by Moonbase59 51
  • New locale: DE

    New locale: DE

    My goal is to have (and share) a good German Wiktionary-based dictionary that displays well on small e-reader screens and is a little more informative (i.e., has word form, gender, hyphenation, IPA pronunciation, meaning, abbreviations, synonyms and examples). My main target format would be StarDict, with possible spinoff formats for Kobo (dicthtml?), PocketBook (?) and Tolino (quickdic).

    Too bad pyglossary doesn’t support R. Döffinger’s quickdic format, because Tolino devices use that, and we do have a rather large Tolino user base in Germany. Not everybody wants to jailbreak their device…

    I currently use DE Wiktionary dumps and a rather brute-force Rexx script to generate a Tabfile, which I then convert to StarDict and dicthtml formats. (See attached screenshots for how it looks in GoldenDict on Linux.)

    This is of course a flakey way to do it, and I’d prefer to collaborate with a more sound foundation like yours and integrate it there, also because yours gets auto-updated.

    Unfortunately, the HOWTO Add a New Locale section in the wiki here isn’t too detailed, and I’d probably need quite a bit of help to get started. I’m especially unsure about the first two steps and the "Remove all data from the old lang."

    So my questions are:

    1. Would you be interested in a German dictionary that should look approximately like the screenshots show?
    2. Is it possible to do, without investing too much time? (There’s a lot of other things I have to spend my time on, but I’d be willing to invest a substantial amount of time to get it started and polished a little.)
    3. Is there any assistance possible in getting me set up to get the first steps done? I reckon that’d be to set up a working environment on my Linux Mint 20.3 machine, do a fork, and start adding a language "de".
    4. Since I know almost nothing about Wiktionary’s internal structures, I fear the templates most. But having had a glance at your code, I think there is some expertise here…

    Screenshots: This is how I envision it to look like. Users on MobileRead and the German E-Reader Forum have been quite enthusiastic about the first version. Screenshots show the StarDict version used by GoldenDict on a Linux desktop.

    wiktionary - GoldenDict_001

    Wiktionarys - GoldenDict_001


    Links to what exists already:

    opened by Moonbase59 49
  • [EL] Add EL locale

    [EL] Add EL locale

    I am trying to add Greek. I wonder if you could give me some feedback on the regexes. Below you see some examples and what I have come up with so far (I tried editing the IT file). The pronunciation appears to have variant structures, not sure how to accommodate that.

    # Regex to find the pronunciation
    # {{ΔΦΑ|tɾeˈlos|γλ=el}}
    # {{ΔΦΑ|γλ=el|ˈni.xta}}
    pronunciation = r"{ΔΦΑ\|γλ=el\|/([^/]+)/"
    # Regex to find the gender
    # '''{{PAGENAME}}''' {{θ}}
    # '''{{PAGENAME}}''' {{ο}}
    # '''{{PAGENAME}}''' {{α}}
    gender = r"'''{{PAGENAME}}''' ([θαο])"

    I tried running it and I got

    >> Processing data\el\pages-20210620.xml ...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\spiros\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
        return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
      File "C:\Users\spiros\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 87, in _run_code
        exec(code, run_globals)
      File "C:\path1\wikidict\wikidict\", line 118, in <module>
      File "C:\path1\wikidict\wikidict\", line 110, in main
      File "C:\path1\wikidict\wikidict\", line 103, in main
        words = process(file, locale)
      File "C:\path1\wikidict\wikidict\", line 70, in process
        word, code = xml_parse_element(element, locale)
      File "C:\path1\wikidict\wikidict\", line 57, in xml_parse_element
        if all(section not in code for section in head_sections[locale]):
    KeyError: 'el'

