Source code for our paper "Empathetic Response Generation with State Management"


Source code for our paper "Empathetic Response Generation with State Management"

this repository is maintained by both Jun Gao and Yuhan Liu

Model Overview


Environment Requirement

  • pytorch >= 1.4
  • sklearn
  • nltk
  • numpy
  • bert-score


you can directly use the processed dataset located in data/empathetic:

├── data
│   ├── empathetic
│   │   ├── parsed_emotion_Ekman_intent_test.json
│   │   ├── parsed_emotion_Ekman_intent_train.json
│   │   ├── parsed_emotion_Ekman_intent_valid.json
│   │   ├── emotion_intent_trans.mat
│   │   ├── goEmotion_emotion_trans.mat

Or you want to reproduce the data annotated with goEmotion emotion classifier and empathetic intent classifier, you can run the command:

  • convert raw csv empathetic dialogue data into json format. (origin dataset link: EmpatheticDialogues)

  • train emotion classfier with goEmotion dataset and annotate (origin dataset link: goEmotion). Here $BERT_DIR is your pretrained BERT model directory which includes vocab.txt, config.json and pytorch_model.bin, here we simply use bert-base-en from Hugginface

    bash ./bash/  $BERT_DIR 32 0.00005 16 3 1024 2 0.1
  • train intent classfier with empathetic intent dataset and annotate (origin dataset link: Empathetic_Intent)

    bash ./bash/  $BERT_DIR 32 0.00005 16 3 1024 2 0.1
  • build prior emotion-emotion and emotion-intent transition matrix

    bash ./bash/


For training the LM-based model, you need to download bert-base-en and gpt2-small from Hugginface first, then run the following command. Here $GPT_DIR and $BERT_DIR are the downloaded model directory:

bash ./bash/ --gpt_path $GPT_DIR --bert_path $BERT_DIR --gpu_id 2 --epoch 5 --lr_NLU 0.00003 --lr_NLG 0.00008 --bsz_NLU 16 --bsz_NLG 16

for example:

bash ./bash/ --gpt_path /home/liuyuhan/datasets/gpt2-small --bert_path /home/liuyuhan/datasets/bert-base-en bert-base-en --gpu_id 2 --epoch 5 --lr_NLU 0.00003 --lr_NLG 0.00008 --bsz_NLU 16 --bsz_NLG 16

For training the Trs-based model, we use glove.6B.300d as the pretrained word embeddings. You can run the following command to train model. Here $GLOVE is the glove embedding txt file.

bash ./bash/ --gpu_id 2 --epoch 15 --lr_NLU 0.00007 --lr_NLG 0.0015 --bsz_NLU 16 --bsz_NLG 16 --glove $GLOVE

for example:

bash ./bash/ --gpu_id 2 --epoch 15 --lr_NLU 0.00007 --lr_NLG 0.0015 --bsz_NLU 16 --bsz_NLG 16 --glove /home/liuyuhan/datasets/glove/glove.6B.300d.txt


To generate the automatic metric results, firstly you need to make sure that bert-score is successfully installed. In our paper, we use roberta-large-en rescaled with baseline to calculate BERTScore. You can download roberta-large-en from Hugginface. For the rescaled_baseline file, we can download it from here and put it under the roberta-large-en model directory.

Then you can run the following command to get the result, here $hypothesis and $reference are the generated response file and ground-truth response file. $result is the output result file. $ROBERTA_DIR is the downloaded roberta-large-en model directory.

To evaluate LM-based model, the command is:

bash ./bash/ --hyp $hypothesis --ref ./data/empathetic/ref.txt --out $result --bert $ROBERTA_DIR --gpu_id 0 --mode LM

To evaluate Trs-based model, the command is:

bash ./bash/ --hyp $hypothesis --ref ./data/empathetic/ref_tokenize.txt --out $result --bert $ROBERTA_DIR --gpu_id 0 --mode Trs
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