    This is all the file

    """Greek language."""
    from typing import Dict, Tuple
    # Regex to find the pronunciation
    # {{ΔΦΑ|tɾeˈlos|γλ=el}}
    # {{ΔΦΑ|γλ=el|ˈni.xta}}
    pronunciation = r"{ΔΦΑ\|γλ=el\|/([^/]+)/"
    # Regex to find the gender
    # '''{{PAGENAME}}''' {{θ}}
    # '''{{PAGENAME}}''' {{ο}}
    # '''{{PAGENAME}}''' {{α}}
    gender = r"'''{{PAGENAME}}''' ([θαο])"
    # Float number separator
    float_separator = ","
    # Thousands separator
    thousands_separator = " "
    # Markers for sections that contain interesting text to analyse.
    head_sections = ("{{-el-}}",)
    etyl_section = ["{{ετυμολογία}}"]
    sections = (
        "{{κύριο όνομα}},
        "{{ρηματική έκφραση}},
        "{{επιρρηματική έκφραση}},
    # Some definitions are not good to keep (plural, gender, ... )
    definitions_to_ignore = (
        "{{μορφή ουσιαστικού",
        "{{μορφή ρήματος",
        "{{μορφή επιθέτου",
    # Templates to ignore: the text will be deleted.
    templates_ignored: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple()
    # Templates that will be completed/replaced using italic style.
    templates_italic: Dict[str, str] = {}
    # Templates more complex to manage.
    templates_multi: Dict[str, str] = {
        # {{Term|statistica|it}}   
        # "term": "small(term(parts[1]))",
    # Release content on GitHub
    release_description = """\
    Αριθμός λέξεων: {words_count}
    Εξαγωγή Wiktionary: {dump_date}
    Διαθέσιμα αρχεία:
    - [Kobo]({url_kobo}) (dicthtml-{locale}.zip)
    - [StarDict]({url_stardict}) (dict-{locale}.zip)
    - [DictFile]({url_dictfile}) (dict-{locale}.df)
    <sub>Aggiornato il {creation_date}</sub>
    """  # noqa
    # Dictionary name that will be printed below each definition
    wiktionary = "Βικιλεξικό (ɔ) {year}"
    opened by chopinesque 47
  • [FR] Redirect conjuged verbs to their infinitive form

    [FR] Redirect conjuged verbs to their infinitive form

    As requested it would be cool to have conjuged verbs redirecting to their infinitive form instead of nothing.

    I already tried some things, but without success. I think we could make use of variants, but it is not clear yet how to do that.

    opened by BoboTiG 31
  • Support <hiero> mediawiki extension

    Support mediawiki extension

    • Wiktionary page:







    Model link, if any:

    opened by lasconic 26
  • [Meta] Project refactoring

    [Meta] Project refactoring

    Note: the description is updated with comments and changes requested in comments.

    The goal is to rework the script module to allow more flexibility and clearly separate concerns.

    First, about the module name: script. It has been decided to change to wikidict.


    I would like to see the module splitted into 4 parts (each part will independent from others and can be replayed & extended easily). This will also help leveraging multithreading to speed-up the whole process.

    1. [x] Download the data (#466)
    2. [x] Parse and store raw data (#469)
    3. [x] Render templates and store results (#469)
    4. [ ] Output to the proper eBook reader format

    I have in mind a SQLite database where raw data will be stored and updated when needed. Then, the parts will only use the data from the database. It should speed-up regenerating a whole dictionary when we update a template.

    Then, each and every part will have its own CLI:

    $ python -m wikidict --download ...
    $ python -m wikidict --parse ...
    $ python -m wikidict --render ...
    $ python -m wikidict --output ...

    And the all-in-one operation would be:

    $ python -m wikidict --run ...

    Side note: we could use an entry point to only having to type wikidict instead of python -m wikidict.


    Here we are talking about parts 1 and 2.

    Part 1 is already almost fine as-is, we just need to move the code into its own submodule. We could improve the CLI by allowing passing the Wiktionary dump date as argument, instead of relying on an envar.

    Part 2 is only the mater of parsing the big XML file and storing raw data into a SQLite database. I am thinking of using this schema:

    table: Word
        - word: varchar(256)
        - code: text
    index on: word
    table: Render
        - word_id: int
        - nature: varchar(16)
        - text: text
    foreign key: word_id (Word._rowid_)
    • The Word table will contain raw data from the Wiktionary.
    • The Render table will be used to store the transformed text for a given word (after being cleaned up and where templates were processed). It will allow to have multiple texts for a given word (noun 1, noun 2, verb, adjective, ...).

    We will have one database per locale, located at data/$LOCALE/$WIKIDUMP_DATE.db.

    At the download step, if no database exists, it will be retrieved from GitHub releases where they will be saved alongside dictionaries. This is a cool thing IMO: everyone will have the good and up-to-date local database. Of course, we will have options to skip it if the local file already exists or if we would like to force the download.

    At the parse step, we will have to find a way to prevent parsing again if we run the command twice on the same Wiktionary dump. I was thinking of using the PRAGME user_version that would contain the Wiktionary dump date as integer. It would be set only after the full parsing is done with success.


    Here we are talking about parts 3 and 4.

    Part 3 will call clean() and process_templates() on the wikicode. And store the result into the rendered field. This is the most time and CPU consuming part. It will be parallelized.

    Part 4 will rethink how we are handling dictionary output to easily add more formats.

    I was thinking of using a class with those methods (not really thought about it, I am just proposing the idea):

    class BaseFormat:
        __slots__ = {"locale", "output_dir"}
        def __init__(self, locale: str, output_dir: Path) -> None:
            self.locale = locale
            self.output_dir = output_dir
        def process(self) -> None:
            raise NotImplementedError()
        def save(self) -> None:
            raise NotImplementedError()
    class KoboFormat(BaseFormat):
        def process(self, words) -> None:
            groups = self.make_groups(self.words)
            variants = self.make_variants(self.words)
            wordlist = []
            for word in words:
  , groups, variants)
        def save(self, ...) -> None:

    That part is way from being finished, but when we have a fully working format, in our code will will use that kind of code to generate the dict file:

    # Get all registered formats
    formaters = get_formaters()
    # Get all words from the database
    words = get_words()
    # And distribute the workload
    from multiprocessing import Pool
    def run(cls):
        formater = cls(locale, output_dir)
    with Pool(len(formaters)) as pool:, formaters))
    opened by BoboTiG 26
  • Use a custom docker image for tests

    Use a custom docker image for tests

    For each PR tests job, most of the time is taken by LateX installation. For instance, it takes about 2m40s to install it against 30s to run tests.

    Maybe should we investigate the creation of a custom Docker image with LaTeX preinstalled. If so, I would be in favor of using a Debian-based light distribution, but I am open to any distribution as soon as tests are passing as-is (e.g: no modifications to be done on the source code).

    opened by BoboTiG 22
  • [EN] Discover unhandled templates

    [EN] Discover unhandled templates

    I added some code at the end of the english last_template_handler in order to log the templates that are rendered by default. To limit the number of templates, I print only templates with more than 2 parts and with data, especially if nocat is not the only data

    The code and the result is available here: First file is the code. Second file is the template name and the number of hits : it gives a sense of the impact if the support for a template is handled Third file is the full list, convenient to find one or more examples of the template used on wiktionary.

    I discovered a couple of templates that should be ignored: and many others that needs to be implemented...

    I was not sure where to put this, so I open an issue. Please, let me know if it's not the right place.

    opened by lasconic 22
  • utils: <math> formulas rendered to SVGs without using LaTeX tools

    utils: formulas rendered to SVGs without using LaTeX tools

    Fixes #1427. Fixes #1198. Closes #1209.

    Tests to pass before merging (the rendering is good, but not the display):

    • [x] $ python -m wikidict fr --gen-dict "cercle unité" --output issue-1427
    • [x] $ python -m wikidict en --gen-dict "Wallis product,primitive recursion,Horner's rule" --output issue-1427
    opened by BoboTiG 21
  • Rendering errors (<chem> and <math>)

    Rendering errors ( and )

    Note from @BoboTiG: issue tightly coupled to #1183, interesting details can be found there too.

    I did a fresh download and render of the EN wiktionary today, and got the following errors:

    >>> Loading data/en/data_wikicode-20220120.json ...
    >>> Loaded 1,038,672 words from data/en/data_wikicode-20220120.json
    <chem> ERROR with ^-N=\overset{+}N=N^- in [azide]
    <math> ERROR with \begin{align}\frac{\pi}{2} & = \prod_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{ 4n^2 }{ 4n^2 - 1 } = \prod_{n=1}^{\infty} \left(\frac{2n}{2n-1} \cdot \frac{2n}{2n+1}\right) \\[6pt]& = \Big(\frac{2}{1} \cdot \frac{2}{3}\Big) \cdot \Big(\frac{4}{3} \cdot \frac{4}{5}\Big) \cdot \Big(\frac{6}{5} \cdot \frac{6}{7}\Big) \cdot \Big(\frac{8}{7} \cdot \frac{8}{9}\Big) \cdot \; \cdots \\\end{align} in [Wallis product]
    <math> ERROR with \begin{align}a_0 &+ a_1x + a_2x^2 + a_3x^3 + \cdots + a_nx^n \\ &= a_0 + x \bigg(a_1 + x \Big(a_2 + x \big(a_3 + \cdots + x(a_{n-1} + x \, a_n) \cdots \big) \Big) \bigg).\end{align} in [Horner's rule]
    <math> ERROR with \frac = \frac in [circle of Apollonius]
    <math> ERROR with \begin{align}\rho(g, h) (0,x_1,\ldots,x_k) &= g(x_1,\ldots,x_k) \\\rho(g, h) (y+1,x_1,\ldots,x_k) &= h(y,\rho(g, h) (y,x_1,\ldots,x_k),x_1,\ldots,x_k)\,\end{align} in [primitive recursion]
    >>> Saved 697,169 words into data/en/data-20220120.json
    >>> Render done!
    opened by Moonbase59 19
  • [FR] Handle

    [FR] Handle "équiv-pour" additionnal arguments

    • Wiktionary page:


    {{équiv-pour|une femme|chercheuse|chercheure|langue=fr|2egenre=un homme|2egenre1=chercheur}}


    <i>(pour une femme, on peut dire</i>&nbsp: chercheuse, chercheure<i>)</i>


    <i>(pour une femme, on peut dire</i>&nbsp: chercheuse, chercheure<i>&nbsp; <i>pour un homme, on dit<i>&nbsp: chercheur<i>)</i>

    Model link, if any:

    opened by BoboTiG 0
  • [FR] Add

    [FR] Add "siècle2" HTML filter

    • Wiktionary page:
    • Model link, if any:
    $ python -m wikidict fr --check-word "tō-on"
    opened by BoboTiG 0
  • [FR] Adapt

    [FR] Adapt "composé de" output

    • Wiktionary page:


    {{composé de|lang=fr|hexa-|-valent|m=1}}


    Composé de <i>hexa-</i> et de <i>-valent</i>


    Dérivé du préfix <i>hexa-</i>, avec le suffixe <i>-valent</i>

    Model link, if any:

    opened by BoboTiG 2
  • [CA] Improve 'etim-lang' support

    [CA] Improve 'etim-lang' support

    • Wiktionary page:




    Del grec antic <i>φαιός</i> («gris»)


    Del grec antic <i>φαιός</i> (<i>phaiós</i>, «gris»)

    Model link, if any:

    opened by BoboTiG 1
  • [EL] missing αγγειοχειρουργός

    [EL] missing αγγειοχειρουργός

    • Wiktionary page:


    '''{{PAGENAME}}''' {{αθ}}
    * {{ετ|ιατρική}} ο [[χειρουργός]] που ειδικεύεται στην αποκατάσταση βλαβών στα αιμοφόρα [[αγγείο|αγγεία]]
    *: {{μορφ}} [[αγγειοχειρούργος]]


    αγγειοχειρουργός el '<i>αρσενικό ή θηλυκό</i>.'
    '<b>αγγειοχειρουργός</b> < <i>(Π)</i> + χειρουργός'


    αγγειοχειρουργός αρσενικό ή θηλυκό
    (ιατρική) ο χειρουργός που ειδικεύεται στην αποκατάσταση βλαβών στα αιμοφόρα αγγεία
    άλλες μορφές: αγγειοχειρούργος

    Model link, if any:

    I guess the {{μορφ}} template can be resolved via

        if tpl == "μορφ":
            phrase = "άλλες μορφές"
            if not data["0"]:
                phrase += ":"
            return phrase

    Not sure how to resolve the other issues or whether on should expect pronunciation data to be included too.

    opened by chopinesque 24
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